1600-Word Essays about Business & Management

A 1600-word essay about business, management, or marketing will usually require a lot of effort. You’ll have to conduct research and study reliable sources on the topic. A text of such a length is more like a research or term paper than just an essay. That’s why the key to success when you’re writing a 1600 words paper is an original thesis statement and a well-thought-out structure.

You can write a 1600-word essay about business and management in many subdisciplines. For example, recognizable brands, company information, entrepreneurship, globalization, or managerial duties. We wish you good luck with your assignment! Take a look at 1600 words essay examples on this page to get inspired.

Employee Management

Coaching Guide for Budco Financial

Introduction Employees are the most significant asset for every business because individuals determine whether the stipulated objectives can be achieved. That is why organizations do their best to prove that their workforce members meet the highest standards of professional behavior. This statement denotes that managers and administrators frequently develop specific...

Employee Management

Personal Security in an Enterprise

Introduction Security is an essential feature in any organization since it leads to the provision of safety and prevention of personal or group liabilities. In the internal structure of an organization, managers have a role in having security information supplemented by intelligence within the workplace. Therefore, the position of a...

Employee Management

Leakey’s Children Facility’s Strategic Human Resource Plan

Introduction Businesses have incorporated human resource management in their daily operations to ensure they meet their objectives and remain committed to their mission and vision. Enough labor supply eliminates the exploitation of the current labor force by providing that each person in an organization understands their responsibilities in the market....

Company Analysis

VeggiTech Company Aim Analysis

Introduction To date, the main problem of the region is drought. VeggiTech aims to address a range of issues faced by arid and semi-arid regions. For a long time, the UAE and neighboring countries have been importing food, but with the advent of technology, things are changing for the better....

1600 Word Essay FAQ

A 1600-word essay about business and management can be written on many topics. The exact format depends on the requirements. You should consult with your teacher to understand what is required in your particular case.

The first thing you should do to write a 1600-word essay is to choose a topic. You’ll have to spend some time researching, writing, and editing. That’s why it is worth choosing a topic that inspires you. A good 1600-word essay about business, management, or marketing should feature a solid outline, a clear thesis statement, and a bibliography. Please pay special attention to your sources’ relevance: they must be up-to-date.

Business, management, and marketing are inspiring topics to write about. However, working on a 1600-word essay on business will require some effort from your side. You’ll also have to spend time formatting and editing your paper, as well as preparing graphic materials. You’ll need about 5 hours and 20 minutes to write 1600 words.

A 1600-word assignment, be it about business, management, marketing, or other topic, usually contains 11 to 12 paragraphs. This rough estimate implies that a typical paragraph in academic writing includes 100 to 150 words.

Employee Management

Employee Dismissal: Planning, Procedure, and Compensation Payment

Personnel layoffs are a problematic chore that some business managers regard as challenging to perform, but circumstances always force them. Consequently, terminating a member of staff who has never had any issues with the manager may appear to be too difficult. Nonetheless, due to circumstances, one is sometimes obliged to...

Company Analysis

Analysis of the General Environment of IKEA Company

Summary IKEA is an international company that deals with the sales of furniture. It was founded in Sweden, and its headquarters is in the Netherlands. The firm designs and sells kitchen appliances provide home services, and assembles furniture products. The organization is one of the largest furniture retailers in the...

Employee Management

An Employer of Choice: What Does It Mean?

Nowadays, almost every company must survive in a competitive environment and fight for its place in the sun. While many people might consider the core of any company its executives and managers, the true driving force of any business is its staff. Only employees can make any business a benchmark...

Strategic Management

External and Internal Environments Assignment

Building a sustainable development model requires a careful assessment of the conditions that affect the operational process and market success. By using the Coca-Cola Company as an example of a global business, the key segments of the general environment and the main forces of competition will be reviewed. Strengths, weaknesses,...

Employee Management

Human Resource Management and Its Current Trends

Introduction The human resources (HR) manager is responsible for staffing: searching and selecting people who are fit to become a company’s new employees. Thus, they create a strategy for staffing and search employees based on it. In addition, HRs manage existing company’s human resources, for example, the employee’s benefit-providing systems....

Company Analysis

Tesco PLC: Investment Analysis

Introduction Tesco plc is one of the largest retail chains in the UK. However, the company is multinational, with subsidiaries and investments all over the world. The attractiveness of stocks to investors is always a multi-criteria and complex issue, even when it comes to market leaders. Retail is filled with...

Employee Management

Human Capital Management for People with Disabilities

When managing human resources (HR) at an organization, HR managers must comply with accurate, legally feasible, and ethical policies. From the moment when an employee is recruited and throughout their career path in the organization, their performance, position changes, responsibilities, promotion, payment, and termination are guided by the HR policies....


Diggins-Reinholdt Plastics Inc.’s Organisation Change

Description The work of the lead manager of an enterprise is associated with change. It can take place in different areas of the firm’s activities. Due to the changes, the manager improves the management of the enterprise. Any changes are related to the development and improvement of the firm’s activities....

Business Ethics

The Role of Consumers in Promoting Fashion Garment Industry Ethics

Introduction One of the main challenges that face the fashion garment industry is sustainability and this is because its products are in high demand and attract high amounts of profit. The growth of the internet and social media spreads fast, and consumers are more conversant with ethical fashion issues. However,...

Impact of Business Issues

Impact of Current Affairs on Business Environment

Introduction The modern world passes through a difficult period characterized by the strong influence of several factors. First, the Covid-19 pandemic affects all spheres of human lives and activities. People have to adapt to new conditions and follow guidelines to avoid further deterioration of the problem. Second, global intercourse is...


Toyota Analysis of Targeted Market

Introduction The current crisis of Toyota motors which was until 2009 the leading brand in the world of automotive business has been an imperative lesson for other brands in the market within the automotive industry and outside the industry. The failures of one of the brand leaders in the market...

Employee Management

VUCA: The Strategic Role of HRM

Abstract The VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity) business environment is characterized by fast changes, the focus on diverse employees, and the challenge of working with unpredictable and demanding customers. The purpose of this paper is to analyze a specific strategic role of human resource management (HRM) in generating a...


Methodology of the Yield Management

Summary Yield management is a technique that enables companies to understand and predict the behavior of customers in order to increase revenues (Jagels, 2006, p. 282). This method has been widely used in the hospitality industry (Reid & Bojanic, 2009, p. 13). This research is aimed at examining the use...

Decision Making

Heller Financial: Case Study

Introduction It is apparent that the demand for efficient risk management tools is increasing in the contemporary business sphere (Gatzert & Martin, 2015). Numerous companies face various risks that have an adverse potential for decreasing the company’s profitability (Bromiley, McShane, Nair, & Rustambekov, 2015). One of the most recognized approaches...

Decision Making

German Insurance Industry: A Case Study

Introduction It could be hardly denied that risk is an inevitable factor for every company operating in nearly every sphere of business. There are numerous interpretations of the concept of risk, which makes it significantly difficult to develop a universal definition of it. However, for this research, three primary characteristics...


Technological Unemployment on the Example of BMW

Company Description The company chosen for the scenario is the BMW group. It is a giant multinational corporation that has its offices and facilities in numerous regions all over the world. It is headquartered in Munich, Bayern. BMW is a profit organization working in the heavy industry sector. At the...


XYZ Company’s Marketing in Asia

Introduction The global market has increasingly become competitive as firms struggle to find new markets for their products. Firms have realized that the only way of remaining competitive is by venturing into new markets around the world. XYZ Company has managed to grow in the local market given that it...

Company Analysis

Business Environment Analysis of Ford Motor Company

Business environment analysis takes into account the market and nonmarket factors that affect the performance of an organization. The results of the process can be used to establish appropriate business strategies that are important for competitive advantage. It also enables an organization to identify areas of improvement to ensure increased...

Leadership Styles

Transformational and Transactional Leadership Styles

Introduction The ever-changing business environment has compelled organizations to change the way business is done to stay relevant and compete successfully. While in the past, managers simply maintained the status quo and still managed to get things done, the contemporary competitive business setup needs a radical approach if success has...

Corporate Culture

Creating a Culture of Work

The creation of a culture of work involves a change in an organization. Change in a corporation may vary from simple day-to-day operations to major revolutionary changes (Michalak, 2010). Revolutionary changes in an organization according to Smith may include amalgamations and procurements, company expansion, cultural changes, and reorganization of structural...

Case Studies

Knowledge Audit on Ting Shao Kuang Art Gallery

Overview and Statement of Reference The organization selected for the Knowledge Audit is a fine art gallery called Ting Shao Kuang Art Center that belongs to a chain of galleries established at the International Centre. Representing the subsidiary in Hong Kong, our sales representatives offer original sculptures, paintings, and serigraphs...


Starbucks and Amazon: The Organizational Development Design

Etzion explained that organizations have a choice of three types of power in the compliance theory. Firms can employ force/ coercive power to influence their employees but this alienates workers. Such strategies are common in the military or penitentiary institutions. Sometimes companies can rely on utilitarian power where they attempt...


The Coca Cola Company: Organizational Systems Design

Organizational system design refers to the hierarchical arrangement of the company’s authority system. Different organizations use differing structures to define duties, roles and responsibility as well as communication patterns. Organizational structure is a key contributor to the overall success of a company (Bryan & Joyce, 2007). They argue that a...


Ricardian and Heckscher-Ohlin Models of International Trade

This piece of essay contains discussions about the following: Rucardian model of international trade, assumptions of the model, and the model’s view of the gains from free trade and the determinants of the relative extent of the gains. Discuss about Heckscher-Ohlin model of trade, assumptions of the model, what determines...

Company Analysis

Ford Motor Company: Globalization and Organizational Structure

Modern multicultural corporations are complex, massive, dynamic organizational systems that are often influenced by organizational design hampering innovation and complicating the penetration of new resources for gaining profits. Therefore, an advanced organizational design should be introduced to fit the challenges of an external business environment. Holistic thinking, cultural diversity management,...


Innovation Management and Its Impact on Organizational Performance

Introduction Innovation management reflects organization’s readiness to face challenges and propose viable solutions to overcome those. However, unlike change management, innovation techniques are much more specialized and require a variety of transitions and shifts that should be initiated in an organization. In this respect, any reengineering processes should follow the...


Internal and External Environments in Organizations

Introduction Organizations today face major challenges in maintaining their commercial success in order to ensure their survival. This holds true for both small and large organizations as the market becomes increasingly competitive. Success is therefore pegged on a keen understanding of the internal and external influences that affect the organization....

Business Critique

Benetton Company’s Business Ethics Issues

The description of the event or story Benetton is an apparel company with a global presence in more than 120 countries. The corporation uses mega stores to provide high quality services for their clientele. This helps the company to generate revenue of two billion Euros annually. Some of the well...

Strategic Marketing

Standard Chartered Bank’s Strategic Marketing

Introduction Strategic marketing is the “management function responsible for identifying, anticipating and satisfying customer requirements profitably” (Loudon, Stevens, & Wrenn, 2004, p. 21). The focus of strategic marketing is to address marketing complexities, customers’ expectations, as well as, to align the business to changes in the market. Strategic marketing enables...

Risk Management

Risk Management Role in Managing Projects

Introduction Background of the study The world today is uncertain. Some of these uncertainties pose very great risks that affect our ability to achieve our goals and objectives efficiently. Since projects are intimately associated with goals and objectives, efficient and effective management of risk is a very crucial factor for...


Economic Impact of Professional Sports

The economic impact of professional sports Sports are a good means of creating a distraction away from stressful aspects of our lives. Sporting events have their own roles in different cultures and have a way of bringing the people together. Advertisers and sponsors have seen this as an opportunity to...

Leadership Styles

Leadership Assignment: An Interview of Rosalind Lett

Introduction This paper discusses Rosalind Lett’s leadership qualities and how those qualities have made her be an effective leader. The Leadership Experience of Rosalind Lett Rosalind Lett is an individual with many years of leadership experience because she has worked in various libraries and organizations as a leader (Ortiz, 2011)....


Atek Company and Project Management Office

Changes in AtekPC’s Business Environment That Caused the Company to Introduce a PMO The business environment of personal computers has experienced a number of changes that have affected players in this industry. Priority of the consumers is shifting from personal computers to smartphones and PDAs. According to Tonnquist (2009), the...

Management Theories

Strategic Management Theory

Abstract Most management theories are based on certain ground rules about organizational structure. The importance of strategy in business cannot be overemphasized; an organization needs clear objectives, both in the short-term and long-term, to remain competitive. In this paper, the constructs and variables of Ansoff’s strategic management theory are analyzed....

Corporate Culture

Organizational Culture Aspects: LPA Ship Repair Company

Elements of a strong culture According to Dunbar and Starbuck (2006), organisations have their embedded cultures, which are classified into strong and weak cultures. Linnenluecke and Griffiths (2010) agree with Dunbar and Starbuck (2006) that most often, strong organisational cultures serve as substitutes to the formal way of doing things...

Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance Role in Reassuring Investors in Saudi Arabia

Introduction For many years, Saudi Arabia has been relying on revenues from oil. The Kingdom has had plans to reduce its over dependence on crude oil. The plans have been catalysed by the slide of about 50% in oil prices (Capital Markets, n.d.). As a result, there is urgency to...

Case Studies

The Phenomenon of Insider Action Research

Introduction Insider action research (IAR) is different from other forms of action research (AR) mostly due to the fact that the line between the researcher and the researched is particularly slight in this case. This specific condition grants IAR a number of benefits and also promises certain disadvantages. This review...

Company Information

Job and Training Needs Assessment

Introduction As part of the job and training needs assessment, the company chosen is Rolling Technologies, based in United Kingdom. The job analyzed is total quality management. The head of this section is the total quality manager. For the purpose of this paper, the title of the job will be...

Business Ethics

Business Management: Evaluate Ethical Behavior

Introduction Ethics is an important element of business management. It enables managers to make decisions or take actions that benefit all the stakeholders of their companies. However, maintaining high ethical standards is often difficult due to the social, political, and economic challenges that managers have to deal with when making...

Organizational Planning

The Scope and Value of a Business Plan

A business plan outlines the future formal description an entrepreneurial organization. It is usually written down and formalized to all the stakeholders of the business organization. Also, the plan is the statement that outlines the goals, plans laid down to make sure they are attained clearly, and reasons why the...

Business Ethics

Ethical Perspectives on Social Responsibility

Social responsibility is a management model that requires organizations to adopt socially responsible behaviors by abstaining from socially harmful actions, or contributing to socially beneficial activities (Hopkins, 2012). This philosophy departs from the idea that most companies do business to maximize profits (only). The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) says...


Understanding Human Competence at Work: Article Critique

Study Purpose and Objectives With the increase of attention to understanding the concept of human competence in an organisational setting, Jorgen Sandberg (2000) aimed to answer a question of “what constitutes human competence at work?” (p. 9). With the help of introducing an interpretative approach as an alternative to the...

Employee Management

“Understanding Human Competence at Work: An Interpretive Approach” – Article Review

Introduction In the article “Understanding Human Competence at Work: An Interpretive Approach”, Jorgen Sandberg uses an interpretive approach known as phenomenography with the view to examining what constitutes competence in work settings. The concept of competence, according to Jorgen, warrants further exploration due to its association with organisational viability and...


The Online Shopping Environments

Online and offline behaviours showed by consumers have varied significantly in the last few decades (Lee & Cheng 2009). The Effectiveness of Customized Promotions in Online and Offline Stores explores the usefulness of customized campaigns with the aim of understanding the consumer behaviours (Jie & Michel 2009). The findings indicate...

Employee Management

Strategies for Managing Human Resource Diversity

Introduction The promotion of diversity in organizations has been one of the major tasks for business administrators who may represent various industries. This goal is essential for improving the cooperation between employees, minimizing conflicts, and protecting the reputation of companies. Overall, researchers offer different guidelines that can be useful for...

Corporate Governance

Responsible Leadership for Builds Teamwork

Introduction Leadership promotes the unity of direction. Every leader whether born or made has to discover that people entrust him or her with such authority not to misuse it but to bring them together. Leadership has evolved over the centuries. The current century writers, analysts, and researchers would like to...

Strategic Management

The Gap Analysis Model

Introduction Many firms struggle to start and establish business with continued growth in the market. The strategic departments must realize and successfully use the gap analysis tool to grow the organization. It should be a continuous process that allows the organization to gauge its current status versus its desired one....

Employee Management

Swire Firm’s Employee Management Development Program

Background Swire is one of the largest European oil and gas companies. It has established a training and management development program to sustain growth and competitiveness. The company has outlets in China, Hong Kong, the United States, and England. Some of its subsidiaries deal with offshore operations, oilfield services and...


International Economics. Neoclassical Trade Theory

Opening the U.S. to International Trade Opening of the United States to international trade has provided a lasting welfare-enhancing impact on its citizens and growth of its economy. According to Appleyard, Cobb and Field (2014), each country is uniquely endowed, and for this reason, it is necessary to maintain trade...


International Economics. Classical Theory of Trade

Introduction Trade is one of the activities that foster the growth of the human society. Since the time immemorial, people have used various trade systems with an aim of exchanging surplus commodities amongst localities. This essay discusses the classical theory of trade with respect to Ricardian comparative advantage and influence...


Abercrombie & Fitch Company’s Target Market

History Background of Abercrombie & Fitch Abercrombie & Fitch is a major American clothing retailer that was founded in 1892 in the city of New York. This firm gave special focus to casual clothing for the youth, especially those aged between 12 to 22 years. According to McBride (57), this...

Employee Management

Entertainment in the Workplace & Employee Productivity

Introduction Clinical studies may be grouped into different categories, such as experiments, surveys, and observational research. Nevertheless, the researcher must meticulously plan to accomplish the goal of each research. Various elements determine the development of an excellent study. The research must identify and define an operational research problem. A clear...

Employee Management

Employee Training Programs and Handbooks

Training Programs for new employees Research has shown that a large number of current organisations have excellent procedures for recruiting and selecting employees (Grossman & Salas, 2011). Nevertheless, they do not have an organised system through which they can offer continuous training to their workforce in order to enhance competence....

Risk Management

Effective Enterprise Risk Management Practices

Introduction The modern business environment has become very intricate over the past few years, and this trend has increased the degree of risks in running companies. The degree of complexity within the business environment has been prompted by a multitude of factors such as economic, technological, global politics, and an...

Global Scale Management

McDonald’s and KFC Firms’ Internationalisation

Introduction The onset of globalisation compelled many companies in the local markets to establish business in foreign markets. Globalisation refers to the process of integrating people, governments, and organisations across the globe. It has resulted in easing communication due to the recent past immense development in telephony and internet technologies....

Leadership Styles

Strategic Leadership at Nissan and Costco

There are three popular types of leadership in the business world. They include visionary leadership, managerial leadership, and strategic leadership. Briefly, it is important to note that managerial leaders concentrate more on the daily activities of the firms they lead, and as such, may not have a future vision for...


Argentina’s Expansionary Monetary Policies

Introduction Expansionary monetary policies have been extensively used by governments for combatting inflation and encouraging economic growth, although the case of Argentina in the 1990s shows that not all countries can benefit from them. To deal with the decline of the economy in the 1970-the 80s, the country adopted a...

Case Studies

Asda Stores Limited Company’s Management Issues

Abstract Being a grocery store focusing on the needs of blue-collar (poor) customers, ASDA upper management has initiated several structural changes to attract upscale (wealthier) consumers. However, because of implementing the poorly developed strategies, the network not only lost most of the blue-collar clients but also found itself in a...


Agricultural Subsidies’ Effect on the World Economy

Agricultural Subsidies It is a fact that resources are not equally distributed among nations. Some countries experience economic growth, while others have their citizens suffer from the lack of food, water, housing, and other necessary goods. The modern trend of globalization pushes many nations to interfere with each other in...

Company Analysis

Procter & Gamble Company: Company Analysis

Underlying competition in the hair care market with well-established brands (including L’Oréal, Unilever, etc.) At present, Procter & Gamble Company is experiencing growing competition in a number of specific industries related to beauty and personal care. In particular, the value of the company in the hair care products industry is...


The Modern Oil Market Analysis

The modern oil market is facing various challenges, and oil companies are seeking new ways to address the issues occurring. The acquisition is often regarded as one of the most effective methods to improve a company’s position in the market. The focus of this study is the risk management and...

Leadership Styles

Groupthink: Literature Review

Introduction Groupthink is one of the most critical aspects, which occurs due to the inability to depict the rising conformity in the organization and the lack of desire to disturb the friendly atmosphere. Meanwhile, groupthink is one of the adverse psychological phenomena, as it tends to lead to wrongful decision-making...

Decision Making

Leavitt and Janis’ Theories

The utilization of the groups is of the most critical aspects of the functioning of the organization, and the necessity of groups for system thinking was highlighted by a substantial number of the researchers. Leavitt viewed that the small groups have to be constructed due to the natural flow of...


Analyzing Managerial Decision-Making Across Different Market Structures

In making different managerial decisions, organizations usually consider varied factors, which fit well to the current position of the organization and do not jeopardize its position in the future. Among the most important factors that an organization may consider is the market structure in which it operates. However, the decisions...

Employee Management

Job Analysis Project: Human Resource Recruitment and Selection

Business organizations, as well as non-profit organizations, exist because they have got desired goals and objectives to achieve. In essence, organizations are a means to a certain desired end, that is, the achievement of their goals and objectives. Realization of organizational goals and objectives requires a collection of resources. These...

Financial Management

Interpreting Accounting Information for Decision Making

Introduction The role of a financial manager in any company can be discussed as important to influence a firm’s development, profitability, and position in the market. While being responsible for managing finance of a company, a financial manager conducts the analysis of a current situation, makes significant decisions, and determines...

Global Scale Management

Exploring Drivers and Constrains of Training in Fostering Learning Culture and Innovation

Creating opportunities for the further enhancement of cross-cultural communication and the active promotion of innovation is a crucial step in promoting the further economic and social development not only in the environment of a specific state but also on the global level. Herein the significance of placing the research in...


Manufacturing Trends in the United States

Introduction It is important to note that the United States possesses one of the strongest manufacturing sectors in the world; in 2015, the manufacturers alone have contributed above two trillion US dollars to the economy, allowing the industry to experience incredible growth, and become more capable of contending internationally. Consequently,...

Organizational Management

Group Support Systems in Organizational Meetings

A Tale of Two Cities: Case Studies of GSS Transition in Two Organizations by Andres Agres, Gert-Jan de Vreede and Robert O. Briggs This article is a piece of research carried out in two different cities; one in Rotterdam and the other in The Hague. In both places, behavioral patterns...


An overview of the Current State of the US Economy

The current state of the US economy is taking a diving move due to the financial and economic crisis. The present administration came into supremacy with a lot of optimism from the American people when President Obama staged his campaign with a promise of change, but there has been no...


Teamwork and Differences Between Organization: Comparative Analysis

Introduction In the contemporary world, organizations have changed tremendously and appreciated the need for placing emphasis on their respective structures, designs and cultures. Besides, there has been apparent need to recognize teams and team working within the context of organizations. Although the concept of team working is not necessarily new,...

Business Ethics

Triple Bottom Line Overview and Analysis

The business world is characterized by a wide-scale discussion of ethical issues and the concept of responsibility. Businesses now strive to become corporate citizens that follow the principles of sustainability (Schwab, 2008). Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has become a norm or rather a goal to reach. Scholars and practitioners have...

Case Studies

Blue Cloud Company’s Change Implementation Process

Introduction Project management is the field that undergoes a number of changes and improvements regularly. This paper introduces the analysis of Blue Cloud Company and the implementation change process its employees have to be involved in. Scrum is defined as the chosen agile method based on 12 principles developed by...


The Current State of the US Economy

The current state of the US economy does not meet the expectation of many citizens. There was a lot of optimism when president Obama came into power in 2009 but there has been no significant change according to various economic indicators. According to the Bureau of Economic Analysis estimates, the...


The John Fisher Change Model: “Goofing” Case Study

Change Management Theories Change management theories are developed to explain transitional processes in organizations. In the context of this paper, the John Fisher change model explains the resistance of organizational transitions in the “goofing” case study. This theory explains that employees follow eight stages when confronted with organizational shifts: anxiety...

Strategic Management

Tough Economic Climate: Project Procurement’s Added Contribution

Project procurement managers can point out the importance of their projects and defend them against budget cuts (Stover 2009). Proper records of performance benchmarks and projections would play an important role. They validate future return on investment, which would be an innovative preparation by a company for the period after...


Total Quality Management Implementation in Organizations

Introduction Total quality management is defined as; the approach used by management to improve the quality of production and the organization’s performance to fit the needs of its customers. Quality management in this case is inclusive of all the elements of the organization related to the development, improvement, and maintenance...

Risk Management

Enterprise Risk Management: Future Tendencies and Expectations

Introduction The realm of the global economy poses a range of challenges to companies entering it, primarily due to intense competition between corporations that are attempting at monopolizing a particular market niche. In the context of the specified environment, financial risks are not simply probable, but nearly unavoidable, hence the...

Corporate Governance

Business With Italy: Cultural Issues and Challenges

Introduction Culture can be defined as the collective systems of beliefs, attitudes, knowledge experience, way of religion and behavior. Culture can also be defined as the way a members of a group of people live with each other in their environment. It entails norms, beliefs, and taboos of a given...


Marketing: IPAD’s Value Proposition

Introduction A value proposition is an offer that gives measurable benefits to either an individual or a given organization and provides a promise to be fulfilled. Its concern is mostly based on reviewing, then analyzing costs that occurred and the benefits expected or the value they can offer their customers,...


Performance Management System Development For an Organization

Introduction Performance management is a plan of action that originated from North Carolina. It requires an organisation to have operative performance management system. As a generic phrase, performance management system may mean effectively utilizing interconnected strategies and events to advance the performance of various individuals, organisations and teams. A successful...


Supply Chain Management Strategy: Theoretical Aspects

Background Supply chain management refers to all the activities and processes that are involved in the production of a good or service to satisfy the customer. The supply chain process involves various activities such as sourcing raw materials, storage, keeping inventories/records, and transportation of the finished goods to the final...


Enhancing Marketing Concepts of Construction Firms

Abstract The marketing of construction companies has evolved. Even though still facing numerous difficulties due to historical aspects of the industry, the changing business environment means that an option of avoiding marketing is detrimental to the growth of the industry. It is also observed that the image of the employees...


Regional Innovation Economics and Its Actors

Introduction Economical innovation on different levels has become a subject for discussion lately. The importance of this phenomenon is hard to overestimate; while the economy of every country is constantly developing, innovation is one of the main processes which signal this development. Some of the branches may need more time...


Marginal Analysis: Optimal Decisions and Estimation Techniques

Introduction Speaking on the issue of the marginal analysis, it is necessary to point out that it is frequently used in both the microeconomic and macroeconomic theory to evaluate the marginal change in any economic variable. The economic variable is usually regarded as a quantity of a well produced or...


Bank Loyalty in Greece from a Customer’s View

Introduction According to most recent statistical data, the level of bank and customer loyalty in Greece has drastically dropped over the course of the last ten years (Mikopoulos, 2008, p 24). In part, this can be ascribed to the advent of new banking institutions and the increase in competition. In...

Company Analysis

Marks & Spencer Company’s Marketing Strategy

Introduction Marks & Spenser is a well-establish brand known worldwide. It is one of the largest retailers in the UK with a revenue of over 10bn and net income of 486.50m (Marks and Spencer Group PLC 2016). The company is facing certain constraints as it lost more than 7% of...

Company Analysis

American Airlines’ Environment and Strategies

The airline business needs to consider many things to be successful. It is not only the pricing policy or the destination offerings that make an excellent service. The world is changing rapidly, and airline companies must pay attention to modern trends to keep their customers loyal. American Airlines is one...


The Meaning of Strategy in Human Resource Management

Introduction Human resource management (HRM) is regarded as one of the most important departments in any organization. It plays an imperative role in improving the performance of an organization as well as setting a foundation for its future success. This report reflects on my learning experiences on strategic HRM and...

Employee Management

Human Resources Policies and Procedures

Introduction HRM is one of the critical attributes, which defines the company’s success (Aslam, Alsam, Ali, & Nahib, 2013). Nowadays, this department not only helps distribute and train human resources effectively but also enhances the organizational strategy (Aslam et al., 2013). The local acute hospital does not underestimate the significance...

Employee Management

Organizational Learning Theory

Introduction An organization is a group of people who work together with coordinated efforts to achieve certain objectives or goals. Organizational goals and objectives are of various categories, and it is this variation of goals and objectives which classify organizations into three main categories, namely profit-making, service-based, and social responsibility...

Employee Management

Recruitment Process: Current Trends

Introduction Recruitment is one of the most important activities of the human resource department in every organization. It involves the process of searching and enlisting potential employees with the necessary skills, knowledge, experience, and other essential competencies. Recruitment can be done internally or externally. The importance of this activity to...

Company Analysis

Starbucks Company’ Decline and Change Management

Introduction: Starbucks’ Transformation and the Company’s New Challenges Starbucks is one of those companies that need no introductions. Having been established in the global market for several years, entrepreneurship has had rather extensive experience in the global market. With a rich history of operating in the environment of the global...


Forecasting Methods in Operations Management

Introduction Successful firms in the current competitive business environment have learnt the art operation management forecasting. According to Stevenson (2015), for a firm to succeed in the current market, its management must be in a position to predict the future in order to make an informed decision on issues such...


Performance Management Significance and Tools

Introduction Generally, businesses are run and directed by individuals. It is through these individuals that targets are set and objectives attained. Therefore, the performance of any business entity depends on the aggregate performance of its workforce. The success of a business entity will thus depend upon its ability to accurately...


Organizational Change: Strategy, Structure and Culture

Describe the relationship between an organization’s strategy, structure, and culture. Why do organizations have to change? Where would you start if you had to change the organization at Wal-Mart or any other big organization? What are some of the barriers to change that you might encounter? How would you overcome...


The Role of Leaders in Change Management

Introduction Modern marketing strategies are diverse and constantly evolving. In order to reach the highest level of customer satisfaction, marketers employ a variety of tools that help to bring products closer to people and enable consumers to participate in the decision-making process. One such tool is the introduction of change...


Wal-Mart Company Organizational Psychology

Introduction Employees form a very important component in any organization. According to Noon and Youssef (2012), employees are the wheels upon which an organization runs towards its objectives in its normal operations. Many successful organizations attribute their success to their team of skilled and dedicated employees who work tirelessly to...