2000-Word Essays about Business & Management

Risk Management

Outsourcing in the Service Company

Introduction In outsourcing, a service company is hired by another company to perform certain specific services. The service provider employs and pays the work done by its employees, or sub-contracts another company to perform these services. There is no employment relationship between the contractor and the workers or members of...


Key Performance Indicators KPIs

Definition of KPI Key performance indicators are tools that firms use to determine the level of progress towards achieving a given goal over a specified period. Samsonova (41) defines key performance indicators as “Metrics used to help a business define and measure progress towards achieving its objectives or critical success...

Corporate Governance

Using Critical Action Learning in the Corporate

Introduction Ethical, sustainability and social impact (ESSI) issues can be discussed as highly influencing the organizational cultures. To guarantee that organizations develop according to the principles of sustainability, it is necessary to focus on their approaches to corporate social responsibility and the ethical behavior standards used in the workplaces (Waldman...

Organizational Management

Building an Inclusive School Culture

Introduction The management of change revolves around the formulation and implementation of revolutionizing efforts that correspond to the requirements of policy planning, technological systems, and/or new ways of conducting activities in an institution. The process of change can involve activities such as the launching of new product lines, outsourcing of...


Paper Procedures and Web Procedures Comparison

Part 1 Introduction The capacity of the internet as a tool for research remains unknown. Such a case is the reason why social scientists have begun examining the web from a broader perspective of its relevance in research. For this case, there is a need that experts to give relevant...

Case Studies

Lachlan Bank Australia: Project Process Planning

Executive Summary The report highlights important aspects of a planned project for the Lachlan Bank (Bigg Bank) Australia. The bank plans to install over 25,000 smartcard readers across its over 600 branches in Australia and beyond. Secure-Any Systems is looking forward to being awarded the tender to undertake the project,...

Case Studies

IBM Corporation: Innovation in a Global Setting

Innovation and Global and Cross-Cultural Impact Introduction In an international setting, the capacity to communicate successfully could be tricky. Even if two parties engage in a similar language, there could be misapprehensions because of cultural and racial dissimilarities. Comprehending the influence of globalization on cross-cultural communication is crucial for organizations...

Employee Management

ABC Oil & Gas Company Employee Management

Introduction Employee development is a major component of satisfying human resources. However, most organizations establish and tailor their training and development programs to fit the general employees while often bypassing one building block of a stable workforce, namely the management. Just like other personnel, the management officials require training and...


Micro-Movie as a New Marketing Communication in China

Introduction Marketing communication has inevitably become an integral part of any brand promotion strategy that is deemed to succeed amidst other competing products. The micro-movie is a new marketing communication channel that is being embraced by many organisations worldwide, especially in China. This proposal is based on the exploration effects...

Strategic Management

Strategic Choice Theory in International Business

Executive Summary This paper presents a critical synthesis of different articles on the application of the strategic choice theories in contemporary international business economics and management. The strategic choice theory was conceptualized during rigorous industrial relations dynamics in the United States. Prior to this theory, the business practices were characterized...


International Currency and Exchange Rates in China

Abstract This paper discusses the international currency structure and proceeds to investigate the Chinese exchange rate. As such, it is evident that most countries use different currencies and exchange rates to trade with different countries according to the comparative trading capabilities of those countries. Up to 1994, China was using...

Organizational Management

Organisational Learning and Workplace Practices

Introduction The corporate world is characterised by disruptive change that requires organisations to produce value. With competition, organisations aim at producing greater value as compared to their competitors by combining innovation, quality, and efficiency to achieve sustainable competitive advantage. Nevertheless, organisations cannot acquire sustainable competitive advantage in the absence of...

Corporate Culture

Leadership Shaping Organizational Culture

Abstract An organizational culture entails unique values and behaviors that explain the self-image of an organization and the people in it. The culture delineates the bond that exists between workers of an organization, and it expresses the existing values and beliefs. A stranger can always interpret the organizational culture by...

Employee Management

Effective Leadership: A Driver in Talent Retention

Introduction In the current competitive business environment, many organizations are under pressure to retain their best talents in order to remain successful. Finding the right talent to undertake various tasks within an organization is one of the most complex tasks that many organizations face. Having the right academic qualification alone...

Employee Management

Strategies for Managing Stress in Organizations

Introduction Stress is an inevitable phenomenon in human lives that is caused by a wide spectrum of disturbing factors. Its effects can be either beneficial or undesirable. In the wake of industrialization, technological advancement, and globalization, the workplace has been characterized by a complexity of distressing factors. As a result,...

Management Theories

Dave Ulrich’s Model of Human Resource Four Roles

Introduction Human Resource Management [HRM] has undergone tremendous changes over the past decades. HR has shifted from the operational to a strategic continuum. Thus, Ulrich (2013) asserts that HR professionals are charged with the duty of delivering results and creating value for diverse organisational stakeholders. In order to deliver value,...

Management Theories

Dave Ulrich Human Resource Model’s Middle Phase

Introduction Once business partnerships are established, tension is created between different entities. DeVoge and Spreier (2005) hold that employees are the most affected elements of an organisation in the event of a merger. HR is important since the resolution of tension that is created between employees and organisations that form...

Leadership Styles

Leadership in the 21st Century

Introduction In the 21st century, many organizations are characterized by multicultural, multiracial, multi-gender, and multi-mobility environments that necessitate new approaches to leadership and leading. This multiplicity of personalities and experiences transforms organizational landscapes and calls for new definitions of leadership. In order to effectively traverse complex terrains of modern working...


Online Retail and Services: Walmart and Amazon

Introduction Walmart and Amazon are two extremely popular organizations focused on retail that initially operated only in the US but have already reached the global market. Even though both companies represent the same sphere and provide customers with an opportunity to buy a wide range of various products, they differ...


Aspects of Organizational Psychology

Leaders are a group of people that determine the direction that a workforce should follow and motivate such groups so as to realize a common goal (Kotler, 1990). The debate on whether a leader is born or made has been remarkably essential in discussing leadership. In addition, several sources assert...


Benefits of Marketing to Unilever Greece

Introduction Marketing is a set of activities whose major goal is to create awareness, build customer relationships, deliver products, develop business and most important of all create value to the customer. This paper aims at illustrating the value of marketing to an organization by analyzing its impact on revenue generation...

Employee Management

The Features of Corporate Downsizing in Canada

Abstract The paper discusses the problem of downsizing in Canadian organizations. Downsizing is a practice that is used by managers as a response to the economic crisis, reductions in funding, and other negative conditions. In Canada, three recession periods were observed, and they led to an increase in rates of...


Effects of Cybercrime on Project Managers

The Research Problem Cybersecurity has become one of the primary factors that define the success of any given project. According to Trim and Lee (2016), when undertaking a sensitive project, it is necessary to protect critical information from third parties who may use it at the expense of the firm....

Strategic Management

Balanced Scorecard Measuring Organizational Success

Introduction This paper examines the usefulness of the balanced scorecard in measuring the success of an organization. Performance measurement is a critical success factor for any organization, particularly in the competition-driven market. The concept of performance assessment refers to the process of gathering, analyzing, and reporting information on the extent...


Samsung vs. Apple in the US Smartphone Market

Case Analysis 1 The last few weeks have been marked by much excitement when Samsung announced it would be releasing its Samsung Galaxy 8, which is lauded to be the most attractive smartphone so far. Not to be left behind, Samsung’s chief competitor, Apple, is also poised to release its...


Hydrogen Economy and Obstacles to It

Introduction The term ‘hydrogen economy’ was formulated about the use of hydrogen as a source of energy to replace the current reliance on fossil fuel. In the 1970s, the need for clean energy and the rising cost of fossil fuels led to a spirited search for a cleaner but more...

Strategic Management

Strategic Management Theories

Introduction Strategic management is an important concept that can help companies to succeed in the current business environment. Chapter 1 of the present paper will define and explain strategic management theories. Chapter 2 will discuss Porter’s Five Forces, which are among the key tools in strategic management. Chapter 3 will...


Research Methodology and Market Research

Understanding the target market is crucial for businesses wishing to increase profits and remain competitive. Market research can help businesses to gain insight into the consumers’ minds. Chapter 1 of the present paper will answer questions regarding the definition, importance, and thinking process of market research. Chapter 2 will explore...

Risk Management

Security Protocols’ Effectiveness Related to Fire

Introduction Managing the risk of fire outbreaks is one of the biggest concerns for many organizations in North America. According to Dunlap (2016), the fear of cases of possible fire outbreaks and their consequences have forced many companies to develop measures of countering the problem. Emerging technologies have made it...


Globalization Drives Inequality: Liberalist and Structuralist Perspectives

Background Globalisation has always been a fascinating subject because many people associate with it progress, growth, intellectual expansion, and wealth. Despite such associations, the real picture of globalisation is far from being positive. Experts at global policy forums are warning about the current and future effects of globalisation and say...

Management Theories

Global Management Research: Theory and Case Studies

Importance of Theory in Global Management Research Even though there is a significant gap between the theory and the practical application of the acquired skills in the management area, one must not underrate the importance of theoretical tenets. The role of theory in management research includes identifying the roles and...

Employee Management

Job Satisfaction and Employee Turnover Interaction

Introduction The management topic that has been chosen for this study is the influence and importance of job satisfaction on staff turnover. Employee turnover has been a subject of interest for many scholars, managerial practitioners, and organizational managers over the past decade. Employee turnover happens when employees willingly depart from...


Knowledge Management and Leadership in Walmart Stores

Introduction Nearly every organization today is faced with the challenge of coping with constantly changing information systems and needs. Businesses that have been around for a long time have had to adjust from ledger cards to keep up with big volumes of information generated in the digital era. The speed...


Porter’s Generic Strategic Model

Industry forces Generic strategy Differentiation Cost leadership Focus Degree of Rivalry High level of brand loyalty that maintains customers away from rivals Can compete on price basis Differentiation based focus. Here customer needs cannot be met by rivals Threat of substitutes Product features brought on by differentiation; endears customers and...


Effect of Social Capital on the Regional Innovation System

Background and motivation A number of deficiencies exist in literature concerning the role of social capital in the process of technological innovation and economic growth (Noteboom, 1999). Commercialization of innovations by universities has taken center stage in the recent past. Bay dole act and a series of other university reform...


Chinese Generation X: Brand-New Consumers

The impact of such processes as globalization, industrialization, and migration cannot be ignored in modern society. Even the most isolated nations underwent considerable social, economic, and political changes during the last several centuries, and China is not an exception. After the death of a great political leader, Mao Zedong, Deng...

International Marketing

International Marketing Management

Introduction The Multinational Company is an organisation that focuses on a range of counties instead of operating only in a home region. This international company is confronted with various environments that tend to vary depending on national borders. Government regulation, political structures, economies and social issues are to be taken...


Re-Engineering: Business Process Definition

Introduction Major organizational growth and management have been on the rise for the last few decades. Robust growth and expansion to embrace new technologies have been the case. What has become more important in organizations is the power of information. It is now a common experience in many business organizations...


Chic-fil-A: Situation & SWOT Analysis

Executive summary Marketing is an integral part of an organization’s management; it creates business for a company and offers insightful information necessary for developing and innovating effective business strategies. The hospitality industry is highly competitive with the new player entering the market and the old players developing new approaches to...


Continuity and Crisis Management in Oil and Gas Sector

Introduction Oil and gas sector is among the most important industries in the world. The industrial activities in the sector have a direct effect on economic, political and social aspects of the society. Therefore, firms within the oil and gas sector face sharp criticism from all angles most of the...

Company Analysis

The Starbucks Company Analysis

Introduction The Starbucks is an international corporation established in the year 1971. During the first years of its establishment, the company produced and distributed whole bean coffee in their Seattle store. By 1982, the organization had expanded and opened five more stores selling coffee beans and had a roasting facility....

Leadership Styles

The Exemplary Leader Overview

Introduction This paper entails an analysis of the concepts of leadership as shown by His Highness Sheikh Ahmed bin Saeed Al Maktoum. The main objective of this analysis is to determine the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of the leadership style and philosophy of Sheikh Ahmed bin Saeed Al Maktoum and find...

Risk Management

The Influence of Risk Governance on Project Objectives: Statistical Analysis

The statistical analysis process was undertaken using the SPSS software package, which analyses data in batches (Davis 2013). The main types of statistics applicable in the base software include bivariate statistics, prediction of numerical outcomes, the prediction for identifying groups, Geospatial analysis, GUI (R extension) and descriptive statistics (Pallant 2016)....

Case Studies

McDonald’s Leadership Role in the Fast-Food Industry

Introduction In 1992 McDonald’s sold its 90 billionth burger and they stopped counting ever since (Shamsie, p.25). But in 2002 the company posted its first quarterly loss amounting to a staggering $343.8 million (Shamsie, p.25). One of the corporate leaders of McDonald’s explained the decline succinctly when he remarked “We...


Power and Politics in Managing People

Introduction Globalization continues to define and change the modern world in many ways (Tjosvold and Leung, 2003). Today the world is experiencing profound changes brought about by globalization in many ways that constitute human life. Many countries around the world today cooperate in many aspects of financial, social, political, and...


Marketing and Sales: Terms Definition

Introduction According to Cole (2003, p.2), many people face a challenge distinguishing between marketing and sales. This arises from the fact that the two terms overlap in many ways. Marketing and sales are some of the most important elements in a firm’s effort to attain competitive advantage. However, the two...


Dispersed Knowledge in Markets and Companies

Introduction Market equilibrium mechanism functions best when all suppliers in the market are aware of other suppliers’ price offering. In addition to that, all buyers know the market price at any given time, and are able to make informed decisions regarding their choice of seller. Market equilibrium prices are a...


Apple Inc.’s Plans and Ideas for the Future

Abstract The future is not clear for Apple because the company deals with its challenges in a unique manner that leaves the competitors surprised. Over the past several years, the number of sales in the company has decreased and its stock prices have stagnated. The future of the company might...


Business Integration: XYZ Construction Inc. Strategic Plan

Introduction The owners of XYZ Construction Inc. (Horizontal and Vertical Construction Company) are nearly ready to proceed with their Initial Public Offering (IPO). In order to carry out a successful IPO, the company must have a strategic plan that would act as a guide for the company. A strategic plan...

Consumer Science

Consumer Buying Process

Introduction When making purchase decisions, consumers go through a number of stages. However, these stages depend on the type of product being purchased. Koklic and Vida (2011, p.634) asserts that making buying decisions differs with regard to their importance and degree of complexity. There are two main types of purchases...

Employee Relationships

Workforce Planning: Factors Influencing the Work of the Emiratis

Perceptions of Emiratisation The distribution of responses shows that most participants disagree that it makes business sense to employ Emiratis. Out of 487 responses, 168 (34%) are neutral and 147 (30%) disagree with the assertion that it makes business to employ Emiratis. The implication is that organisations in the United...

Business Ethics

Ethics and Values in Organization

Introduction Ethics can be defined as an acceptable manner in which people behave, and it is influenced by how they view right and wrong (Carmichael, 1995). It is the human conduct in light of moral principle that governs human beings established by beliefs of good or bad. The code of...


Future of the Relationship Marketing

Introduction For a long time, few businesses made effort to understand and highly value customers, especially with the need to retain them, but this scenario is fast changing in the modern world, as businesses embrace themselves for fierce competition and economic hardships of the 21st century. Today, globalization, technology, and...


Problems Related to E-commerce in the Uae

Introduction United Arab Emirates (UAE), just like most regions of the world, has considerably adopted e-commerce in facilitating most of its business transactions (OpenNet Initiative, 2009b). However, various issues surround the formulation, adoption, and implementation of e-commerce in the region. More so, these issues are characterized by the cultural and...


Role of Internal Prices Within Corporations

Introduction Internal prices are the rates of prices, which are made use of when making transactions involving goods and services between company divisions and departments or to a greater extent between a parent company and a subsidiary. Over the past century, large corporations have used internal prices in the aim...

Strategic Management

The Department of Training and Workforce Development: Strategic Human Resource

Department Of Training and Workforce Development The Department Of Training and Workforce Development is a West Australian policy development organization that serves to support the State’s sustained economic expansion by leading and coordinating workforce development strategies and driving a responsive, flexible training system within a State and national framework. It...

Strategic Management

Queensland Department of Education: Strategic Management Plan

Introduction According to Adkins (2005), “a human resource strategic plan must align an organization’s human resources with its direction and priorities”. An organization’s human resources are considered the pillars supporting a business’ strategy. To fulfill its objectives, a business must ensure every member of the organization is well informed on...

Employee Management

Saudi American Bank: Male and Female Branches

Introduction The Saudi Arabian economy remains one of the strongest in the region, and indeed the world. According to a 2011-2012 Global Competitiveness Report by the World Economic Forum (WEF), Saudi Arabia was ranked position seventeen from 21 in 2010-2011 (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, n.d). The Saudi Arabian economy has...


Strategic Decisions Making Tools in Business Management

Introduction Decision-making strategy is a fundamental strategy in Strategic management. It entails exploration of options, weighing alternatives, and settling for the most appropriate measures that will sustain the survival of a business entity. In a nutshell, strategic decision-making is used to determine the business direction and the path among alternatives...


Organization Knowledge in the Knowledge Development Cycle

Introduction Knowledge management is currently being hyped as the basis for competitiveness in the world of business, whereby knowledge instead of physical; assets will be the key to competitiveness (Gold, Malhorta & Segars, 2001). Today the attitudes towards knowledge have changed, whereby organizations are starting to appreciate the need to...


The Principles of Market-Based Management

Introduction Market-based management refers to the approach of management whereby all the corporate functions are defined in terms of market equivalents. Charles Koch, the CEO of Koch, the largest privately owned firm in the US founded this theory. He found out that successful societies had some features or ways of...

Employee Management

Human Resource Management in Holland Enterprises

Introduction The long-term success of an organization depends on the capacity to attract, retain, enhance and effectively utilize the most talented human capital of its employees (Schwind, 1998). We are living in an era when employees are only as devoted to the next paycheck. People are more willing to search...

Employee Management

Work Environment Impact on Employee Performance

Introduction Managers in the contemporary are faced with the new challenge of creating working environments that are attractive and motivating to their workforce. As it has been revealed, employees’ level of motivation is directly proportional to their productivity in their workplaces. On this basis, organizational management should create a work...


Managing Service Supply Relationships

Executive Summary Infosys had plans to venture the Chinese market in the course of 2002. However, its plans never materialized until the year, 2004. The key reason behind the entry into the Chinese Market was the escalating Indian software professionals’ salaries. The salaries were escalating due to the increasing demand...


Math Requirement in Fashion Merchandising

Introduction Student in the fashion merchandising industry learn how to manufacture, purchase, advertise and sell fashion materials. In the process of advertising, selling, and buying the student requires knowledge on both fashion merchandising and mathematics. Mathematics is usually a basic subject in most disciplines. A quality mathematics program is essential...


Globalization and Higher Education Organization in Romania

The globalization process has affected every facet of today’s social lives including politics, culture, economy and education in Romania. Effect of globalization in Romanian education can be seen by the changes that the Bologna Accord brought to its higher education systems. This Accord was meant to create a European Higher...

Strategic Management

Closed Circuit Systems Ltd: Strategic Management

Introduction The content by the researcher is articulate and clearly explains that strategy and planning serve as a backbone for which many organizations can be able to carry out their operations efficiently so as to achieve their corporate goals (Towers 2008, 44). This document clearly demonstrates a clear understanding of...


Outsourcing and Off-Shoring: Information Technology

Introduction Every business enterprise seeks a competitive advantage over its market competitors. Market changes and fluctuations creates a certain response that a business deems appropriate to handle or rather tame the changes in a market situation. Changes can involve overhauling of part or whole strategies currently in place. Traditionally, production...

Decision Making

Decision Making Theories and Microfinance

Comparing and Contrasting Three Relevant Theories Decision-making is important in ensuring that problems that befall people remain well solved. In day-to-day live, people encounter different obstacles that require different approaches to solving. Therefore, a decision has to be made. In the light of these expositions, various theories have been developed...


Smart Power Strategy for the United Arab Emirates

Introduction Armitage and Nye define the concept of power as “the ability to influence the behaviour of others to get a desired outcome”.1 In the globalizing world, the countries begin to interact with one another more often and more closely. Over the course of the centuries, it was demonstrated that...


Beach Bay Hotel: Downsizing Strategy

Introduction Downsizing strategy is aimed at reducing the size of the organization’s workforce in the bid to cut down cost and increase profitability. This strategy is normally formulated by the top management of my organization and then implemented by the middle managers at the human resource department. In this paper,...


Industrialization in Dubai

Introduction Dubai Emirate is located along the Arabian Gulf is the second-largest member of the United Arab Emirates by its area and also its population of about five million people. Dubai is classified as one of the fastest developing economies in the world boasting an US$ 82.11 billion economy. Presently...

Strategic Management

Renew the Strategy of the Management Clothes Industry to Reserve Technological Change

Introduction During the past twenty years, several lesser economically developed countries have become much aware of the importance of technological progress, acknowledging that economic development is unattainable without consideration of technological progress. Thus, across various sectors, several attempts are being made to modernize industrial processing technologies with innovations. Furthermore, those...

Business Ethics

Ethical Perspectives Overview

Introduction Business ethics and social responsibilities are common concepts in the world today. Nonetheless, there are myriads of issues that arise especially in regards to whether ethics should be considered as one of the most important aspects of running a business. Therefore, these two concepts have been used interchangeably quite...

Company Analysis

Publication Manufacture Small Business Future in Saudi Arabia

Background Saudi Arabia is located in the Middle East and it is one of the largest producers of oil in the world. It is also one of the richest countries in the world due to its proceeds from oil production. Saudi Arabia has a relatively small population which makes it...

Leadership Styles

The Concept of the Change Leadership

Introduction “How you define and exercise leadership in the present climate will be a significant determinant in your organization’s fortunes” (Warilow 2010, p. 1). The above statement was made with the intention of explaining the importance of good leadership in the organization. Today’s business environment stresses the importance of leadership...

Decision Making

Group Support System in the Information Technologies

Introduction This paper seeks to provide a better insight into the application of information technology in supporting task-oriented group meetings. It will describe Group Support System (GSS) that was invented in an attempt to use information technologies to enhance task-oriented meetings. Group Information Systems under which GSS falls is being...

Organizational Management

Diversity Management Importance in Multicultural Organizations and Their Challenges

Abstract Many organizational employees exude dissimilar tendencies and attributes as evident in sex, race, nationality and background. These differences are potentially beneficial in decision-making, increased resourcefulness and efficacious marketing strategies. However, bigger differences in cultural aspects at the work place lead to conflicts among employees, sophisticated turnover and communication failures....


The Leadership and Emotional Intelligence

Introduction Leadership is defined as the ability to inspire support from and confidence in people who are expected to realize organizational goals. It can also be defined as the interpersonal influence that gains effect through communication towards the attainment of goals. Leadership is a necessity in all levels of organizations,...

Business Ethics

An Ethical Dilemma in a Work Setting

Introduction With the development of technology today, the world has become ‘smaller’. The ‘global village’, that is the world today, has surely broadened the scope of cultural diversity in work settings. These diversities are not only based on micro-cultures, such as ethnicities, but also on macro-cultures like nations and continents....


Financial Value of Generic Products to the Retailers

Introduction Product brand name is very important since it enables manufactures to create customer loyalties on their products, broadens consumer awareness expands the branded product in the market. Therefore, branding is very crucial to the marketing strategies of manufactures. In the recent past the retail selves have seen rapid proliferation...


Synthesis of the Concepts in Information

Introduction Current cultural markets undergo a number of considerable challenges and improvements with the help of which people are able to use their knowledge, experience, and ideas to contribute the chosen sphere. There are many sources which explain how changes in different spheres may influence one particular industry and define...

International Marketing

Global Marketing Techniques & Information Systems

Global marketing is marketing on a worldwide scale. Global marketing involves taking advantage of global operations processes differences, similarities in business processes and business opportunities in order for an organization to meet global objectives. Marketing can also be defined as a marketing strategy used mainly by multinationals to sell goods...


Economic Effect of Private Equity Industry

Introduction Private equity is a term that is used in economics to describe a class of assets that do not directly trade on the stock exchange. This term has quite often been used synonymously with buyout investments. Private equity involves investment in an already operating company through the purchase of...

International Marketing

Internet Role on International Marketing in Amazon.com

Overview The internet is considered to the drive of the new millennium. Advancement in internet technology has led information revolution. Communication throughout the world has been simplified by internet technology. Use of internet has great impact on business operation. The technology has made business-to-business and business to customer communication much...

Case Studies

Zamil Air Conditioners Company’s Creativity

Introduction Zamil Air Conditioners (ZAC), one of the four business units of Zamil Industrial Investment Company, is based in Damman, Saudi Arabia, with a production facility in Italy. The company, founded in 1974, is currently the market leader in the supply of air conditioning systems in the Middle East and...


Motorola, the Next Generation of Change Management

Abstract Change management is a multifaceted discipline that affects the life of individuals, groups, organizations, societies and nations. With the continuous increases in technological development coupled with competition, individuals and organizations need to adapt to new efficient ways of operations so as to effectively and efficiently execute their duties. This...

Employee Management

HRM Roles & Contributions in Mergers & Acquisitions

Introduction The literature review represents an analysis that has been collected to ascertain the importance of involving human resource managers in the process of mergers and acquisition. The paper will also critically analyse and discuss the importance of involving the practices of human resource in such procedures. As days go...

Management Theories

Homeland Security Research Project

Introduction With the establishment of the Department of Homeland Security after the 9/11 attacks in 2001, the department faced several challenges which were specifically evident through the organizational problems of the department. The present paper identified several problems that stemmed from the existent pattern of bureaucracy, characteristic of the government...


McKinsey & Company: Case Study

Introduction This paper addresses the way management processes can be chalked out in various ways, producing various outcomes. The results obtained have shown the way McKinsey & Co. can amend their previously present management, and make further improvements to excel in their consultancy. The company has had a good record,...

Financial Management

The Impact on Compensation Strategies on an Vietnam IT Industry

Good employees are hard to find and once available than an organization must have the ability to retain them in long run. IT industry has grown up a lot and changes in trends are coming up daily. IT industry is a little different than other fields as it needs frequent...

Decision Making

The Social Responsibility Influencing Business Decision

Ethics and social responsibility are much talked about areas in business today. Questions regarding what these two mean have fetched a lot of theories from different authors. Further, the question of ethical social responsibility is a question that dawn upon all organizations. Are our philanthropic activities with NGOs an ethical...


The Low Cost Carriers Industry: The Norms of This Industry and How It Operates

Introduction The world is facing the worst economic crisis in face of the recent credit crunch, instability across various regions and economies, global warming and failure of the global monetary system, geopolitical systems, terrorism threats etc. These conditions create new challenges for business faced with intense competition, dynamism, sustainability and...

Company Analysis

Wal-Mart: The Business and Society Relationship

Wal-Mart is the largest retail corporation in the world. Wal-Mart’s successful domination of the retail market is the result of the company’s relentless push for “the lowest possible price” for consumers. Wal-Mart’s predatory pricing strategy is used to eliminate competition. The principle of cutting costs – at any cost –...

Leadership Styles

Paradigms of Leadership in Management.

Leadership is the art of influencing people in the manner desired by the leader towards the accomplishment of some common objectives and direct the organization to make it more cohesive and coherent. For the leadership to be effective the following factors or any combination of them must be put into...


Differences Between Management and Leadership

Kotterman, James (2006). Leadership versus Management: the disparities that are Journal for Quality and Participation, The Summer. The article entailed the differences that exist between management and leadership. A descriptive methodology was embraced by the researchers in the overall attainment of the results and assessed the following, Managers having subordinates,...

Organizational Management

Comparative of Organizational Behavior

Introduction Organization behavior (OB) is the study of the way individuals and groups of people act within a particular organization or organizations. It can also be defined as the study of the behavior of individuals and groups in organizations, it has an impact on how this people and groups think,...

Organizational Management

The Systems Approach and Inclusion Melbourne

Introduction Management studies have taken on a new trend in that organizations are perceived with a systems perspective (McNamara, Free Management Library). The vast number of innovative changes in their style of operations has prompted organizations to wake up to new methods of rapid and sure accomplishment. Inclusion Melbourne Incorporation...


Transnational Corporations in Developing Countries

Introduction Developing countries also referred to as third world countries may be described as having low levels of economic development including income levels and industrialization. Over the years, transnational corporations have diversified their operations to developing countries causing various effects, both positive and negative, for instance, the economic development and...

Case Studies

Rugged Wear: A Small Textile Manufacturer

For any enterprise (including small textile manufacturers), changing conditions brought on by changing competition, markets, and technology confront executives with a major and continuing challenge to decide on what specific new business interests to pursue. Unless a company constantly looks ahead, it may as well consider closing its doors altogether....

Leadership Styles

Christian Leadership in the Information Technology Industry

Introduction The extent to which employees of a certain organization are contented and intend to retain to their present job, can be determined by the level of their Job Satisfaction. There are different responses towards work, some people may find their jobs interesting and may find it necessary for their...