500-Word Essays about Business & Management


BJB Manufacturing Company Supply Chain Management

BJB is a leading manufacturer of high-end compact disc changers for the automobile industry. The products are very popular in the entertainment industry. In the paper below, alliance necessities, recommendations, and suitable metrics for the company to assess the performance efficiency of their suppliers are highlighted. For BJB to have...

Strategic Management

Information Technology Change Management

Enormous successes and ground-breaking achievements in the technological field, the spread of technologies throughout all the spheres of human life are the most striking features of the world economy. Information technology becomes the fundamental element and the driving factor for the development of the modern postindustrial society. While offering vast...

Marketing Project

The Hoverbike Product’s Marketing Mix

Marketing Mix Marketing mix is a set of tools that are used by the company to introduce a product on the market (Mindtools.com par. 7). It includes four elements that are connected with each other, and they are equally necessary for the success of the marketing strategy. The central objective...

Marketing Project

Toyota Motor Corporation’s Marketing Plan

Marketing is one of the most significant activities in any organization as it acts as a direct determinant of the number of customers in an organization and organizational competitive advantage (Perreault, Cannon & McCarthy, 2010). One of the organizations in the world that has excelled in its marketing is Toyota...

Business Ethics

Coca-Cola Company: Corporate Social Responsibility

Many companies have used corporate social responsibility (CSR) for different reasons. CSR has been used to address cultural, ethnical, and political issues all around the globe. Companies usually develop a CSR policy that acts as a guide to the type of CSR the company engages in to keep tabs on...

Business Ethics

Ethics and Morals Role in Business

Introduction Ethics and morality are two aspects of business operations that are vital to the success of any business from the owner’s perspective and that of the public. Before distinguishing the two terms, it is worthy to note that ethical business norms have been evolving ever since man discovered the...

Strategic Management

Strategic Management Process and Its Components

Strategic management is a process that determines the fundamental aims and goals of the organization. Strategic management plays a critical role as far as making decisions are concerned. Moreover, it entails following up the accomplishment of the aims and goals. These decisions are both long-term and short-term. The top management...

Risk Management

Rachel’s Bus Company: Risk Strategy

Rachel’s Bus Company is a successful business venture. Rachel has portrayed some of the best moral practices as an entrepreneur. She has used new practices in order to make her business successful. She has employed many people from her neighborhood in order to achieve her goals. She has encouraged her...

Leadership Styles

The Virgin Group: Richard Branson Leadership Qualities

Any organization requires a clear guideline on how day to day activities should be carried out. As such, there is always a person tasked with the responsibility of overseeing activities of the organization. The person can either have qualities of a manager or of a leader. In case of Richard...

Leadership Styles

Contingency and Situational Theories of Leadership

Critical analysis of the contingency and situational theories Situational and contingency models are used by leaders to develop strategic plans for leadership. The two models have several similarities and differences. The main similarity between these theories is that they focus on the nature of a situation to determine the responses...

Leadership Styles

Leadership: Styles and Emotional Intelligence

It is true that the style of leadership is unique for every individual – but it should not depend on their personality. In fact, style is the strategy a leader chooses to adjust the organizational climate and handle failures just as well as success. The styles and emotional intelligence are...

Product Marketing

The Polished Diaper Cakes Company’ Distribution Strategy

Distribution Strategy Modern world can be characterized by a great level of rivalry. To become successful a person or organization should overcome great number of obstacles and become better than the rest of the world. Only under these conditions it is possible to count on high incomes and continuation of...

Leadership Styles

Leadership Role: Traits, Skills and Styles

Role of Leadership Leadership is a role charged with the development of visionary decisions. There are many skills, traits, and styles associated with leadership. Some of the skills associated with a leader include being good in the development of relationships with the human entities around a leader and being inspirational...


Use of Social Media as a Marketing Tool

Introduction The sheer proliferation of social media platforms such as blogs, wikis and online forums has created an unprecedented opportunity for companies to take advantage of this new social trend to promote particular products and services via online social platforms. Nearly 22% of all online activity within the U.S. alone...

Business Ethics

Q Company’s Corporate Social Responsibility

Evaluation of company Q’s attitude toward social responsibility Company Q’s attitude towards social responsibility can be described as negative. It is clear that the company is highly sensitive to its performance and almost all of its efforts are directed towards profitability. Theoretically, corporate social responsibility concerns a company’s ability to...


Consumer Behavior in Marketing

Why is it important to encourage repeat purchases and customers from a marketing perspective? The three most recent products I purchased included a Samsung touch screen phone, a blazer, and a pair of shoes based on cognition, impulse, and experience. These products uniquely addressed my consumer needs to communicate, cover...


Consumer Behavior and Satisfaction in Marketing

Repeat Purchases & Customers In recent years, a considerable amount of effort has been devoted to understanding the importance of repeat purchases/consumers in a dynamic and competitive marketing environment. The knowledge synthesized from available literature demonstrates that economic success and competitiveness of most organizations depend on their ability to maintain...


Core Strategy

How have you seen the core strategy demonstrated by companies and or to the benefit of customers? Many companies have used core strategy to differentiate themselves from competitors through several ways that are beneficial to customers. One of them is through innovation and continuous improvements. The innovation and improvement capabilities...


Marketing Research Interests

Marketing research is very vital for any organization. Different organizations engage in marketing research to determine the needs of their customers to ensure that the needs of these customers are met. Marketing research can be easily defined as the process through which a marketer seeks to obtain information on consumers’...


Concept of ISO 9000

ISO 9000 is a set of regulations that form the basis of quality assessment for business organizations. These standards are used by business entities to ensure that business operations are carried out according to the guidelines set by the relevant authorities. These guidelines include statutory regulations. In addition, the guidelines...


Toyota Prius Consumer Decision-Making Process

The consumer decision-making process is a five-step procedure that a typical customer is likely to follow before, during, and after purchasing a product. The first step is needed recognition, which refers to the gap brought about by the ideal and actual state of a need. Product marketing influences need recognition...


Supply Chain-Wide Technology

Supply chain management involves the tactical synchronization of the supply operations and strategies that encompass these business operations in a certain firm to enhance the long-lasting efficiency of the firm and the supply chain. It includes enhancing goods, process and supply chain functions. A supply chain wide system is one...

Product Marketing

Coca-Cola Company International Business

Introduction Sustainability is required for the placement of a business strategy. Several key preconditions such a long-term commitment to the place brand strategy, ad campaigns, adequate budget allocation, responsiveness to societal changes, and the need for specific objectives determine the success and sustainability of a business. This analytical treatise attempts...

Corporate Culture

Corporate Social Responsibility

The term corporate social responsibility describes an element in business management that enables an organization to regulate itself. CSR enables a business entity to comply with the requirements of the law, ethical issues, and norms of international businesthe s practices. The practice also ensures that activities of a business organization...

Employee Relationships

Bad Customer Services

Every successful business organization provides quality services and products to its customers. Businesses should treat their customers with respect, dignity, and professionalism. Many customers have encountered bad services or products from different businesses. I have also encountered several bad experiences as a consumer. I recently visited my Mobile Network Provider...