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Organizational Planning

Developing an Effective Organizational Communication Plan

Miscommunication can be very costly to an organization. It can have a negative effect on the internal affairs of an organization and the organization’s relation with the outside. To ensure effective communication, a communication plan is necessary. A communication plan refers to a written document that outlines how all communications...

Marketing Project

The Vasa Project’s Major Problems

There were six central issues with the Vasa project. The king (user) altered the initial specifications when the project had already advanced, and the project manager Hybertson was unable to accommodate these new requirements. The project manager had no provision for making additions or adjustments to the initial specifications. The...


Ford Motor Company: Logistics and Supply

Ford Motor Company offers a good example of the manufacturing industries. As the latest trends take shape in the vehicle manufacturing industry, the sector is increasingly faced with the need to change its management operations concerning logistics and supply. Ford Motor Company has realized the need for change and is...

Employee Management

Human Resources Managers Increasing Productivity

As people are considered the human capital of all organizations, the management of human resources comes out as a vital component that could spell the successful performance and productivity of any firm. Cascio insisted on the fact that “organizations and managed by people” and that “without people, organizations cannot exist”....


International Economics Theories and Principles in the UK

Before the application of the theory and principles of International Economics to the case study of the UK, it is necessary to have a brief look at these theories. For the last hundred years, industries have appealed the governments for protection, and societies have debated the advantages and of free...


Labor Market Analysis: Neoclassic Economic Perspective

Labor Market Analysis refers to the process of surve of different aspects of the labor market in order to identify different trends in the market like the availability of work opportunities, prevailing salary and wage rates as well as the availability of people possessing the necessary skills and knowledge to...

Strategic Management

The Evolution of Strategic Management Thought

Strategic management was developed during the 1950s by Philip Selznick, Igor Ansoff, and Peter Drucker. During this period of time, strategic planning was through a wave of popularity not too different from traditional management. There has been enough time since the introduction of strategic management concepts to observe the results...


Principles of Managerial Economics in Legal Sales of Marijuana

20% sales tax will not lead to a 20% or greater loss in sales as the price will be increased to include tax. This will happen because the costs of doing business will increase. As a result, since the price increases, the quantity demanded will decrease, according to the law...

Employee Management

Preventing Absenteeism and Violence at Work

It is essential for a head nurse to implement topical leadership tactics that stimulate staff motivation and, at the same time, prevent such dangerous phenomena as workplace violence and absenteeism. The simple principles of punishment and deprivation of bonus payments in case such violations are detected may be ineffective since...

Case Studies

Relationships Between Absenteeism and Violence at Work

An ability to motivate employees and encourage their interest in the quality performance of immediate responsibilities is the valuable feature of a nursing administrator. Unwillingness to control the productivity of subordinates and their success, on the contrary, reduces the significance of a leader in the team and affects the results...

Employee Management

Performance Appraisal Process and Its Phases

The performance appraisal process is a set of measures aimed at determining the effectiveness of those employees who realise their assigned duties, including not only the analysis of professional skills but such criteria as behaviour, motivation and some other significant aspects. Sharma and Dhar argue that in the nursing environment,...

Employee Relationships

Collaboration Competencies – Conception

Collaborative competencies refer to the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed when working in a team. Healthcare teams are usually composed of various health professionals. For example, an inter-professional team may be made of physicians, nurses, pharmacists, physiotherapists, dentists, and nutritionists. In the current scenario, the only members of the healthcare...

Employee Management

Whether Online Digital Platforms Help Organizations Recruit

Introduction In recent years, the popularity of online platforms has been growing, new opportunities are emerging, and various services are being integrated. Digitalization has also affected the recruitment process: more and more people apply for work using particular sites, applications, or email. This research’s main issue is to investigate whether...

Leadership Styles

Aspects of Adaptive Leadership

Leadership is viewed in a different light today than it was in previous years, developing into a team sport. Individuals in leadership roles now collaborate with their staff to achieve goals and make improvements. However, given how unpredictable and chaotic the business world can be, executives often struggle to keep...


Visa’s Relations with Olympics

Visa’s partnership with the Olympic Games brand began in 1986, and it has grown tremendously over the years. The company used the first installment of the Games to introduce its brand to the global market and create more brand awareness in the market. Afterwards, Visa’s strategy morphed into a strategy...


Social Media as a Promotional Tool in the Global Markets

In the global context, social media has been deployed heavily to reach a wider customer base within a short time. However, it is vital to note that this promotional approach has its pros and cons. According to an article by Garrido-Moreno and Lockett, the tourism sector has reported huge profitability...


Kentucky Fried Chicken’s Country’s Evolution Management

The country’s management evolution stages provide an opportunity for HQ managers to consider options that foster the successful expansion of KFC-J operations in overseas markets. If I were Weston’s administrator in HQ, the appointment of individuals with great entrepreneurial capabilities would be my first option to consider. The entrepreneurial spark...

Company Analysis

A&F Company’s Differentiated Pricing in the US and Europe

Entry into a new market calls for an analysis of the likely risks that prevail in specific markets of interest. New markets often present challenges in terms of aligning organizations’ culture with the local tastes and preferences, attitudes, and beliefs. Pricing policy difference also constitutes an important risk that is...


A&F Brand’s Exclusive Distribution Policy in Europe

Once organizational products are manufactured, the next step entails taking them to their point of sale, namely distribution. In the European market, Ghauri and Cateora assert, ‘the A&F chain plays on the limited number of stores, and therefore products (exclusive distribution) attract a young target that looks for brands that...


Transportation Costs and Warehouses Quantity Correlation

Main principles influencing the optimization of transportation within the logistics of supply chain center on the maximizing the carrier capacity involved in the delivery mission while obliging to the set legal frames and bulk hauling to remote destinations. This explains the case for manufacturers to supply to customers over wide...


Logistics Planning: Important Factors

Planning of logistics synchronizes warehousing, transportation, and inventory between supply chain partners and within the firm. The planning of logistics incorporates vehicle availability, overall movement demand and pertinent movement cost into a general decision support system, which aims at minimizing overall freight operating cost. There are three crucial factors to...

Business Communication

Conflict Management and Policy Recommendations

Introduction In the corporate sector, communication is essential for running a successful operation. External communication is directed at actors in the organization’s environment, and internal communication, which is focused on personnel, occurs in any organization. Furthermore, it is inconceivable to imagine a corporate communication system devoid of conflict. Since people...

Employee Management

Transtheoretical Model and Behavioral Change With Co-Workers

A transtheoretical model of behavior change is a model that is pertinent in changing diverse behaviors among a set of people. The model is usually applied in organizations where managers want to effect behavioral changes among employees. Dishman, Vandenberg, Moti, and Niqq state that in the process of change, people...

Company Analysis

Sam Palmisano’s Persuasive Communication Media

Company meetings Palmisano uses these meetings to communicate like the one held in Vegas. The Internet Steve says that in the previous summer, he had asked the IBM staff to share their opinions over the internet on what they felt could fit in the future as IBM’s principles. Palmisano has...


Different Types of Auctions and Their Implementation

Auctions are used not only for physical items, but also in finance, e-commerce, and e-games since all these services and goods are points of sale. In the financial sector, whole companies are put up for auction, as well as shares and securities issued by companies or the government. In the...

Company Analysis

ZISCo’s Challenges and Management

The following are considered to be the challenges while introducing the new strategic management policies in ZISCo. The mission of creating a new-market-oriented culture while conserving its customary values. A market culture may be defined as a results-oriented, competitive setting in which the ZISCo is getting the job done and...


Project Success Measurement Approaches

Project management is usually defined as the application of tools, skills, knowledge, and techniques to facilitate the effectiveness of project activities required to meet project goals. Project management is used to prevent delays in projects and ensure that all goals with regard to quality, costs, and functions of the end...


The Role and Importance of Double-Entry Bookkeeping

Dating back to the 13th century, the invention of double-entry bookkeeping opens a plethora of opportunities for a present-day accountant. By adopting the principles of double-entry bookkeeping, an accountant is capable of improving the accounting standards by raising the accuracy of calculations a few notches and making the communication process...


The “Cash Method” of Accounting: Definition and Using

There are a number of pros and cons regarding both the cash method and the accrual type of accounting, yet a noticeable tendency for most major companies to opt for the latter, while less influential SMEs prefer the former for managing their financial transactions persists in the global market. The...

Employee Management

Role of Benefits in Compensation

With the introduction of statutory laws, amounts and forms of compensation have been drawn to cover employees against any injuries they sustain on the job. This rests squarely on the shoulders of the employers in providing insurance covers against such incidences. Compensations are normally done based on the type of...

Organizational Planning

Aggregate Planning in Business

A good-producing organization is a company that manufactures a product to meet the end consumer’s demand. A service-providing refers to a company that provides services to the end-user to satisfy a need or desire. The good-producing organization that I would like to discuss is Intel. A large company has to...


The Value Proposition Offered by Freight Forwarding

Freight forwarders accumulate their business earnings by combining small volume shipments from different customers to form a sizeable load and use one means of transport t at their disposal for the delivery missions. A convenient location is set where a local operator then delivers single loads to their respective client’s...

Strategic Marketing

UMS Company’s Maximisation Objective

The objective of UMS Company is to accelerate significant and profitable growth by providing comfort to other people. This objective statement can be deduced to focus on growth maximization. It portrays the marketing intentions of UMS Company on its brand name to win the trust of many consumers in India...

Employee Management

Frameworks for Employees Assessment

The method that I would use to differentiate the employees is performance management. Under this model, the employees will be ranked on the basis of the targets assigned to them. This would allow the management to identify those employees who have attained their targets and performed exemplary. On the other...

Employee Management

Why People Leave or Remain With Organizations

Meeting the needs of employees, the market status of the organization, and other criteria are factors that influence turnover indicators as a phenomenon that not only affects labor productivity negatively but also entails high costs. If a person decides to leave the enterprise voluntarily, this may be due to various...

Management Theories

Bureaucracy Growth Factors and Effects

Generally, in the case of large organizations, the combined organizational structural processes and a set of regulations help to control the activities mainly in large organizations and political structures. A bureaucratic organization is controlled by different factors like law, policymaking, and subsequent regulations. Leadership is the most important aspect of...


Pizzability Company’s Profit Increasing Strategies

If I needed to fix the company’s revenue, I would take measures aimed at different areas of the business. First of all, it is necessary to use media and the temporary popularity of Pizzability in a beneficial way. I would create a post urging people not only to take selfies...


Financial Ratios: Factors and Limitations

Financial ratios serve as a quick method of analysing the financial performance of a business entity and thus they are regularly used by managers in decision-making. There is a number of different stakeholders, such as the management, employees, creditors and potential lenders, who use financial ratios to identify the strengths...


Coexistence Established by the Relationship Between Transportation Operation and Logistics Management

The strength of coexistence established by the relationship between transportation operation and logistics management is a measure of the degree of correlation. Previous studies on the cost contributed by transportation operations to logistics management expenses functionally explained as an example of how to measure the interactive association between them. This...


Five Leadership Generic Strategies: Concept

Low-cost leadership strategy A company pursuing this strategy hopes to become the lowest producer in the market. The firm hopes to earn higher profits through this strategy. The goal is to allow the firm to drive down costs, thereby gaining a competitive advantage. In order for a cost leadership strategy...


The Components of Income Determination Under the Keynesian Model

Planned aggregate expenditure Economically, aggregate expenditure (AE) can be described as the total expenditure on goods and services that are produced in an economy over a given period. Aggregate expenditure is composed of other expenditures including consumption (C), investments (I), government spending on goods and services (G), and net exports...

Company Information

Deutsche PostWorldNet’s Organisational Development

Research indicates that DPWN has been practicing organizational development which is a process that an organization uses to develop its internal capacity such that it becomes effective and in the long run sustain itself. Organization development is closely related to achieving the mission of the organization. This is normally an...

Strategic Management

Strategic Change Management of Deutsche PostWorldNet

The reality and existence of globalization can be witnessed in DPWN where patterns of trade are considered, for example, the general level of imports and exports in several countries have magnificently increased over the past few years. Also, globalization has led to a significant increase in the production of business...

Company Analysis

Evaluating a Company’s Attitude Toward Social Responsibility

The concept of social responsibility is not a new trend that is being introduced to most of the corporate world today. This concept has been in existence for the better part of the century but only a few of the corporate world has embraced this concept. Company Q is torn...


Traditional Accounting Framework

No, when a mass manufacturer becomes leaner, the traditional accounting framework must also become leaner. Conventional accounting methods aim to maximize worker and machinery performance to achieve the minimum available cost per unit. Nevertheless, the facility’s lean accounting strategy is focused on delivering customer-driven significance (Nguyen, 2018). In a typical...


Credit Wisdom LLC Marketing Plan

Introduction Feedback The feedbacks provided were an honest review which is quite significant for the survival of Credit Wisdom LLC. The review will open a thorough path to understanding client behavior. They represent the large market of the company’s services. While making short-term and long-term adjustments, it is crucial to...


E-Business Website’s Influences on Consumers

Corporations already included in e-commerce, as well as those regarding moving into that matter of operation, require to comprehend that this method of doing business intakes with it new ethical matters. John McClenahen and Jill Jusko provide two good instances of matters unique to this new manner of procedure. They...


Company International Strategy of the Future

Marketing is defined as a process focused on a product or service delivered to the end consumers. It is the matching process between the needs and wants of customers and the market proposition. While stressing coordination, it also recognizes conflict and competition among units, the necessity for subsystem concessions, and...

Organizational Planning

Managing Resources: Enterprise Resource Planning

The term ERP develops a system of “planning and thereby integrating all significant resource planning systems in an organization that, in the context of an operation, integrates planning and control with the other functions of the business.” Using ERP, the organization acquire and move business resources efficiently and effectively from...

Case Studies

Hindering Democracy in Oil Exporting Countries

Oil plays a great role in the energy sector, and statistically, many of the oil-exporting countries lack democratic ideals or leadership. Many schools of thought that exist argue that the presence of oil in a given country negatively impacts the democracy of the very country. This could be internally motivated...

Employee Relationships

The Role of Cognitive Ability in Understanding Behavior in the Workplace

To establish relationships with staff members and ensure that these relationships are based on trust and mutual respect, a leader will have to use their cognitive ability extensively. Namely, several cognitive skills such as emotional intelligence (ELI), perception, reasoning, intuition, and multitasking are critical for an effective leader. The role...


The Poverty Threshold Versus the Poverty Rate

Poverty thresholds are used for determining the poverty status by comparing a set of dollar values to annual income, varying by the householder’s age, number of children, and family size. If a family’s threshold value is more than its before-tax income, the family and all its individuals are considered to...

Employee Management

Social Media and Employees Monitoring

Now, employers can use numerous ways to monitor employees and their performance. On the one hand, it is possible to hire special managers who will be responsible for ensuring that employees do not waste their time. In this case, these managers can organize regular and special meetings where individuals should...

Product Marketing

Digital Television Promotion over Analogous One

Motivation theory can be used in this case scenario because the government in advance wants people to change over to digital TV. The motivation theory will come in handy because it basically reflects the real psychological force (unconscious forces), which helps to shape an individual’s behaviour. What happens is that...

Company Information

The Jones Corporation’s International Assignment Approach

Development and training have to be made in the international context in the case of international assignment which normally involves magic spells of working overseas to understand varied cultural contexts and to assist to endorse attainment of organisational strategy. In the case of a long-term initiative, development is preferred and...

Business Communication

Persuasive Communication and Impression Management

Almost every form of communication in life has an aspect of persuasion, which is a crucial tool in business. Cialdini (2001) defines persuasion as the ability or a natural gift to sway people, capture an audience, and convert opposition into unity. The individual endowed with this power communicates with the...

Company Analysis

Four Approaches to Sustaining Competitive Advantage

The reason behind this particular method of ranking is due to the fact that, as of late, technology-oriented enterprises have espoused the necessity of innovation and development as necessary factors in order to grow and develop a company. Industry-level competitive force Strategic conflict The resource-based perspective Dynamic capabilities approach Theoretical...


Technology-Oriented Enterprises’ Management Problems

Various studies indicate that there are four characteristics that are in demand within a technology-oriented enterprise, namely: high market responsiveness, fast developments, low cost, and, finally, high levels of creativity, innovation, and efficiency. What must be understood, though, is that such characteristics are dependent upon the type of technical teams...

Organizational Management

Information and Transaction Processing Systems in Business

Contemporary information systems comprise three main dimensions required to empower businesses with the appropriate solutions. The first dimension is organisations, which basically assumes that any information system should be designed to meet organisational structure, needs, and business objectives. The organisational structure suggests that there is a clear division of responsibilities...

Organizational Management

Managerial and Organizational Decisions for Information Technology

Based on the case study of Jurong Health Services, the following managerial and organisational decisions helped to succeed in IT transformation. Among organisational decisions, the first is a transformational change in healthcare through the use of innovative information technologies that will improve commitment to patients as key customers while realising...

Organizational Management

Porter’s Competitive Forces Model and Information Systems

Porter’s competitive forces model is a conceptual framework broadly used to evaluate the competitive advantage of an organisation in the market. The model suggests that organisational competitiveness is affected by four market forces that could have a low, medium, or high impact on its market potential. The force of new...

Product Marketing

How to Commercialize New Products

All business decisions for commercializing new products need to be based on factual data obtained through credible sources. This means that before actions related to expansion to new markets, the removal of a particular product line, or the creation of a new product, a manager must base such decisions on...

Business Communication

Organizational Communications Theories’ Principles

A theory is a set of ideas that explain something using defined principles. A theory has three main elements, which indicate the extent to which theory has to demonstrate a universal attribute. These components include definitions, concepts and ideas, goals or objectives, changes, or predictions of a specific phenomenon. There...

Business Communication

Conflict as Part of Organizational Communication Activities

Conflicts and negotiations are critical aspects of an organization’s communication activities. An organization’s success or failure largely depends on the conflict resolution processes and the negotiations’ efficiency. A conflict is a disagreement within oneself or with others, while talks are the processes used to reach an amicable situation on a...


Promoting Financial Officers to Executive Officers

The chief financial officers and the chief executive officers are some of the two most important positions that determine the success of any corporate. The duty of the CFO is to ensure that the finances of the corporate are better used in positive income-generating activities while adhering to the accounting...


Scientific Management School vs. Human Behavior School

The Scientific Management School and the Human Behavior School highlight fundamentals of communication within an organization. The Scientific Management School emphasizes chains of command, division of labor, and organizational design by assuming that organizations can be developed and designed rationally. Fredrick Taylor stated four essential elements, namely selecting workers carefully,...


Materiality as It Is Used in Audit Reporting

Materiality is important to auditors when preparing financial statements. It is a vital consideration when persecuting professional misconduct. Materiality entails both specialized and official definitions to increase financial consideration by auditors. This can be grouped in three proportions. These proportions include principal markets collision, the level of ambiguity implicated, and...


The Effect of Diversification on Portfolio Risk

There are two types of risk associated with an investment in securities, which include systematic risk and unsystematic risk. The systematic risk is intrinsic to the market and it cannot be avoided through the diversification of the portfolio. The reason is that this type of risk is related to the...


Eastern and Western States’ Role in Their National Economies

Both East Asia and West countries have passed their unique path of economic and cultural development. The main difference between these two rivals and partners simultaneously is their characteristic views on the ways of achieving economic prosperity and well-being. While the Asian governments rely on active and direct participation in...

Company Analysis

Habitat for Humanity International Agency’s Strategic Changes

Introduction The business environment is uncertain, and the survival may be determined by the ability of firms to continually adapt and implement strategic changes. According to Korbi (2015), strategic changes can be defined as those modifications to entities that alter their content (objectives, nature, and availability of key resources and...

Organizational Planning

Organizations’ Considerations After Technology Changes

Companies should introduce new technologies if those technologies are being taken up by other firms and if it has been ascertained that they are relevant to that particular firm’s mission. For example, if a company website is altered to make it more animated through Macromedia flash, only a few individuals...

Employee Management

Reducing Resistance to Technology Change

Business leaders need to realize that resistance to change is an inevitable part of the technological change process, so it should be anticipated. This may be because of a myriad of reasons. One of them is that the users may not see the importance of this new technology. They may...


Explain Adam Smith’s Absolute Advantage Theory

Between the 17th and the 18th centuries, mercantilism emerged as a dominant economic philosophy. This particular economic philosophy advocated for aggressive efforts towards increasing exports and severe restrictions towards reducing imports. Nations would, therefore, become rich by exporting more than they imported. By developing the absolute advantage theory, Adam Smith...


Environmental Factors of Environmental Management System

Environmental Management System (EMS) can be projected as the control and management of various factors that have direct or indirect effects on the atmosphere of an organization. An organization is constantly affected by negative or positive events, which in turn affects its growth. The internal factors or internal environment forces...


E-Commerce: Brick-and-Mortar Stores and Online Presence

Electronic commerce is the process of buying and selling goods and services by the use of electronic means. Electronic commerce differs from traditional commerce in that; the latter does not use electronic transactions while buying or selling products. Electronic commerce has given most businesses an equal playing ground where each...

Case Studies

ISO 14000 and Its Usage by the Company

ISO 14000 is a family of internationally recognized standards developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) that deals with the management of the environment. It can be applicable to any type of business regardless of its size. On the other hand, there are some set rules and guidelines that...

Product Marketing

Price Reduction and Revenue Increasing

Given the population of the United States of people suffering from the hearing problem as approximately 30 million, with only 7 million able to afford a hearing aid, the price of the commodity becomes an important factor in determining whether an individual would use a hearing aid. As the price...


Different Strategies to Gain a Sound Position Among Competitors

Since the hearing aid price emerges as the most important challenge to potential buyers, companies can partner with the firms of affected people and help them secure credit payments for the gadget. In this case, they help individuals who would find it extremely difficult to purchase hearing aid all at...

Risk Management

Internationalization Barriers and Risks

There are various factors that act as barriers to internationalization. Some of these include a lack of knowledge by the business operators. Due to business operators not having adequate knowledge of the available markets in foreign countries, it becomes hard for them to venture into the international market. Organizations also...


Use of Outsourcing in an Organization’s Strategic Supply Chain Strategy

Put simply, outsourcing is simply getting another company that is specialized in doing some kind of activity or service for you. This company offers to do so for a certain amount. It should be advantageous for my company due to the level of quality that they will offer to me....


Outbound Logistics Strategy

In the modern business world, outbound logistics are recognized as an integral part of the process of delivering value to the customers of a given organization or company. In outbound logistics, firms select the best strategy that balances the costs and customer satisfaction. The company tries to strike a deal...

Case Studies

Importance of an LCA When Working With an EMS and Iso 14000

Life Cycle Assessment, or LCA, is an important tool in the EMS of a company. ISO 14000 is a certified EMS system. The major purpose of using an LCA is that LCA applied in the EMS of an organization provides the organization with a stronger insight into environmental problems than...

Corporate Culture

The Culture of an Organization and the Impact of the Strategic Leader

Culture is one of the obstacles that affect the success of businesses, especially mergers. Many mergers have been found to fail due to their failure to recognize cultural integration. People from different organizations come with different views and beliefs about the new organization, not realizing the damage it can bring...


Cost Leadership as a Competitive Strategy

Cost leadership is a strategy that is aimed at ensuring that costs remain as low as possible. It is a competitive strategy used by many organizations by giving them a competitive advantage in the market. Cost leadership strategy is an indication of how a firm’s theory in successful competition is...

Company Analysis

Analysis of Nike, Inc Company Culture

Introduction One of the critical aspects of Nike’s corporate culture is the desire for progress, innovation, coupled with creative, unique, and inimitable elements. The company’s leading approaches are unforgettable impressions and ideas, diversity, inspiration, breaking barriers, going beyond, overcoming differences, and bringing several people together (About Nike: News & updates,...


Approaching the Marketing Issues in Hospital

One thing that should be appreciated about the management is the thought to conduct in-depth market research it was from the research that they were able to come up with projects that addressed the needs of the community. Although the information was used in the right manner, the facility did...

Employee Relationships

The Relationship Between Cohesion and Effectiveness

Cohesion is a significant component of comprehending group effectiveness and processes. Organizational teams that are perceived to be highly cohesive demonstrate increased levels of performance, low levels of staff turnovers, and greater levels of member satisfaction. Research has been done on the treatment teams from various hospitals engaged in extremely...


Why Smaller Countries Have a Greater Gross Domestic Product

Economists use the gross domestic product (GDP) as an indicator of prosperity in the country. To put it simply, GDP is the state’s annual income; therefore, GDP per capita is the amount of money the national economy produces per person per year, which demonstrates the country’s standard of living. GDP...

Case Studies

Challenges Involved in Program Evaluation

The first barrier to program evaluation is the reluctance of key figures to make decisions and be involved in the change process. It often happens that busy politicians or managers tend to delegate the assessment responsibility to incompetent employees: this leads to the violation of the company’s integrity and the...

Case Studies

Chris Judd as an Asset of Carlton Football Club

IAS 38 demands that an enterprise should recognize the intangible assets, whether bought or self-created (at a given cost), and simply if it is possible that the potential financial benefits which can be attributed to the asset would flow to the project and the fee of that asset is measurable...

Company Analysis

Kinwal Inc.’s Write-Down of Its Long-Term Plant Asset

During the writing down process, assets are evaluated on whether they have been depreciated to exhaustion. It is important to consider the long-term plant as part of tangible assets, which depreciate with time until their value is zero. As a result, it is possible to determine whether it is viable...

Recognizable Brands

Toyota Production System: Today and Back in the ’80s

Toyota production is one of the most adored systems to have ever been developed in recent times. Developed by Toyota Motor Corporation in the mid-’70s, the system was lauded for producing excellent quality, minimal costs, and reduced lead times. It was premised on the principle of “Just in Time” production....


The Concept of Return on Equity (ROE)

Return on equity (ROE) refers to the fraction of net income over equity and return on assets (ROA) refers to the fraction of net income over average assets. ROA, therefore, indicates that a public health organization is comparing its earning advantages to its base of assets. The latter method works...


Palmart, Enron, WorldCom: Creative Accounting Disasters

Palmart, Enron, and WorldCom are considered the greatest corporate disasters in the accounting circles. These companies were all brought to bankruptcy by the use of creative accounting. The result was massive losses to shareholders, creditors, and other institutional investors. The question remains whether stringent guidelines in accounting could have prevented...

Company Analysis

Importance of GAP Analysis

GAP analysis is a technique employed to understand the potentiality of the company in regard to its performance when compared to its present real performance. GAP analysis provides a future perspective of the development required for an organization. The GAP analysis associates the market potential to existing usage and the...


Cultural Differences That Can Affect Globalization

Language barrier When target countries speak different languages from a parent country, then this may prove to be a challenge as members need to either learn the new language or look for very effective translators. The process of learning these languages may be a difficult one that may take longer...


Portfolio Management: Boston Consulting Group

Portfolio management helps in profit maximization, supporting the business’s strategy, and providing a balance. The senior management team in every business has the responsibility of managing a business portfolio. Boston Construction Group (BCG) decided to introduce a portfolio for business units as a way of boosting its sales and for...


Stress Resistance Among Soft Skills

The development of a developer’s career largely depends on working in a team, building relationships with colleagues, and quickly and correctly understanding customers. It is necessary not only to develop a product but also to be able to present it and defend your decisions. In my opinion, one of the...

Company Structure

Samsung Company’s Organization Structure and Supply Chain

Introduction Samsung is a conglomerate industry that primarily focuses on creating and marketing electrical products. The company focuses on manufacturing and developing a wide range of electrical products, including semiconductors, digital media devices, integrated systems, electronics, and memory chips (Gadalla, 2020). For Samsung Company to achieve its goal, develop a...


Macro-Economic Situation From Historical Perspective

Macroeconomics is a branch of economics that focuses on the decision-making process, performance and structure of the economy as a whole. It utilises tools such as GDP and price indices to analyse the economy. Various schools of thought have participated in macroeconomic development. They explain various phenomenons chronologically. The origin...


Accounting: A Company’s Financial Loss and Cash Increase

A company can report a net loss, yet there is an increase in cash for this entity. This is well explained by the fact of the existence of different components in the cash flows statements. The key components of the cash flow statement include financing, investing, and operating activities. A...