800-Word Essays about Business & Management

Employee Management

Effective Employee Training and Its Needs

Introduction Employee training is an essential part of any business or non business organization. This enables employees to focus on essentials of better performance that reflect the organization’s policies, goals, objectives and missions. Training makes employees work hard and maximize their potentials while developing their skills and talents. This proposal...

Business Communication

Emirates Airline: Corporate Communication

Abstract The growth of any company is largely dependent on how it is viewed by different categories of people in the society. However, an important consideration is to safeguard the image of an organization. This looks at Emirates Airline and how the company has managed to succeed in its operations...

Company Analysis

Starbucks Company’s Overall Corporate Strategy

Identify the controllable and uncontrollable elements that Starbucks has encountered in entering global markets Being one of the increasingly growing corporations, Starbucks has faced several controllable and uncontrollable elements on its way to the global markets. The first ones contain local features presented in each country that can be considered...


Managerial and Financial Accounting Basics

Introduction Managerial and financial accounting are vital components of modern business but they both contribute to overall operations in different ways. Accounting serves the purpose of determining the operations of a business in regards to future projections, past performances, and current requirements. Managerial accounting has its links in cost management,...

Company Analysis

Kraft Food Group’s Integrative Analysis

Introduction Integrating SWOT elements with various strategies is a cardinal step in the analysis of both internal and external environments. Such integration should be based on the interplay between SWOT factors and other elements that influence the performance of the organization. Kraft Food Group operates in a very competitive and...


Technology in Retail Management Activities

Effectiveness of Technology The success of many business organizations is determined by the relationship between consumers and business owners. On many occasions, the freedom of consumers has been found to pose challenges to business. Most consumers have the habit of shifting from one organization to another in search of goods...

Business Communication

Communication in Working Groups and Organizations

Introduction Blundel and Ippolito (2008) provide that the communication effectiveness of an organization or working groups is a “primary element determining success or failure of any organization” (p. 28). Effective communication provides a framework stating their various departmental functionalities and relationships between various working groups. It also ensures that organizations...

Marketing Communication

The Coca-Cola Company’s Communication Strategy

The primary goal of this research paper is to evaluate the communication and competitive strategy of Coca-Cola soft drink beverage. Firstly, the product will be described, as it will help understand the company’s focus. Secondly, the communication and competitive strategy audits will be conducted to evaluate the performance and effectiveness...

Decision Making

Decision-Making Process and Employee Performance

Introduction A department manager in the big company invited all employees to take the Clifton StrenghsFinder test that would determine the naturally recurring patterns in their behavior. This paper will explore different decision-making approaches that could positively impact the performance of the two employees with varied dominant themes. Fairness and...

Marketing Communication

Social Media Types and Benefits in Marketing

The relevance of Different Types of Social Media to Marketing Different types of social media platforms are used in marketing. They include personal/social networks, e-commerce, online reviews, social publishing, discussion forums, media-sharing networks, and bookmarking sites (Brown 23). Each of the aforementioned types has a distinct role to play marketing....


Scope and Impact of Process Improvement in Company

Companies in the contemporary society strive to set performance targets as means of fast racking goal achievement, understanding the position of the company in performance ladder, and allocating percentages as desired by the initiatives put in place. In business organizations, performance plays a role in determining success, sustainability, and relevance...


Walmart and Amazon Companies Information Technology

Walmart and Amazon are the two leading retailers in the world. The companies now have billion-dollar sales worldwide but used to remain in their niches. For instance, Amazon was an e-commerce company with a limited range of products offered. At the same time, Walmart was a retailer with thousands of...

Global Scale Management

International Business and Cultural Differences

Running a business in the globalized environment is one of the most challenging tasks, mostly because it demands not only to integrate various business approaches but also to be able to take major cultural differences of the business partners into the account. Even though running a business presuppose following universal...

Decision Making

Consumer Product Research and Decision-Making

Purchasing is a process that depends on several factors. The purchase situation is one of the factors. Research shows that the situation in which a consumer buys goods and services greatly affects his or her consumer. For instance, a mother would be willing to obtain a product simply because it...

Decision Making

Nominal, Limited, Extended Consumer Decision-Making

Describe two recent purchases you made using nominal decision-making, limited decision-making, or extended decision-making. What caused you to use the type of decision making you described? I bought fuel (gas) for my car as I was driving to school. A few kilometers after leaving my area of residence, I checked...

Case Studies

Gender Differences in Life and at the Workplace

For a long time, there has been a gender difference between men and women in life and the work environment. Women have been fighting for equal rights and fair treatment, and it has almost been achieved. Even though there are more opportunities today, there is still prejudice, and partially, it...

Decision Making

Organizational Decision-Making Models Comparison

Introduction Decision making is a very important process for both individuals and organizations. Decision making is crucial when one is looking for a solution to a given problem. The success of an organization is highly dependent on the ability of managers to make the right decisions (Jones, 2010). However, this...

Case Studies

Mountain West Health Plans Inc.’s Leadership

The situation of changing the director of customer service in Mountain West Health Plans Inc. can be discussed from the point of effectiveness of this or that leadership style to achieve the company’s definite goals. During a long period of time, the position of the director of customer service was...

Global Scale Management

International Management, Strategy and Culture

Primer on International Business To successfully compete in the international market, business organizations must employ skilled leaders to manage key positions. These leaders should understand the cross-cultural dimensions and processes to succeed (Ahlstrom and Bruton 4). This implies that, for any international firm to emerge as a winning organization, it...


Customer Sales Relationships via Internet

Introduction Close customer relationships are important for profitability growth of any business organization. To maintain customer loyalty in today’s competitive business environment, access to accurate and complete customer information is a recipe in any business. Internet-based customer relationships allow business organizations to manage customer records, monitor the sales opportunities, and...

Case Studies

Abu Dhabi National Oil Company’s Change Initiative

The organizational efforts targeted towards change are one of the most central features of successful operational strategies. However, when it comes to the change management, the paradox is inevitable. The paradox is experienced at different levels: teamwork, individual, organizational, inter-organizational, and institutional. Thus, when dealing with changes in a large...

Risk Management

Business Continuity Management and Its Stages

Prudent managers should always remember about the probability of crisis events while carrying out their business activities. Ignoring such probability may lead to disastrous consequences so, the managers should do their best to provide the company with the plan for continuous development and functioning and minimizing the losses in the...


Lawson ERP System’s Supply Chain Management Module

The business environment has become very competitive, and many firms are now under pressure to come up with innovative management ideas in order to remain competitive in the market. Enterprise resource planning is one of the innovative ideas that many firms are currently using to achieve efficiency in their operations....

Company Information

Musanada Company’s Total Quality Management

Quality Management, Ethics, and Corporate Social Responsibility The company stresses the importance of ethics in the workplace by enforcing a strict confidentiality rule. The rule demands that customers’ information, as well as information on other staff members, should never be shared with third parties without written authorization. Employees failing to...

Leadership Styles

Apple’s Management and Leadership Development

Introduction The concepts of leadership and management have been consistently misused to refer to either of them. The two concepts are complex in their applicability and use in the field of business activities. This paper presents the role of leadership and manager in an organization. Besides, the treatise presents the...

Company Information

Apple Company’s Employees Management Issues

Introduction Apple is one of the most successful multinationals that has facilities in many countries. The company’s products are famous worldwide and it is possible to note that there is certain craze about Apple items. Many people think that Apple is the most efficient and exemplary company that has effective...

Strategic Marketing

The Coca-Cola Company’s Marketing Strategies in the UAE

Description of the Target Market The Coca-Cola Company is the second largest soft drinks company in the UAE after Pepsi Cola. The company had entered the market earlier, but it faced low sales volume and discrimination from the buyers for its perceived association and support for Israel. As one of...

Organizational Management

Values, Leadership, Negotiation in Organization

Introduction and Purpose As a human resource management expert, I am inclined to embrace ideal organization behavior to perform optimally in a friendly work environment. I have held several positions in different organizations as a human resource officer. I hold a bachelors degree in human resource management and intends to...

Marketing Project

Costco Wholesale Corporation Promotional Strategy

Wholesalers face tough competition in the organic food industry. To maintain a competitive edge as an organic food wholesaler, Costco Wholesale Corporation should effectively utilize the four marketing promotional mix strategies. Importantly, as products, organic foods are not consistent in meeting consumer demand. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain quality...


HRM, Unions’ and Government’s Role for Workforce

Role of HRM Human resource management (HRM) is the unit within an organization charged with the mandate of formulating and implementing policies and practices that determine how employees are managed in an organization. Thus, HRM is the management of people within an organization (Mathis & Jackson, 2008). Policies and practices...

Strategic Management

Building an Evaluative Culture for Effective Management

Every business organization wants to achieve its goals. Every business organization should have an effective culture that uses evidence-based ideas and practices. Such ideas inform managers about the best strategies to address the issues affecting their organizations. An evaluative culture is what completes an organization’s managerial strategy. A Results Management...

Company Information

Hewlett-Packard Company Strategic Path

Hewlett-Packard has a long and challengeable history of computer network business development. However, its strategic path did not contribute greatly to fast growth due to the radical changes made to structure and organization of the company. In particular, quick transition from Information Network Division to development of IBM-based systems, as...

Organizational Management

Organizational Change: Theory and Practice’ Perspectives

Introduction Organizational change refers to adjustment in the structure of an organization that may involve a change in the operations or the management structure of the organization (Mills, 2008, p.27). It results in significant changes in the culture of the organization in order for it to adapt to changes in...

Product Marketing

Product Marketing Plan: Apple’s Iphone 5

Introduction The focus will be on Apple’s recent model of iPhone 5 which is a thing to go for today. Figure 1 below will illustrate the main features of the iPhone 5 (Apple Inc., 2012): Apple further states that iPhone 5 happens to be the thinnest and most portable iPhone...

Business Ethics

Ethics and Professional Responsibility Practices

The fast growth in science, technology, economy, and politics has made ethics and professional standards an important issue which raises the concerns of the public. Ethics and professional standards refer to how an organization combines its core values with its business policies and practices. Ethics and professional standards form the...

Organizational Management

Multinational Firm’ Global Strategy and Environment

The structure of an organization is designed in such a way that it capitalizes on its inherent strengths while at the same time minimizing its weaknesses. This enables the organization to cut down on its operational costs and increase its market share. As globalization takes over the business environment, some...

Organizational Management

Learning Organization Defining

In a bid to understand a learning organization, it is necessary to explore some of the ideas of prominent scholars such as Peter Senge. Learning organization is an entity where people are empowered to increase their potential to eliminate the factors that limit growth (Senge 2014). Learning organization offers the...

Product Marketing

Coca-Cola Blak Product’s Marketing Strategy

Target consumers Coca-Cola Blak is a product of the Coca-Cola Company that was unveiled in 2006. It was first introduced in France before expanding its market scope to the United States and other markets. The drink is made up of coke effervescence and coffee essence. The drink was sold in...


Work-Life Balance: Legal Support and Discrimination

Importance of Work-Life Balance and Influence by Legislation A work-life balance is essential due to psychological reasons and productivity of the employees. An employee, who spends enough time with the family, is more motivated to work and aims at higher goals. In turn, he/she experiences less stress and pressure and...

Strategic Marketing

Rose Partyware Company’s Marketing Strategy

Introduction Rose Partyware is faced with a serious dilemma on the appropriate method that should be used to market its products. It is clear that Rose Partyware is one of the leading manufacturers of paper goods such as plates, cups, bowls, table-clothes, napkins, crepe-paper, and favors, among others. Tom is...


Roots Marketing the Marketing Research Opportunity

Introduction Marketing in an integral part in product development as it creates awareness of the existence of a products or service in the market; the initial stage in developing a marketing strategy is marketing research. There are different approaches to a marketing research; they need to be combined when making...


Consumer Behavior and Marketing Strategies Relationship

Consumer behavior is closely associated with individuals’ needs and wants. This is of particular concern to consumers’ buying decisions that are motivated by various factors, including cultural values, economic level, social status, climate, and geographical location. All these components influence significantly the marketing decisions because this sphere is specifically interested...


Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction – Marketing

Because of the distinct characteristics of customers in B2B environments, players need to comprehend their nature and circumstances. As customers complete business transactions involving large volumes of products and services, creating customer loyalty through proper management is of paramount importance. It is generally accepted that customer loyalty leads to profitability...


Consumer Behavior Patterns

Elements of Consumer Decision-Making Process Consumers have to choose between various products and services. How they end up making these decisions, is of importance not only to the consumers themselves but also to marketers and policy makers. Various elements influence this decision-making process. Such elements dictate the choices made by...


Social Media Marketing

What can social media brand conversations provide marketers that traditional media cannot? Social media is the platform of interaction used by individuals and groups to author and share content generated by users. The conversations carried out about brands in social media are more helpful to marketers than traditional media because...


Quality Management

The quality of products and services produced by an organization depends on its quality management strategies. In this competitive world, quality is the only thing that can make an organization stand out from its competitors (Evans, 2007). The ability to use relevant quality management methods and tools to come up...

Strategic Marketing

Symptoms of Supply Chain Problems

Introduction Changes in global business coupled with the unpredictable consumer demand have led to businesses encountering problems when managing their supply chains. Foggin, Mentzer, and Monroe allege “ We continue to see organizations adhering to the same supply chain management practices that they have been using for the past five...

Organizational Planning

Group Process in Organization Leadership

The group process is a term that is used to describe how members within a group work together to accomplish a specific task. My group had five members. The other group members were Shaun Biddiscombe, Joshua Brundige, Sigrid Carrero, and Gishel Cruz. We were given a project on organization leadership....

Employee Relationships

Human Resource Manager: Role and Functions

Hiring the brightest people across the world is a great challenge since potential candidates have diverse characteristics. However, the two important things that stand out during recruitment and selection are: natural skills and academic qualifications. Inherent skills provide an employee with the self-drive they need to work effectively. Most jobs...

Corporate Culture

IBM Company’s Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility is an umbrella term for company programs that are aimed at evaluating the effects the corporation’s activities have on environmental health and general social well-being. These programs usually also address the need for damage prevention and control and are a representation of the company’s responsibility on the...

Employee Relationships

Study of Consumer Behavior

Consumer behavior refers to the study of how, when, where and why individuals and groups of people make their purchase decisions in a given market. Marketing should find out how people make their select different products and services before a marketing strategy is developed for any given company or organization....