900-Word Essays about Business & Management

900 words essays are usually written according to the five-paragraph formula. It implies an introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion. To prepare a solid 900-word essay about business, management, or marketing, you’ll need to work on a clear thesis statement and a simple yet informative outline.

You can write a 900-word essay about business and management in many subdisciplines. For example, recognizable brands, international marketing, financial management, employee relationships, or corporate governance. We wish you good luck with your assignment! Take a look at 900 words essay examples on this page to get inspired.


The Procurement Process in Tesco

Introduction The importance of a functional department to an organization determines its creation. For a long time, procurement was seen as the firm’s transactional unit. However, several companies combine procurement with cost reduction and supplier management (SCM) to improve competitiveness. As a major brick-and-mortar and online retailer, Tesco Plc has...

Company Analysis

99 Cents Only Stores’ Transition to a Professionally Managed Organization

99 Cents Only Stores are a famous American retail chain offering a wide assortment of consumable and closeout merchandise and domestic and imported products at a significant discount. The company purchases name-branded and private label merchandise from the manufacturers. The new venture transitions from a simple idea to a highly-managed,...

Employee Management

Employee Motivation Self-Reflection

Employee motivation is explained as the degree of creativity, commitment, and energy workers put into their jobs. As an integral part of human resource management, employee motivation plays a significant role in directing people’s actions and behavior for a constructive vision (Paais & Pattiruhu, 2020). It is the inherent driving...

Case Studies

Promotion and Pricing of Korwin’s Products

Code of Conduct The code of conduct of Korwin should reflect the values of Korwin pharmaceuticals. First, the employees should ensure that the products are of good quality and meet the customers’ needs. The products should meet the required standards set by regulatory authorities. Secondly, the employees should make sure...

900 Word Essay FAQ

A 900-word essay about business and management can be written on many topics. The exact format depends on the requirements. You should consult with your teacher to understand what is required in your particular case.

The first thing you should do to write a 900-word essay is to choose a topic. You’ll have to spend some time researching, writing, and editing. That’s why it is worth choosing a topic that inspires you. A good 900-word essay about business, management, or marketing should feature a solid outline, a clear thesis statement, and a bibliography. Please pay special attention to your sources’ relevance: they must be up-to-date.

Business, management, and marketing are inspiring topics to write about. However, working on a 900-word essay on business will require some effort from your side. You’ll also have to spend time formatting and editing your paper, as well as preparing graphic materials. You’ll need about 3 hours to write 900 words.

A 900-word assignment, be it about business, management, marketing, or other topic, usually contains 6 to 7 paragraphs. This rough estimate implies that a typical paragraph in academic writing includes 100 to 150 words.

Case Studies

Apple Inc. in 2020: SWOT Analysis and VRIO Framework

Apple Inc. in 2020: Analysis Case Essay Apple Inc. has a long history that revolves around ambition, innovation, and product diversification. Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak founded Apple in 1976 and quickly brought it to the leading positions in the developing personal computer (PC) industry. Unfortunately, the early success of...

Case Studies

Volkswagen Emission Scandal: Case Analysis

Introduction In September 2015, it became public that the automobile manufacturer Volkswagen (VW) had been installing special software into over eleven million cars to deceive emissions tests since 2005. The software, designed by the German auto supplier Bosch, activated equipment to reduce emissions when it sensed it was being tested...

Case Studies

Square Solar Inc.’s Intellectual Assets & Property Security

Square Solar Inc. Intellectual property is a collective concept that includes the rights that regulate relations in the development of the products of intellectual labor, their exchange, or their use. It involves copyright and related rights, trademarks, geographical indications, industrial design, patents, and any proprietary information (USPTO, n.d.). Companies that...

Leadership Styles

Tips for Developing Excellent Leadership

The podcast “PMPEncore197: 10 Tips for New Assistant Principals” by William Parker, accessed through the address, provides tips for aspiring and new assistant principals to offer excellent leadership. Teachers willing to advance to administrative roles can rely on various tips and resources to remain successful. In addition, the podcast provides...

Employee Management

Modern Recruitment Challenges

Introduction Employee recruitment is a fundamental yet highly complex process that forms the basis of a company’s overall productivity and quality of services. The primary goal of a recruiter is to pick the most fitting candidate for a given position. Although the complexity of a candidate pool creation, as well...

Company Analysis

Converting Netlfix’s Weaknesses Into Strengths

Strengths Weaknesses Brand loyalty. Customers recognize the brand among the competing streaming services and stick to using Netflix daily; Own production company. Besides leasing the rights to stream various shows and motion pictures, Netflix allocates nearly 35% of its costs to the production of original Netflix content; Leadership in the...

Case Studies

Coke and Pepsi Companies’ Financial Analysis

For the year 2016, the current ratios for Coke and Pepsi are 1.28 and 1.25, respectively. Similarly, for 2017 the current ratios for Coke and Pepsi are 1.34 and 1.51, respectively. The ideal current ratio is 2:1. For 2016, the quick ratios for Coke and Pepsi are 0.98 and 1.08,...

Employee Management

“X-Teams: How to Build Teams…” by Ancona & Bresman

Major Management Concepts Discussed The major management / leadership concepts discussed in the book X-teams, how to build teams that lead, innovate, and succeed by Ancona & Bresman, as defined by the Leadership Effective Inventory (LEI) competencies, include: External Awareness – Understands local, national, and international market situations, issues, trends,...

Case Studies

Data Description Methods: Japolli Bakery

To develop a frequency distribution, the data on each type of bread was distinguished from the others. Then, the maximum and minimum values for each type of bread were found – they were the minimal and maximal limits of the given variation (Japolli Bakery, 2021). Each Variation Range was divided...

Employee Management

Holacracy Implementation in Mid-Size Organization

Introduction In the rapidly changing business circumstances requiring professionals to multitask, overly rigid organizational hierarchies have become an outdated practice. As opposed to hierarchies that maximize unambiguousness in task distribution, holacratic systems use flat organizational structures and emphasize flexibility, including the absence of pre-defined roles and ensuring teams’ increased control...

Employee Management

“Managing Diversity and Equality in the Workplace” by Sharma

Sharma’s (2016) article focuses on the relationship between sociocultural issues, performance appraisals, organizational capabilities, and affirmative action in managing equality and diversity in the workplace. These issues are relevant to the management of diversity and equality. They are pillars that make it possible to attain equality while leveraging diversity. As...


A New Strategic Approach to Human Capital

Introduction The modern global economy more than ever values talent and creativity over following the established routine. Therefore, it is crucial to pay attention to retaining smart employees. In many cases, when a company encounters a decline in performance, the root causes lie in issues connected to human capital management....

Case Studies

Hospitality Business Proposal in Jacksonville, Alabama

The hospitality industry has always been something that fascinated me. First, I really enjoy working with people and consider myself quite social. Second, when I think about my career, I imagine something to do with providing people with unforgettable experiences. I believe that owning a hotel is a great way...

Managerial Negotiation

Conflict Management, Negotiation, and Leadership

Introduction As an object of assessment, a meeting of school officials at the local school board will be reviewed where the members discuss the issue of financing the supply of computer equipment. Analyzing the given event from the perspectives of leadership and conflict management can help highlight specific strengths and...

Case Studies

Tennessee Air National Guard: The Case Study

Statement of the procedure and selection options In a time when the economies are falling and the price of gasoline and related products are raising, the never-ending workflow is taking a toll on the workers of the Tennessee Air National Guard, and their morale is getting lower day by day....


Critique on Strategic Human Resource Management

Dhar observes that the aspect of strategic human resource management is integral in setting goals and objectives for an organization.4 According to the author, the aspiration to work and remain committed at workplace can only be nurtured and sustained through strategic human resource management. In any case, goals form part...


Goal Setting and Time Management

Introduction Goal setting and time management can often be a challenging task however the rewards far outweigh those issues. Consciously setting goals and managing time is more than just keeping a diary of chores to be done on a daily basis, it allows someone to view the bigger picture thus...

Business Ethics

Ethical Principles in Scientific Research

Introduction: The Issue of Emotion Management in Workplace The emotional health of the employees is one of the key elements to the company’s success. As the management experts note: “Over the past ten years, increasing attention has been given to how workers express emotions in a variety of working setting”...

Company Analysis

Apple Inc.’s Life Cycle Management Analysis

Introduction Apple Inc. is a multinational corporation based in America and deals in designing and marketing electronics mainly computer software and personal computers. The most significant product of the company is the Macintosh computers, iPod, iPhone, and the iPad (Pouloudi, 2004). Apart from being an Mp3 player, an iPod is...

Case Studies

Siemens. Motivation Within a Creative Environment

Why Taylorism is not an appropriate theory of motivation for engineers within a modern workplace setting Engineers within a modern workplace setting need to be highly motivated to be able to come up with innovative products. Without innovative products, it is easy for a company to loose its markets. New...


Supply Chain Management on the Internet

Supply chain management is thought to be a chain of highly inflexible events that have managed to get the products out of the company. This has in turn put the companies at loss due to the firm manufacturing plans and theoretical shipping schedules. The Internet has proved to be a...


Tesco Marketing Strategy

Introduction A market strategy is a process that allows an organization to focus its inadequate funds on the greatest opportunities to boost sales and create a competitive advantage. A marketing strategy defines objectives and the course to follow so as to satisfy customer needs in desired markets. It is most...


Functions of Management

The four functions of management (planning, controlling, organizing, and leading) influence effective organizational performance and productivity. The organization selected for analysis is an import/export company. For this company, planning is crucial as it determines strategic directions and activities. In the import/export company, planning consumes prime resources and transforms them into...

Leadership Styles

Leadership Management: Theories and Models

Describe Yukl’s multiple-linkage model: types of variables, interaction among variables, strengths, and weaknesses Gary Yukl is credited for having established the multiple linkage model of leadership. According to his assertions, the performance of work is dependant on multiple variables. These include the subordinate effort; the subordinate ability; organization of work...

Strategic Management

Role-Based Model of Management and Functional Models

Leadership and management are related in a way, but they are both different. While the manager, in French terms is a leader, an innovator, the inspirational type and an activist (Dex), a leader is the “broker” or “stabilizer” of the manager (Rex). For a manager to be effective, he must...

Case Studies

Best Food Superstores’ Negative Customer Experience

Background This report was written concerning a client’s letter to food stores who noticed gross injustices carried out by workers. Brenda was touched by these acts of dishonest and decided to come out clear and fight for customers’ rights because some managers have no idea of how their workers take...


Dubai Electricity & Water Authority’s Customer Orientation System

Introduction The total quality management system, which was designed to improve all aspects of any type of production, is made up of several comprehensive concepts, and Customer focus is one of them. Customer focus is a strategy-oriented on serving customer’s demands. This concept leads to the successful performance of any...


Internal Marketing in Business Organizations

Article #1 Shiu, Y & Yu, T 2010, ‘Internal marketing, organizational culture, job satisfaction, and organizational performance in non-life insurance’, The Service Industries Journal, vol. 30, no. 6, pp. 792-809. The requirement for Understanding the Article The article mainly examines the impact of internal marketing on the insurance sector. For...

Employee Management

Managing Change and Conflict in Workplace

In the fast world of today, where computers and digitalization of information have made the overall organizational atmosphere infinitely dynamic, change is all-pervasive in organizations. Changes within an organization could include integration of departments, or organizations, establishing different cultures, or implementing technological changes. Change is continuous in nature and happens...

Employee Management

Seagram Company’s Employee Involvement Approach

Definition of Project The current business environment is significantly influenced by global communication, diverse markets, the development of information technologies, and client-oriented strategies. Therefore, rapid and constant changes should be a part of business strategy in any organization. It is emphasized that functional corporate culture greatly contributes to the financial...

Employee Management

Effective and Continuous Motivation of Employees

Introduction The performance of any organization depends on its employees’ input. Sokro (2012) emphasizes that motivation should be an integral part of organizational culture as this will ensure sustainable implementation of strategies aimed at improving employees’ performance. It is noteworthy that researchers tend to focus on the correlation between motivation...

Case Studies

CJ Industries and Heavey Pumps’ Contract

Major Facts In October 2007, CJ Industries signed a $10 million contract with Great Lakes Pleasure Boats which chose CJI as a supplier of key engine components. The agreement between the two companies had a great deal of potential and crowned years of hard work by CJI. Collaboration with a...


Management in the Goods and Services Fields Promotion

Introduction The sphere of goods and services promotion as one of the most rapidly developing sectors requires the active involvement of relevant strategies and techniques providing the assessment of significant factors. Marketers resort to various resources, including both theoretical aspects, for instance, the modern principles of preserving customer interest, and...

Employee Management

The Concept of Employee Turnover

Abstract Employee turnover is a term which is widely used in organizations today. The impact of employee turnover has received extensive attention by senior management, human resources professionals and industrial psychologists. In fact it is proven to be one of the most costly and apparently difficult human resource challenges facing...

Leadership Styles

Leading Change in the Production Management Process

Introduction Managing the production process is a challenging and problematic task, which requires that not only several separate procedures should be handled efficiently, but also the cooperation between the departments responsible for these processes, as well as the staff and the managers of the organization in question, should be introduced...


Time Management Tips’ Importance

Introduction Time management is an essential technique for college students as they have to provide papers and tasks on due dates within set deadlines. Time-management is used for better planning, scheduling, and structuring of one’s time, which helps individuals correctly evaluate each task and the time necessary for it, plan...


Goals of Management in Organization

Introduction Management is a continuous problem-solving task that is performed by managers. It is not secluded to managers but it can be performed by any person who is in control in any organization. The main goal of management is to achieve speci9fic organizational goals and objectives. These goals and objectives...


“Effective Entrepreneurial Marketing on Facebook – A Longitudinal Study” by Fink et al.

Introduction Entrepreneurial marketing continues to intrigue researchers, scholars, and students, with new topics within the subject continuing to be uncovered through different approaches. The Journal of Business Research accepted for publication the article “Effective Entrepreneurial Marketing on Facebook – A Longitudinal Study” by Fink, Koller, Gartner, Floh, and Harms (2018)....

Employee Management

Ford Motor Company: HRM and Business Strategies

Propose how you would ensure the HR strategy is in alignment with the business strategy First, it is obvious that all Ford plants ought to capable of abiding by the organization’s code of conduct. In addition, applying the code of conduct when procedures are fully ready would ensure the alignment...

Employee Management

Human Resource Management as a Strategic Science

According to Bratton and Gold’s book ‘HRM in practice’, human resource management (HRM) models make reference to performance. This is reasonably supported by the HRM theories that exist. The theories have an underlying overall purpose or goal for HRM, which is performance. Human resource management theories include: The Strategic HRM...

Employee Management

Organizational Change Impacts on Recruitment Process

Change is inevitable in the contemporary business world. Anderson and Anderson claim, “Any business in today’s fast-moving environment that is looking for the pace of change to slow is likely to be sorely disappointed” (123). Change helps a business to enhance its competitive advantage. It enables an organization to meet...


Driving Business Excellence Through Total Quality Management Strategies

Introduction In general, Total Quality Management (TQM) is an effort made by managers of an organization aimed at the improvement of the provision of high-quality services and products to customers. In the modern world, due to the process of globalization and intense competition, quality has become one of those product’s...


The Quality Award Programs

Analyze the main ideas or the approach used in the article and mention if you agree or do not agree with the ideas and justify your opinion. Due to Japanese efforts, the world realized how much the quality systems are important for business. During the 1980s, the American industries found...

Employee Management

Performance Management and Its Components

Performance management (PM) is an essential part of any company’s successful functioning. By implementing proper PM, an organization can increase its chances for success and eliminate many failures. PM helps to motivate employees and satisfy customers, thus making a company profitable and promising. Purposes of Performance Management Performance management carries...


Global Retail Strategies and Channel Structures

Global retailing involves the selling of commodities internationally by small-scale and large-scale vendors. It also entails multicultural and cross-bordered transactions. This type of trade expands the available opportunities for customers and retailers. Forms of Retailing Retailing involves the reselling of goods bought from producers or wholesalers to consumers. The different...

Case Studies

Hazel Business Operations Management

Case Summary Recently Hazel opened her small business and now offers lawn mowing services for her neighbors. In a short time, Hazel managed to create a good client base, hired two part-time assistants, expanded the service range, and, currently, she continues to seek the ways for growth. However, business expansion...


Creating a Healthy Work Environment

Investing in a healthy working environment has led to notable improvements in employee performance, as well as business returns (Allen, 2011). Although leadership wellness programs have created several benefits, there are fears that have been associated with the financial burden the organization bears in creating a healthy working environment (Grawitch,...

Case Studies

Emergency Management Department’s Information System

Restoring Confidence in the information policy of the Office of Emergency Management department In order to restore confidence in information sharing in the department, I hereby propose adoption of administrative approach and technological approach of information system management. Administrative Approach: Integration of Office of Emergency Management Culture in Information System...

Employee Management

Challenges in International Human Resource Management: A Critical Perspective

How can we explain the country-of-origin effect represented in this table? Staffing multinational affiliate companies is a critical success factor and a very challenging task. The biggest question for Multinational Companies (MNC) is whether to embrace across border transfers i.e. send parent country nationals (PCN) to manage the affiliates or...

Employee Management

Motivation Improving Employee Performance

Introduction Motivation is a complex subject and probably one of the most difficult parts of organizational behavior. If an employee lacks skills, he or she can be trained, if working conditions are not sufficient, those can be improved, but motivation is an indicator that is extremely hard to control or...


Training Methods in Management

Introduction Knowledge delivery transfer and management has over the years been a topic of interest for many researcher s and educational scientists. Subsequently they have developed tested and tried numerous methods of training that go a long way in delivering accurate and relevant information and knowledge to the learner with...

Employee Management

Performance Management and Its Implementation

As client preferences shift, organizations have to adjust their products and services in order to match these preferences. One of the components that are useful in aligning company products with client expectations is ensuring that the workforce has the right expertise and motivation. To ensure that employees have the required...

Employee Management

New Employee Training Preparation

Introduction Training program for new employees is very significant for any organization. Training new workers not only enhances efficiency at the place of work but also boosts proper worker-worker and employee-employer relationships. This paper reveals the processes of training new employees, including preparing the training session, implementing the training session,...

Company Analysis

Nike Company’s Strategy and Competitive Advantage

Nike is one of the leading multinational corporations that specialize in manufacturing sports apparel and footwear, different types of accessories, and specific sports equipment for athletes and general customers. Nike is a US-based company that was founded in 1964. Currently, the company is headquartered in Oregon, but its facilities are...


Operations Improvement: Approaches and Processes

Introduction Business organizations must adopt business strategies that facilitate effective operations. It is through effective business operations that an organization can achieve its objectives and operate effectively in a competitive industry. Optimizing processes and checking costs are effective production methods that organizations can adopt to improve their operations and sustain...

Company Analysis

Eden’s Garden Company’s Financial Health

Introduction Financial statements like budget, income statement, event report, and balance sheet of institute display the institutes financial conditions to the shareholders (Kohl & Wilson, 2004). As a result, this paper will demonstrate how financial statements derive financial ratios of Edens Garden Company as shown in appendices and how the...

Employee Management

Development, Communication and Learning in Teams

Introduction Teamwork is synonymous with contemporary business activities. For this reason, managers need to understand the group’s actions, behavior alongside team concepts. Team building requires close follow up of systematic planning and implementation of various plans that reflect organizational goals. Classical teamwork, therefore, brings together members with a common understanding...


Operations Improvement Methods Justification

An effective operation enables an organization to achieve its intended objectives. However, to sustain a long-term competitive advantage, adoption of effective production methods is the only way of maintaining a high level of productivity which is achieved through optimizing processes and checking costs. The goal of improving the operational processes...


Managing Organizational Change: Theories and Approaches

Implementing a change within an organization is not an easy task. Change models, such as Kotter’s Eight Steps, are often viewed as a lifeline for organizations attempting at altering their structure, production or management process. However, unless every single step of Kotter’s Model is followed closely, an organization is most...


Consulting Skills’ and Meeting Plan’s Management

Running the Meeting Our team’s goal was to offer adequate solutions to the problems affecting our clients. The second meeting was critical towards improving our clients’ trust and confidence. The team designed the best plan to make the meeting successful. I created the best agenda for my team. I also...


Success and Motivation Relations – Performance Management

Introduction Performance management is an integrated strategic process that is linked to organizational success and individual employee motivation. There exists an integrative relationship between performance management and reward management within an organization. This report explains these links through a description of performance management purposes in relation to organizational objectives. The...

Employee Management

Future HR Trends

Introduction It is evident that the world will become more interconnected over the next one to two decades as the flow of knowledge, goods, and services increases. To effectively compete and set themselves apart, organizations will have to develop strategies that take advantage of these changes while identifying high growth...


Organization Development and Human Resource Management

Introduction This paper explores why organisation development (OD) is relevant to a company’s performance by exploring its purpose and attributes. Key issues such as OD and Human Resource (HR) relationships, the influence of OD values on the activities of OD practitioners, theories and models surrounding OD processes, techniques for developing...

Company Analysis

The Lululemon Company’s Strategic Recommendations

Briefly restate your group’s strategic recommendation(s) for the company The strategic recommendation for the Lululemon company is that it should expand its market niche to start producing clothes for both the sportspersons and the non-sportswear. The company should also lower its costs of operations to help it adopt the differentiation...


Compensation Concepts

Introduction With the ever-increasing labor demands caused by the competitive nature of the present marketplace, employee compensation and benefits have become one of the most important tools used by the organization to lure the right workforce. The total compensation package offered by an organization is a sign of how much...


National and Regional Quality Awards Comparison

Summary “A Comparative Analysis Of National and Regional Quality Awards” by Vokurka, Stading, and Brazeal suggests an overview of the quality systems of the United States, Canada, Europe, Japan, and Australia. These quality systems were chosen because these regions are responsible for a significant amount of the world’s products (Vakura,...


McDonald’s Company’s Operational Strategy

The operations concept, its meaning, and relevance McDonald’s Company can use an operational strategy based on three pillars. The first pillar is the location strategy. The business should set up outlets and franchises in densely populated areas. The company will have a high demand for its food products in these...

Employee Management

The Internet and Email Usage Monitoring on the Workplace

Introduction The introduction of internet and Email can be considered as one of the best discoveries in the history of mankind. This is because it has made communication to any part of the world faster and easier. Because of its rich resources and information, the internet is a major source...


Business Intelligence System

Introduction The case involves an unnamed organization that has been housing its data in a single user database based on Microsoft Access. Due to some problems with limited and ineffective access to the data, the organization decided to develop and roll out a Web-based records management system. The idea was...

Company Analysis

Walmart Company’s Business Strategy

Summary Wal-Mart is a company that operates in the US for several years already, but not so long ago, it implemented a new business strategy to improve its performance. The organization referred to sustainable value networks that allowed it to reduce expenditures, improve relations with the suppliers and become more...

Company Analysis

The Wang Group Company Management Changes

The Wang Group as a Typical Asian Family Firm The Wang Group through its centralized leadership structure that is overly dependent on the CEO (in this case Charles Wang) as the primary decision maker within the company showcases many of the characteristics inherent in family led firms in Asia. Through...

Company Analysis

Durham International Manufacturing Company’s Chain Management

Whether integration efforts should start with suppliers, distribution, or both DIMCO Company Supply chain management involves the management of material and information from the suppliers to the customer in order to attain customer satisfaction at the lowest possible cost. The company manufactures various types of electronic products, which are distributed...

Company Analysis

Walmart Company: External and Internal Factors

Introduction For an organization to succeed the management must be considered as an important tool. However, both the internal and external factors impact on each and every function of the management since they influence the organization, controlling, leading and planning decisions made by managers. They also influence the manner in...

Company Analysis

Mindtree Company’s Human Resource Practices

Introduction Most modern-day business organizations are faced with numerous challenges which may present either opportunities or threats to their survival. It is from this realization that organizations have adopted a structured form of management where different sections are mandated to handle challenges presented by different factors. One of the functional...

Company Analysis

“Grandma’s Best” Restaurant Analysis

Porter’s Five Forces Analysis The five forces identified by Porter shape every industry and market (Krause 35). The Porter’s five forces play a significant role in analyzing competitiveness, profitability, and attractiveness of an industry. They include competitive rivalry within an industry, threat of substitute, bargaining power of suppliers, bargaining power...

Company Analysis

Kodak Company and the Digital Revolution

Kodak’s strategy in traditional photography Kodak’s strategy that ensured its success in traditional photography involved several principles that included mass production of products, low prices of products, extensive advertising and marketing, international distribution, sustained market research and focus on the needs of customers. Kodak was able to make photography readily...

Company Analysis

Kodak Company: Traditional and Digital Photography

Kodak’s Success in Traditional Photography Kodak was one of the most successful photography companies during the traditional photography era. In the course of its operations, Kodak came up with innovative, effective, and efficient strategies that enabled it not only to become profitable in the short run and in the long...

Company Analysis

Amazon and eBay Companies’ Competitive Strategy

What is eBay’s competitive strategy? Is it cohesive? Since the foundation of the company in 1995, eBay offered marketplaces for goods and services, charging the customers with fees. The eBay’s strategy depends mainly on the ability to attract customers to the market and encourage them to buy or sell products....

Company Analysis

American Express Company Management

Introduction American Express Company is one of the leading financial service institutions in the world. The Company’s headquarter is situated in New York City. Henry Wells and William Fargo established American Express in 1850. The company is reputed for issuing credit cards, charge card, and traveler’s cheques, which have facilitated...

Company Analysis

Wal-Mart Stores Analysis

Introduction Wal-Mart is one of the most popular retail outlets. It is a dominant retail store in Canada, Mexico and the United Kingdom. The fortune 500 index ranks the Wal-Mart as one of the wealthiest and most powerful corporations in the world and with approximately 1.5 billion employees in its...

Company Analysis

Google Company: Marketing Approach Analysis

Introduction Google, Inc. is an international organization that is both diverse and dynamic. Google is the most widely used search engine in the world. Although it initially started with search engines, Google, Inc. has diversified into other areas. These areas include Google mailing services, blog search engine (e.g., Google Blog...

Company Analysis

Wal-Mart Stores’ Supply & Demand and Opportunities

Introduction Wal-Mart was incorporated in 1969 and started trading publicly at the New York Stock Exchange from 1972. Wal-Mart has its headquarters in Bentonville, Arkansas. It is ranked as the biggest American grocery retailer and private employer today. In the year 2009, it had over a half of the $258...

Global Scale Management

International Management: Human Capital and Structure

Human Resource Management When examining chapter 12 of “International Management” on human resource management, 3 particular points of interest reveal the inherent problems in dealing with employees in a multinational and globalized setting, these issues are: training issues, compensation practices and the problems that crop up when it comes to...


Graphic Designer, Data Scientist, Computer Engineer Careers

Choice of Careers During the selection of careers, three careers, which comprise graphic designer, data scientist, and computer engineer, topped the list. Some of the factors that determined my decision to choose the careers include the rewards accrued from each of the careers, the needs of contemporary societies, and the...


Job Order Costing Freightliner Company’s Accounting

Introduction This memorandum gives guidelines on the accounting for costs that are associated with the production of frames for the Winnebago home. The technique that will be used to estimate the cost of the product is job order costing. Direct materials In this case, Freightliner needs to use job-order costing...


American and International Accounting Standards Convergence

GAAP and IFRS Convergence Generally accepted accounting standards (GAAP) is a set of strict accounting rules that are applied in financial reporting. These standards define specific concepts, making such processes more transparent and stable (“About GAAP,” n.d.). Another set of accounting regulations is the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). These...

Company Analysis

Vigorous Company: Marketing Plan and Sales Strategy

Marketing Plan and Sales Strategy Vigorous is the company that has recently entered the environment of the food and beverage industry, yet has developed a strong competitive advantage that will help it improve its current position and take the niche that will allow it to attract new customers successfully. Although...

Corporate Culture

Organizational Culture Profile and Clan Culture

It is imperative that every organization tracks and monitors its performance and looks for areas calling for changes which will result in streamlining the overall organizational cycle. Based on the current culture profile, the organization’s dominant characteristics seem to be more or less aligned in terms of the existing and...

Company Analysis

Amazon Company’s Future and Strategies

Introduction In 1994, Jeff Bezos started Amazon.com with the purpose to create the biggest bookstore in the world. He decided to make significant changes in retailing and implement all innovations in the sphere of e-commerce. Later, Amazon expanded its assortment and began selling DVDs, software, games, audiobooks, and other electronics...

Risk Management

Risk Identification and Evaluation in Organizations

A critical evaluation of the broader implication of risk to organizations Risk refers to the exposure of a company to a potential threat during its operations or after undertaking a certain project. Risk includes all negative events that hamper the timely completion of a project. Before investing in any project,...

Leadership Styles

“Invictus” Movie: Nelson Mandela Leadership Style

Nelson Mandela’s Leadership Clint Eastwood’s 2009 Invictus is a must-watch movie that presents Morgan Freeman as the protagonist who strategically assumes a crucial leadership position that is similar to that of Nelson Mandela. Mandela adopted a democratic leadership style in most of his management endeavors. As a democratic leader, he...

Business Ethics

Moral and Ethical Values in Organisation

Morals are values and character that a person holds. These values can be applied in the workplace since it is a social setting (Fredrick, 2002). This is where ethics comes in. It implies the standards and expectations of a group towards the individual who holds these moral values. Ethics applies...

Company Information

Goodwill Company Human Resource Management

Introduction Human resource management refers to identifying, recruiting, training, and developing relevant personnel into the organization. Employees are the most valuable and delicate resource in an organizations. Therefore, every organization should focus on ensuring favorable working environment that maximizes employees’ productivity (Prince, 2011). In order to achieve this objective, every...

Product Marketing

Kids iPad Product’ Marketing Plan

Introduction Apple is one of the leading technology company companies in the world. In fact, Apple is the most valuable technology company according to market capitalization. Apple reputation is gained due to the company’s ‘i’ products. These include the iPhone, iPhone, iTunes, iCloud, iPod, and iPad. The company credits its...

Management Theories

Human Resource: Recording and Analyzing Information

Reasons why the organization needs to collect Human Resource (HR) or Learning and Development (L&D) data Rolling a new Human Resource department is mostly concerned with data and information. Essentially, the key roles of the HR department are collection and storage of data, such that such it can be easily...

Strategic Marketing

Nivea Company’s Marketing Strategy

Introduction Marketing is one of the most crucial undertakings that define the success and profitability of organizations (Haig, 47). As such, it becomes very important to understand the strategies and how to apply them appropriately (Behrer 97). Essentially, the market changes continuously because the forces of the business are always...


Thomas Nationwide Transport Company’s Marketing Strategies

Abstract The paper discusses issues on marketing and starts by introducing Thomas Nationwide Transport (TNT) Company and the various points of its business strengths. TNT was founded in Australia in 1946 as a service delivery company. It is currently a global company serving customers in over two hundred countries all...


Consumer Behavior and Decision Making Process

Marketers Using Consumer Decision Making Process Consumer decision-making process takes a number of steps, which include recognizing the need, searching for information, evaluating different alternatives, making the purchase and finally the post-purchase behavior. Recognizing the need is the first step and it is extremely crucial in making the final decision...