1000-Word Essays about Business & Management

A 1000-word essay about business, management, or marketing won’t typically require deep research and analysis. Papers of such a length are written to demonstrate creativity and the ability to formulate thoughts clearly. The most common genres for 1000 words essays are personal statements and discussion board posts.

You can write a 1000-word essay about business and management in many subdisciplines. For example, management theories, global scale management, company structure, decision making, or marketing communication. We wish you good luck with your assignment! Take a look at 1000 words essay examples on this page to get inspired.

Case Studies

MiniFitness Objections and Responses

The MiniFitness pitch can be described as excellent because it addresses market gaps exposed by the Covid-19 pandemic. However, a few objections can emerge because the proposal assumes that everyone is ready to start exercising and have the funds to purchase gym equipment. The first objection is that though intended...

Strategic Management

Researching of Aetna Business Environment

Business Environment A company’s operational and financial outcomes may be favorably or adversely influenced by the company’s internal setting, which business executives can control. Business executives may have little or no influence over the external environment, which may provide the biggest hurdles to their company’s growth. It is common for...

Case Studies

Training at Brighten Inc. Case Study

Introduction Organizational development programs and activities are orchestrated every day by Human Resources or the Learning & Development departments. Countless new products and ideas are scrutinized to see if they align with the training objectives. However, the workforce is also made up of capable individuals who are well-versed in the...


Business Strategy Testing and Application

Ten Questions of Strategy Detail on Granular Choices The question on granular choices implies the need to define the specific market a company is going to beat. The strategy of granular choices allows to consistently reallocate resources moving between the outlined segments. According to Teece (2018), microfoundations (granular foundations0 facilitate...

1000 Word Essay FAQ

A 1000-word essay about business and management can be written on many topics. The exact format depends on the requirements. You should consult with your teacher to understand what is required in your particular case.

The first thing you should do to write a 1000-word essay is to choose a topic. You’ll have to spend some time researching, writing, and editing. That’s why it is worth choosing a topic that inspires you. A good 1000-word essay about business, management, or marketing should feature a solid outline, a clear thesis statement, and a bibliography. Please pay special attention to your sources’ relevance: they must be up-to-date.

Business, management, and marketing are inspiring topics to write about. However, working on a 1000-word essay on business will require some effort from your side. You’ll also have to spend time formatting and editing your paper, as well as preparing graphic materials. You’ll need about 3 hours and 20 minutes to write 1000 words.

A 1000-word assignment, be it about business, management, marketing, or other topic, usually contains 7 to 8 paragraphs. This rough estimate implies that a typical paragraph in academic writing includes 100 to 150 words.

Employee Management

The Critical Points of Equal Employment Opportunity

Abstract Equal Employment Opportunity is a principle according to which everybody has the right to advance in their workplace, regardless of various individual characteristics. However, many institutions and employers undergo litigation processes on the grounds of discriminatory or abusive treatment. By investigating the critical points of Equal Employment Opportunity, the...

Employee Management

Human Resources Management Trends Analysis

Any organization consists of separate individuals who compose its human resources. However large or small this organization might be, its key to prosperity and effectiveness always lies in the united effort of the people who work there; it depends on their strengths and weaknesses. Nevertheless, these powers of the workers...

Case Studies

Improving Project Management in Deloitte Company

Introduction Program management is a function of the organization that supervises several projects linked together by a collaborative organization goal. The project management office provides the stakeholders with more information about the project. Programs consist of several projects that the program manager manages. Program managers oversee the programs by maintaining...

Case Studies

Professional Conduct of a Database Developer

Case Summary Leikessa Jones owns her own consulting business, and has several people working for her. Leikessa is currently designing a database management system for the personnel office of ToyTimeInc., a mid‐sized company that makes toys. Leikessa has involved ToyTimeInc management in the design process from the start of the...

Employee Management

“The Five Dysfunctions of a Team” by Lencioni

Major Management Concepts Discussed The major management / leadership concepts discussed in the book “The Five Dysfunctions of a Team” by Patrick Lencioni, as defined by the Leadership Effective Inventory (LEI) competencies, include: Team Building – Inspires and promotes team commitment, spirit, and trust. Facilitates cooperation and encourages team members...

Employee Management

Conflicts Between Supervisors, Employees and Human Resource Department

Abstract The provision of different working conditions to employees with the same qualifications becomes the cause of conflicts between employees and representatives of the company’s management. There are different motives and signs of discrimination, such as age, gender and many others. To combat this, various measures are used, such as...

Case Studies

JetBlue’s Opportunities for Sustainable Value Creation

Introduction This segment will analyze the opportunities for sustainable value creation for JetBlue using the sustainable business model framework (SBMF). It will cover two key elements of SBMF, namely channels and customer relationships. The primary opportunity reviewed in the scope of the model is the use of new types of...

Business Ethics

The Concept of Business Ethics: Normative Ethical Theories

Normative Ethical Theories The interconnection between the economic consequences occurring in an organization and the degree to which this company adheres to ethical standards necessitates the elaboration of ethical standards for interaction in business. For this essay, the three normative ethical theories outlined above will be analyzed in detail. It...

Strategic Management

Riordan Global: Strategic Management

Introduction Riordan global organization is a plastic manufacturer that produces and distributes plastic materials all over the world. It employs more than five hundred employees and has estimated annual earnings of over forty six million dollars. Riordan manufacturing plants are located in Georgia, Michigan, Albany, China, among others countries. It...

Financial Management

Dubai Financial Market: Stock Analysis

Company Background: Size and growth trends Dubai Financial Market began operating in 2000. It operated as a public joint stock company and it was successful in listing its shares in the DFM itself in 2007. Their initial price was Dh1.03, which was an equivalent of 0.28 dollars, (Oxford Business Group,...

Organizational Management

Importance of Organizational Dynamics and Strategic Planning for Business

Introduction My organization, which specializes in the production of crude oil, failed to adapt to the fluctuation of the market by not focusing on the long-term strategy. In this instance, the organization performed the layoff, but reducing the personnel by 45,000 could not maintain sufficient profit margins. Nonetheless, the SWOT...

Business Ethics

Business Ethics: Wal-Mart Employee Code of Conduct

Introduction Ethics can be regarded as “the moral standards by which people judge behavior” (Bradburn 2001). In usual circumstances, ethics stipulates that a person should do onto others what he/she would have others do onto him/her. Many people have argued that this cannot apply to a business setting, where there...

Company Analysis

Toyota’s Information Management Business Model

Toyota Motors Corporation, which was founded in 1937, remains to be one of the world leaders in the automotive industry (Borkowski 2013). The key strength of Toyota that makes it profitable and competitive in the industry and market is its focus on technology and innovation in all spheres of the...

Employee Management

Motivation and Its Effects on the Workplace

Introduction This proposal introduces the background of the research, objectives, scope and the theoretical framework of motivation and it effect on the workplace. Background of the research Motivation refers to an internal or external drive which is thought to influence the direction of behaviour of an individual. Motivation plays a...


Supply Chain Management and Global Issues

Careful management of the Supply Chain critical to keeping an organization’s production and distribution costs low, especially important in these times of economic crisis. Effective management of the supply chain is a core issue of management in any industry these days. Inadequate production results in low profits and overproduction results...


Key Models of E-Commerce

This paper explains in detail the 8 key elements of e-commerce and how they have changed the business. Definitions of the World Wide Web and the internet and the strategies to design a website have also been mentioned. Value Proposition This aspect of the business model deals with the products...


Security Problems When Doing Business on the Internet

Security Problems Unprotected Systems: Hackers now have access to software tools are they are constantly searching for computer systems that do not have protection. Once they discover and identify, such systems can be easily hacked and their networks can be easily damaged. They control such systems and then use them...

Employee Management

Work Stress Management and Prevention

Introduction Stress can be defined in many ways but in general terms, it refers to the feeling of pressure, anxiety, and tension. Occupational stress refers to those organizational task/role performances, which induce stress on employees in the workplace. It can be characterized by the harmful physical and emotional responses occurring...

Strategic Management

Apple Inc.: Strategic Human Resource

Apple Incorporated is a multinational business that specializes in the production and sale of software and electronic goods. This firm is renowned for manufacturing superior iPhones, iPods, and iPads. It is also popular for producing quality personal computers and laptops, including Macintosh. The iLife Suite, Mac OS X operating system,...


Integrating Project Management Techniques to a Public Service Organization.

Historical Overview Project management is defined as a discipline that concerns itself with managing and organizing different resources in order to make sure that different projects are completed given various constraints like cost, time, quality and scope. Project management as a scientific discipline has evolved from many disciplines. Among some...


Corporate Social Responsibility: Definitions, Examples, and Implications

Businesses exist in dynamic environments and exist as individuals who need to respond to social duties like any responsible citizen. This responsibility of the corporate is termed as Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). The term is often used interchangeably for other terms such as Corporate Citizenship and is also linked to...

Strategic Management

The Concept of Quality Management Productivity

Introduction Total Quality Management (TQM) is a strategic management concept that believes in building quality into the cultural fabric of an organization. A proper implementation of quality will ensure high product quality, increased productivity, lesser rejections and improve the bottom line of the company along with increasing the customer satisfaction....

Strategic Management

Wal-Mart Inc.: Current Status Analysis

Introduction Wal-Mart is a public corporation of American origin that operates a chain of considerable, retail stores. It is rated as one of the largest corporations worldwide in terms of its revenue. Wal-Mart was founded in the year 1962 by Sam Walton and was later incorporated into the present Wal-Mart...

Case Studies

Elastic and Inelastic Products: Exxon and Coca-Cola Companies

Introduction The law of demand and supply works in opposite ways in the sense that, when the prices of commodities change, demand and supply also change in opposite direction holding other factors constant. The extent of adjustment of supply and demand is dependent on the type of the commodity in...


Online Business Marketing Through Social Media

Social media is an appropriate venue that you can use for promoting and marketing your products. Normally, social media will center your interactions on potential customers, colleagues and current customers. Although social media has enormous potential in helping you market your products, the role it plays depends both on your...


Project Estimating and Control Analysis

Control and estimation involve many different factors within a project. Project management needs to take control of various aspects of work such as quality, time, budget, and scope. An integrated control process is a vital key of project planning, along with the estimation which is despite being associated with guessing,...


Leaders and Organizational Culture Paper

Organizational culture is influenced and depended upon leadership style and personal characteristics of a leader. The strategy of an organization involves how it plans to achieve its mission and goals and is partly determined by its culture. However, strategy can also become one of the factors that influence the evolution...


Sales Management

Monopsony Duopsony Oligopsony Polypsony Monopoly Horse deal Free market Free market f.i. gvt Duopoly Horse deal Free market Horse deal Free market Oligopoly Free market Horse deal Horse deal f.i gvt Polypsony Free market Horse deal f.i gvt Free market There are varied reasons that can make business people to...


Planning Function of Management Analysis

In general, the planning function of management can be described as a process for setting future direction; a means to reduce risk, and a vehicle for training managers (Coyle, 2003). It is also a process for making decisions, a way to develop consensus among top managers, and a means to...

Employee Management

Human Resource Management Training

Introduction Training is as important as any other motivation strategy used by organizations to help their employees perform better. Organizations ought to provide training for new employees to empower and give them the information they require in order to fit in the new work environment (Stark, n.d.). This becomes more...

Leadership Styles

Steve Jobs’s Leadership Character and Style

The term ‘leadership’ draws varied definitions perhaps due to the disparate responsibilities that come with it. However, of all definitions, the best one defines leadership as the mandate to serve at the forefront as others follow. This definition is superior to others as it defines all forms of leadership styles...


Employee Participation, Culture and Change

“A journey of a thousand miles begins only with a single step,” so said one great philosopher, Confucius. The journey to the success of any organization too begins by putting just a few things in order and then planning a way to forge ahead. Evans has introduced a Human Resource...


Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind

Central Theme The book Positioning: The battle for your mind by Ries and Trout touches upon the great role positioning plays in the modern business world. The authors admit the fact that for the last several decades the model of 4 Ps has been given great attention. Product, Price, Place,...

Employee Management

Employee Relations. Unions in the United States

Introduction- what are unions Unions constitute a group of people with a common unifying relationship. A union may also be an umbrella organization of a number of unions. In such an umbrella union, the member unions are not necessarily from the same profession. Unions or rather labor unions function as...


Performance and Change Management Study & Analysis

Data Analysis: Survey Company Sector The survey shows that most of the respondents (78.13%) work in the government sector. The identified characteristic implies that the change processes are bound to be rather rigid. Therefore, strong tools for altering the employees’ perspective and motivating them will be required. Backing from the...


Organizational Development in Management

Organizational Excellence There are several indicators of organizational excellence. In order to assess the level of organizational excellence, companies conduct quarterly and annual audits. However, it is worth pointing out that profitability alone is inadequate when assessing organizational excellence. While assessing profitability, there is a need to check whether the...


Total Quality Management and Its Components

Total quality management (TQM) refers to management approaches and initiatives aimed at improving the level of quality of business output. TQM targets all business activities including directing, organizing, controlling, and staffing functionalities to achieve customer satisfaction in the provision of goods and services. The concept of TQM has developed over...

Case Studies

TAL Apparel Ltd: IT Systems Integration

Information Technologies contributed to the revolution in the economy and helped companies achieve results that could have never been achieved without their incorporation (Bilgiham et al.). In the case study, TAL Apparel Ltd saw the need to invest in its infrastructure to enhance the operations and started automating all financial...


IKEA Company’s Total Quality Management

Introduction IKEA is an international company located in Sweden. It engages in the design, production, and selling of furniture and different kitchen accessories and equipment. The organization also offers interior planning and restaurant services. Since IKEA constitutes one of the leading users of wood around the globe, it is crucial...


Operations Management: Theories and Processes

Operations Management and Strategy Operations management is the activity concerned with controlling the process of production and business operations to ensure that the business operates efficiently and the least amount of resources is used. The main processes of operations management address the choice of raw materials and manufacturing technology, utilization...

Company Analysis

Motorola Company’s Strategic Management

Strategic management involves formulation, implementation, and evaluation of cross-functional decisions which assist in achieving the organizational objectives, as well as developing policies and plans, in order to achieve the set organizational objectives. It is therefore seen as the main key for an organization’s success (Lamp, 1984, ix) It is for...

Employee Management

Human Resource Development

In an organisation, the requirements of different levels are not the same so the training requirements also differ. The following chart depicts such requirements: Level Training CEO CEOs attend global conferences in order to gather information about the developments happening in the world. Senior Managers External training companies are hired...

Company Analysis

Modelo Company: Foreign Market Entry and Diversification

Introduction Beer has been consumed for a long period. Beer refers to lager or ale which has been fermented to different levels. Modelo is a Mexican based beer company which distributes its brands in over 159 countries. The company has 13 brands; its mission is to be a leader in...

Company Analysis

Wal-Mart Stores’ Environment and Business Strategy

Introduction and Big Picture Overview Wal-Mart Stores is “the biggest retailer in the world in terms of employees and revenues” (Basker, 2007, p. 178). The American multinational firm operates grocery outlets, hypermarkets, and discount stores (Brea-Solis, Casadesus-Masanell, & Grifell-Tatje, 2012). The leading retailer was founded in 1962 by Sam Walton....

Employee Management

Job Satisfaction and Motivation Tests and Measures

Abstract Job satisfaction refers to a person’s affective, cognitive, and evaluative response to his/her occupation. Motivation refers to one’s level of readiness to work towards the realization of personal and organizational goals. Motivation and job satisfaction are correlated. Human resource managers use cognitive and psychological measures to assess motivation. On...

Employee Management

International Human Resource Management’ Issues

Issues That Arise in International Human Resource Management Child Labour Among all exploited laborers, children are the most vulnerable and suffer the most. Child labor is a moral issue on the responsibilities of the human resource manager and an international scale. On an international human resource management scale, issues move...


Business Process Management Methodology

Harrington’s Process Breakthrough Methodology The Harrington’s Process Breakthrough Methodology formulated by James H Harrington focuses on the advantages of applying cross functional management to the performance of an organization. This is done for the reason of increasing profitability. (Harrington, 1991) Nature of BPM Business Process management (BPM) is methodological approach...

Employee Management

Employee Benefit Plans and Strategic Advantages

Abstract Employee benefit plans have been designed to provide workers with financial security to manage unexpected life situations. While it has been widely recognized that such programs are essential, lack of attention has been given to the value they can bring to both employees and their employers. The paper aimed...


Systems Development and Product Management

Successful SD has several associated business benefits. An increase in revenue and efficiency are some of the visible results. The firm is thus able to stop liabilities and make the brand’s reputation. Phases of the SDLC It is necessary to understand the phases of systems development to achieve success. The...


Theories’ and Democratic Leadership Style’s Relationship

Leaders have a significant impact on the success of an organization. People use different techniques to manage organizations based on their leadership styles. Different leadership styles are suitable for varied situation in an organization. For instance, the authoritarian leadership style is ideal when organizations are going through a transformation process....


Total Quality Management Practices and Business Excellence

TQM and BE As specified by Adebanjo (2001), the orientation of many modern businesses was shifted from total quality management to business excellence thus changing some of the areas and elements that were seen as the focal point for a successful business. In particular, the business model that is followed...


Business Process Management and Strategy

Introduction Many businesses today have adopted new ways of conducting their operations. They have resolved to bring into play Business Process Management (BPM) to accelerate and streamline processes such as invoice management and payment of accounts. BPM, which integrates information technology and management, encompasses tools, techniques, and schemes designed to...


Learning and Development Department in Multinational Company

Employee knowledge and skills are one of the key ingredients that determine the success of an organization. Both play a central role in driving an organization towards the achievement of its mission as well as the realization of its vision. The responsibility of conducting development and increasing the knowledge of...


Career Development Plan

Introduction The reason for writing this 5- year career development plan is to achieve my long term goals of becoming prominent HR personnel. Though the interests lie in the same field, the goal cannot be realized in the current position which is the HR supervisor and in the same company....

Company Analysis

Kudler Fine Foods Store’s Marketing Analysis

Kudler Fine Foods is a food expert grocery store that aims to advance its efficiency on its overall operations, develop its services and raise its sales due to the latest momentous growth and development. It is critical for the grocery to develop its marketing strategy and tactics in order to...


Human Resource Management: Skills and Knowledge

To prepare for the human resource management career, studying human resource management at degree level offers opportunities to fulfill optimal potential in the field of labor management. Through practical and simplified learning methods, this multidimensional career equips human resource personnel with extensive knowledge, experience, and practical life skills to handle...

Employee Management

Developing International Human Resources Firm

Globalization has facilitated the movement of factors of trade among nations; when managing organizations in the highly competitive market, leaders should be sensitive on how to manage their human capital. Globalization has led to people of different cultures, ethnicity, gender, nationality, and exposure to work together. To attain high competitiveness,...

Employee Management

Recruitment and Selection Strategies

Introduction Recruitment refers to the seeking and engagement of the right personnel for a given position in any given organization either to work as a temporary or permanent employee. Such positions may be paid or unpaid depending on whether the position is voluntary not. On the other hand, selection is...


Total Quality Management Article’s Critique

Summary of the article There is a difference between Total quality management and Deming approach to a quality management. There are three major contributors to TQM namely W. Edwards Deming, Joseph M. Juran and Philip B. Crosby. According to Deming, the term TQM and its application differed from his approach...

Employee Management

Strategic Human Resource Management: Complex Evaluation

Introduction: The Concept of Human Resource Management The conception of human resource management (HRM) applies to every domain of business and marketing. Thus, the issue targets recruitment, guidance, and support of people who work for a particular service or establishment. The strategies of human resource management are multidimensional and connect...

Company Analysis

Amazon Company’s Information Systems

Background into Amazon and Information Systems Utilized Amazon is a global online retailer, which has dominated virtually every market across the world. It started in 1994 as an online bookstore in Seattle, Washington, which is the current headquarters. Owing to the emergence of information technology in the 21st century, Amazon...

Company Analysis

Boeing Company’s Strategic Map and Balanced Scorecard

Strategic Map The strategy map of Boeing Co is prepared after considering the company’s financial performance, strategy objectives, and plans set out by its management in the annual report of 2016. The important considerations for evaluation and control are provided in the following. The company’s net margin declined in 2016...

Company Analysis

Hewlett Packard (HP) Company’s Performance

Introduction Founded in 1939 by two Stanford University graduates, the Hewlett Packard (HP) Company has been successful in the global PC industry. The initial capital investment of fewer than six hundred dollars has grown over the years, and the company has become a global computer brand. Among the main products...

Company Analysis

General Electric Company’s Organizational Culture

Introduction General Electric (GE) is a leading corporation that operates in global research, aviation, oil and gas, healthcare, energy, transportation, automotive, engineering, digital, and pharmaceutical industries. The conglomerate has been in operation for the past 125 years. The company was established by Thomas Edison, Elihu Thomson, and Charles Coffin. The...

Company Analysis

Shell Company’s Innovation Processes

Summary Summary of Game changer concept. You can expand to discuss Shell innovation processes in more broad terms. GameChanger is a concept according to which it is pivotal to seize upon innovative ideas and attempt to develop them to create major changes in a particular sphere of activity (Strategos n.d.)....

Impact of Business Issues

Product Design Change and Supply Chain Risk

Introduction When the product design is stable, the supply chain appears very effective and profitable. However, any attempt to change product design is likely to cause several positive and negative impacts. Theoretically, the immediate change of product design normally confuses the customers, which is likely to be a risk in...


Strategy Application in Business

What are the primary differences between ERP, CRM, and SAP, and why would an organization select one of these for inter-organizational collaboration? ERP, CRM, and SAP are normally confused to mean the same thing. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is the software that rationalizes the internal activities of a department in...


What Is the Right Balance between Open and Closed Innovation?

Summary Regarding the state of corporate reality and the outcomes of such processes like the shortening of innovation cycles or the technological merging, the idea of open innovation remains to be a crucial point for discussions. The presentation developed by Professor Dr. Ellen Enkel aims at analyzing the main objectives...


Beverage Industry: Key Players and Its Consumers

Introduction The beverage industry is a complex array of businesses that collectively provide most of the beverages consumed in the world. According to the American Beverage Association, the industry contributes about $ 178.5 billion to the United States economy in domestic and foreign earnings per annum. Furthermore, it provides employment...


International Standards

Overview International standards are standards which are normally developed by international standards organizations. These standards are usually available to be considered and used worldwide. The most recognized organization for developing international standards is the international organization for standardization (ISO). ISO plays a major role in facilitating international trade and cooperation...

Business Critique

McDonald’s Company Strategies Critics

CEO #1 The course concept of Ray Kroc, who was the CEO of McDonald’s in 1955-1973, might be identified as a franchise system based on quality, service, and cleanliness (QSC) principles. Kroc pursued cleanliness in his restaurants expecting that each employee will make every effort. Kroc did not invent the...

Risk Management

Effective Risk Management in Business

Introduction A risk is the effect of uncertainty on objectives, either positive or negative (Gorrod, 2004). Risk management is the science of identifying, assessing, and prioritizing risks. Further, this is followed by application of resources with an aim of reducing and controlling the possibility of unfortunate events or maximizing the...


Performance Management in Business

A description of two purposes of performance management and their relationships to business objective Performance management aims at improving the staff or the individuals’ performances and obtaining of feedback from both the customers and the staff. Enhancing high performance and obtaining feedback enables the employees to achieve their objectives since...

Business Communication

The Advantage of Good Communication System in Organization

When an organization seeks to work towards one common goal and make all the operations efficient, it has to ensure that there is a good communication system among the employees, the management and to the environment around it. The communication system should be good and free flowing to ensure that...

Organizational Management

Management: Organization Development Process Interventions

Introduction Change involves the process of shifting from the prevailing state to a desired position in reaction to dynamic external and internal elements that alter existing realities (Beer & Nohria, 2000). Organization development is the process of instituting change in an organization. Sullivan (2010) defines organization development as a continuous,...