1100-Word Essays about Business & Management

Company Analysis

Apple’s Supply Chain Strategy, Its Success and Risks

Apple’s Supply Chain Strategy and Main Operational Aspects Apple’s supply chain strategy is governed by five key operational elements. These are research and development, concept testing, pre-launching in the markets, actual product launch, and review of the product’s performance in the market. In research and development, the company seeks to...


Organizational Behavior in Change Management

Organizational behavior and environment Change management refers to organizational practices that gear towards realization of desirable ideals and aspirations that suffice with regard to individuals, groups, or organizational entities (Fryer, 2011). In most cases, change management guarantees propagation of practices that create impetus for appropriate action in institutional contexts. Change...

Employee Management

Employment-at-Will: Expectations and Liabilities

Introduction The relationship between the employer and the employee is protected by various policies that govern the expectations and liabilities of both parties. The employers have always had a higher bargaining power against the employees, which implies that the employees are easily compelled to meet the needs of the employers....

Employee Management

Market Based Compensation Systems

Introduction Compensation programs are designed to improve organizational productivity. Human resource departments focus on employee retention. Every organization ought to streamline its objectives and goals in order to develop appropriate strategies of accomplishing them. Compensation is meant to reward and motivate employees for their work. Employees in any company usually...


Teams’ Development, Communication and Learning

Introduction There is no use denying the fact that our world is based on the interaction between individuals. Since the first primitive human societies, people had been interacting with each other in order to survive and promote development of their group. However, in the course of time, humanity had evolved...

Company Analysis

Amazon Company and Strategy Analysis

Business management is based on the development of a strategy, its adaptation to the specifics of the company, and its implementation. In other words, the strategy implies choosing the path of development of the company, market, competition, and business practices. Amazon is a company that sells goods and services to...

Company Analysis

Amazon’s Finances and Market Situation in 2011-15

Company Profile – Amazon.com Founded on May 28, 1996, Amazon.com, Inc. is a company that operates in the sphere of e-commerce. Through a range of customer-oriented websites, Amazon.com offers its clients a wide variety of products, including content. The offered products are often rebought by the company from other sellers...


Excellence Model of Management

Introduction In the present business environment, organizations are under pressure to do better than competitors and retain customers (Kelly, 2004). It is advisable for firms to carefully examine their operating environments in order to devise success strategies. Having a reliable excellence model is meant to provide a benchmark against which...


Principles of Changes in the Workplace

Introduction Change management refers to the process of ensuring that everything is put in order in the organization in order to achieve change effectively. The government must put in place mechanisms for achieving change before the commencement of the organizational change. There are several principles that play a major role...

Employee Management

Verizon Communication Inc.’s Training Program Evaluation

Introduction Organizations can derive considerable competitive advantage by investing in training and development. Employee training and development help organizations to eliminate performance deficiencies amongst their workforce. Moreover, training and development contributes towards the improvement of employee stability. Organizations in different economic sectors are increasingly facing a major challenge emanating from...

Employee Management

Human Resources as a Strategic Business Partner

Introduction Human capital is one of the most important resources that enable companies to create competitive advantages in their industries. A firm with a talented and innovative workforce is likely to develop unique products or services that satisfy market needs. Thus, most companies are adopting strategic human resource management (SHRM)...

Employee Management

Human Resource Management: Emerging Trends

Introduction The practice of human resource management often comprises of the activities that involve the management of the people, commonly known as a workforce. Since the practice of managing people changed from personnel management to human resource management, the human capital paradigm has been evolving rapidly with numerous transformative changes...


Business Components in Quality Management Systems

Introduction The success of implementing the best quality management systems rests in our understanding of how to design and deliver quality management systems (QMS). Indeed, poorly designed quality processes are bound to generate errors and quality issues for organizations, while carefully designed implementation processes are bound to deliver desirable quality...


Turkish Security Managers’ Attitudes Toward Change

Identify the most important facts surrounding the case A case study, The impact of change management on the attitudes of Turkish security managers towards change, seeks to address the application of managerial methods to influence employees’ attitudes towards the process of change in the context of Turkish homeland security management....


Customer Relationships Management Components

Introduction Customer relationships management, as a program, has been embraced by most organizations. It has numerous components that operate together to achieve the main goals of the organization. CRM components are different in many aspects, but they all contribute to the success of the business. Therefore, there is no component...

Company Analysis

Halliburton Company Management Functions

Introduction Halliburton is one of the largest oilfield Service Corporations in the world. Halliburton is an American Company whose headquarters are in the North Belt office in Houston, Texas. Erle Halliburton started the company in 1919 under the name New Method Oil Well Cementing Company (NMOWCC). Since its inception, the...

Employee Management

Human Resource Management: Skills Development Initiatives

Introduction Training and development is a crucial undertaking in the growth of an economy. Unless professionals in various fields are moulded and additional developed through capacity building, an economy can hardly boast of growth. As a matter of fact, human resource development is the epitome of impressive economic performance in...

Employee Management

Performance Management and Human Resources Efficiency

Performance management is a fundamental aspect of the human resource (HR) department. In modern organizations, it is essential to create a work environment that supports and enhances the most qualified worker’s productivity. A systematic approach is formed to engage with personnel throughout their employment and maximize the use of human...


Leadership and Service Quality in UAE Hospitals

Summary and analysis The article was done by Jabnoun Naceur and Aisha Juma Al Rasasi. The topic of the article is transformational leadership and service quality in UAE hospitals written in 2005. The primary objective of the research article was to investigate the relationship between leadership style and quality service...


Federal Express Company’s Executing Strategies

Since the founding of the company, Federal Express, dabbed FedEx, has developed a value-adding strategy based on fast delivery and being a reliable company. The company has ensured that its employees are acquainted with this value adding strategy to ensure they uphold the required competencies. The company has always looked...


Management: Creating and Sustaining Competitive Advantage

The company’s competitive advantage is the result of an effective strategy. In its turn, the company’s strategic approach depends on the effective use of the available resources and on the overall company’s capabilities to create a significant competitive advantage. The managers’ adequate vision of the company’s strategic and competitive position...

Company Analysis

Kodak Company Analysis

The current performance of Eastman Kodak Kodak declared its bankruptcy in 2012, and since that time, this company sold many of its divisions to other enterprises. Moreover, they had to transfer some of their patents because, in this way, they tried to repay their debts. Currently, this organization passes through...

Company Analysis

Scarlet Hospital’s Offensive Marketing Strategy

Preparedness of Scarlet Hospital to Compete with Medical Facilities in Salem Scarlet Hospital was prepared to compete with medical facilities based in Salem, even before the establishment of the highway. Some of the factors that substantiate the high level of preparedness in Scarlet Hospital comprise the provision of high-quality services...

Company Analysis

Apple Company: International Business Proposal

Introduction This analytical treatise attempts to present a mixture of the global standardization and localization strategies as ideal in the current business situation of the Apple Company. Current internationalization strategies of the Apple Company Market foresight strategy Foresight is very crucial since it gives a company rough perspective and an...

Employee Management

Virtual Groups and Teams Development

Introduction In contemporary business environments, groups and teams are widely used for the creation of projects, planning, research, monitoring, assessment, and evaluation. The rapid development of technologies in the modern world has led to the appearance of teleworking. This means that there is a tendency of creating virtual offices that...

Employee Management

Emirates Airlines’ Employee Job Satisfaction

Introduction The performance of organizations is subject to a myriad of internal and external factors. Some of the external factors such as economic, social, and demographic changes are unpredictable and beyond the employers’ capacity to control. Despite the inherent uncertainty in these forces, employers can control some internal organizational aspects....

Employee Management

The Tesla Company’ Employee Training

The scenario for the analysis Your department has fallen behind on production of a new product and is unable to keep up with demand. The company executive believes lack of motivation and ineffective training to be the major factors contributing to the team’s slow progress and poor quality of the...

Employee Management

Abu Dhabi Health Services Company: Talent Management

Introduction Talent management at Abu Dhabi Health Services Company (SEHA) is done to ensure the expertise of employees improves over time as they gain experience while working in the various hospitals under its management. This practice is done by developing staffing models, which are accurate, identification of vital skills while...


Organizational Change: Effective Management Strategies and Approaches

Strategic needs identified in a strategic plan Several strategic needs can be identified in a strategic plan. Some of these requests vary depending on the objectives of the plan. The first need is the opportunities that the business has. These opportunities are areas that the business can pursue growth and...

Company Analysis

Kudler Fine Foods Company’s Marketing Research

Introduction Kudler Fine Foods was founded in 1998 by Kathy Kudler as an upmarket specialty gourmet store to provide a wide variety of fresh whole foods. Kathy’s vision was to “create one store that would stock a wide selection of the freshest ingredients as well as all of the tools...


Implementation of Total Quality Management

Summary Over the past several decades, the overall performance and quality have been the main issues of any business. With the reduction of geographical barriers, the pressure of competition in the global market, and the increasing power of customer’s opinion, operational and service excellence have become vital for the company...


Global Human Resource Management: Functions and Significance

Introduction Operational initiatives of Non-Governmental organisations, which operate internationally, can be well classified into community based, national organisations, and international organisation according to the scope of their operation. The international NGOs are characteristically headquartered in developed country and perform their operations in several countries enhancing globalisation and integration of their...


Business Management in the United Arab Emirates

The environments and culture of a country are the major aspects that influence business and people’s readiness to get involved in one. A business starts off with a definition of the market and the demand. In order for a product or service to be successful, it must be popular and...


Small-Sized Winery’s Quality Systems Implementation

Summary This article reviews the planning and implementation of a quality management system according to ISO 9000 standards for a small-sized winery in Paros Island. Implementation of the system helped the winery to increase its market strength and maximize profits. Besides, the business recorded an excellent improvement in its internal...


The Japanese Management Practices

Introduction Japanese management practices are unique and associated with companies only in Japan (Vaszkun and Tsutsui, 2012, pp.368 – 385). These practices emerged when modern industries began to develop in Japan. Japanese corporations place a lot of significance to human resource management (HRM) practices. Companies in Japan have been known...

Company Analysis

Tesla Motors Company’s Environment in 2013-14

External Environmental Analysis of Tesla Motors Macrolevel environment (PESTEL analysis) Political: encouragement from government for electric cars, the development of free-trade contracts (opportunities); Economic: difficulties with economic stability (threat), reduction of costs on renewable energy and battery (opportunity); Social: growing recognition of low-carbon lifestyles, escalated choice of renewable energy, increased...

Company Analysis

Bandido Firm Marketing Operations

Introduction Marketing is a crucial function of any business because it assists in communicating and delivering the products and services of the business to its target markets. All business firms should essentially analyse and concentrate on their target markets to build long-lasting relationships with their customers. Challagalla, Murtha and Jaworski...

Company Analysis

Toyota Corporation Strategic Choices

Introduction Toyota Motor Co. Ltd was established in 1937 as a separated company from Toyoda Automobile Loom work. It plays an important role in the world automobile market. Companies must be flexible to respond to competition and market changes (Shrivastava, 1986). This can be realized by coming up with effective...


Leadership and Management: Concepts and Differences

Introduction Effective leadership plays an important role towards the success of various activities in organizations. Notably, efficient leadership facilitates the adaptive capability of any organization to the changing external environment. Vigilance within organizational management is quite essential, since lack of careful watch on the external environment may result into organizational...

Company Analysis

International Business Machines Company Analysis and Strategy

IBM (International Business Machines) is one of the world’s biggest producers of computer hardware and software. It also provides services in the sphere of consulting. The company was founded in the nineteenth century in the United States and was initially engaged in working with population census data. Having achieved significant...

Company Analysis

Federal Express Company: Global Strategies

Federal Express’s value creation frontier and building blocks for competitive advantage According to the case, there was increased demand in the industry by the year 1982. This, however, did not stop competition from becoming more intense. Among the reasons why the intensity of competition increased was the entry of UPS...

Company Analysis

Aramex Company’s Supply Chain Management

Introduction Aramex supply chain management involves both the logistical issues and just in time-based inventory management and optimization system. This process involves the management of the entire value-added chain from the supplier to the manufacturer or service provider on to the retailer and the final customer. In line with the...


AT&T Company Management

AT&T, one of the largest mobile carrier companies, has agreed to purchase Leap wireless company. The deals are a series of procurements that have seen bigger companies buy off smaller upstarting companies that offer cheaper plans. The move aims to maximize the telecommunication’s company dominance over the airwaves. The deal...

Employee Management

Human Resources Function in Retail Store

The retail industry has been growing rapidly in the recent years, forcing organizations to constantly continue looking for strategies to remain competitive. The intense competition witnessed in retail industry has presented various challenges that affect sales for many stores. Moreover, given that the industry is labour-intensive, a major challenge arises...

Company Analysis

McDonald’s Company’s Global Strategy Evaluation

The work of large enterprises that are known all over the world, as a rule, involves the search for special ways of expanding the business, which does not suit the conditions of development in small areas. In order for an international organization to improve its performance, the search for an...


Innovation Definition and Importance in Business

Introduction Innovation can be defined as the introduction of something new. This can be an extraordinary person, thing, idea, method or even a device that functions in a different way from the previously existing ones. An innovation may completely change the way things were done or improve on the previous...


Customer Quality Improvement

Introduction Customer quality improvement refers to the steps required to ensure that customer needs are achieved and the customers are happy and contended with the kind of services offered to them. The process also aims at improving the relation between a consumer and the service provider (Tenner and DeToro 98)....

Company Analysis

Apple Inc.’s Successful Marketing Strategy

The research hypothesis for this research proposal is ‘Apple Inc has succeeded in the use its marketing strategy.’ Apple Inc is among the biggest and most successful companies in the world that deal with consumer electronics, computer software and PCs. The company has spread its products in almost all countries...

Company Analysis

Dell and Wal-Mart Companies Profitability Factors

Introduction The world of business has continuously become competitive. Companies are now spending a lot of resources on strategic management. This paper analyses some of the factors that affect profitability and define success in some industries. The paper discusses Dell Company and the industry in which it operates. Porter’s five...

Employee Management

The Impact of Employee Training on an Organization’s Success

Employee training is a subject that has been discussed extensively by various scholars. Study literature indicates that workforce training is a fundamental factor to organizational success. For instance, past studies show that organizations that do not train their staffs are likely to record poor workforce performance. Therefore, training helps in...

Company Analysis

Agthia Company Operations Management Analysis

Company Overview Agthia is specializes in packaging various products in UAE. The firm operates in the Middle East (UAE, Turkey, GCC countries). Agthia operates in an industry that is not crowded with competitors. However, it faces major operational issues of sustainability and innovation. Shortage of raw materials is also a...

Company Analysis

The Walt Disney Company Internal Analysis

The Walt Disney Company is a large group that has four strategic business units (SBUs) including studio entertainment, Disney consumer products, media networks broadcasting as well as parks and resorts (The Walt Disney Company, 2012). These units can further get categorization into 28 groups. Despite all these segments, the key...


Management: Social Responsibility Concept

Introduction about Social Responsibility Undesirable phenomena such as global warming and prevalent environmental degradation coupled with an increase in bizarre occurrences such as the mindless killing of innocent people have occasioned an important shift in the society. Traditionally, the society placed considerable emphasis on personal responsibility. Today, social responsibility has...


Leadership and Total Quality Management

Leadership is a powerful concept that makes individuals and companies successful. Various managerial models, styles, and theories can be considered by those who want to engage others. This paper begins by listing and describing the major characteristics of a good leader. The discussion goes further to describe the major Total...

Employee Management

Bank of America’s Future Human Resource Challenges

Introduction The finance industry is a rapidly changing business and these transformations are bound to affect the sector’s human resource (HR) management. The HR challenges that apply to the finance industry are also evolving from time to time. On the other hand, several players in the finance industry are seeking...

Employee Management

Toyota Company’s Human Resource Strategy

Introduction Employees play the most significant role in the success or failure of an organization. It is, therefore, important for the management of the organization to invent ways of improving the productivity of the employees. One of the ways the management can improve the productivity of employees is by ensuring...


Organizational Behavior Issues

Organizational behavior is a field of study that explores the influence that people have on behavior within organizations and groups, to improve organizational performance. Behavioral sciences can enhance this field of study. Organizational behavior is influenced by globalization, customer needs, the need for innovation and change, and technology, among others....


Managing Diversity in Organisations

What is meant by diversity? Diversity is an important aspect of the organization today. Diversity can be defined in terms of the varied characteristics and experiences that are inherent in individuals. There is a misconception that diversity concerns particular persons or groups, and this is not the case. Diversity can...

Employee Management

Implementing Organizational Change: Performance and Commitment

Introduction The implementation of organizational change requires a need to transfer and share ideas that are innovative through global summit forums. There is also a need to encourage virtual teamwork and inclusiveness in implementing the change. The engagement of various employees in changing their behavioral patterns at the global level...

Company Analysis

BJB Manufacturing Company: Quality Management Implementation

Management refers to the practice of planning, organizing, leading and controlling resources such as land, labor, capital and information in a firm. One of the major functions of this docket is quality management, which involves the effort to achieve the best standard of goods and services to meet the customers’...


Organization’s Environmental Scanning

Every organization has both the internal and external environment. For success to come forth, these organizations have to scan the environment. Environmental scanning is a process where firms possess and utilize information on the activities and trends that are in the organizations’ environment (Caa rpenter & Sanders, 2009). This process...


Human Resource Management: Issues and Solutions

A few months ago, Washington Doris accepted her new job as a human resource director at the XYZ Company. The company focuses on the development of software. The company has 350 employees. During her first three months, Washington has noted that several anomalies in the company’s culture. As such, the...

Employee Management

Parental Leave: Benefits for Employees and Organizations

The modern work environment is so demanding and complex that many people face challenges in their efforts to create balance between their careers and families. This is particularly tough for women who work and take care of their families simultaneously. The demands of working have also affected men who would...

Company Analysis

Apple Company’s Operation Management and Business Goals

Introduction Operations management can be described as the use of resources that are necessary for the production of certain goods or the delivery of services (Rowbotham, Azhashemi, & Galloway, 2012, p. 2). In this context, resources include such components as employees, technologies, raw materials, and information (Rowbotham et al., 2012,...


Performance and Human Resource Management in Singapore

The article, Linking strategic HRM, performance management and organizational effectiveness: perceptions of managers in Singapore, by Pauline Stanton and Alan Nankervis presents a comprehensive relationship between tactical HRM, performance supervision systems, and proactive organizational effectiveness with reference to the management strategies of selected senior HRM managers within Singapore. As a...

Company Analysis

Toyota Company: Strategic Implementation and Mission

Introduction A strategy is a cause of action the company intends to take. Strategic management refers to the identification and execution of the mission. The process is achieved by comparing the capabilities of the organization with the environmental needs for example the needs of the customers (Gadiesh & Gilbert, 2001)....

Employee Management

Job Analysis: Senior Personnel Management Position

Introduction The essay evaluates job analysis of Senior Personnel Management as a career of interest to many students and professionals. The study involves analysis of Senior Personnel Management position by using Position Analysis Questionnaire (PAQ model) as a method of conducting job analysis. It also evaluates the reliability and validity...

Company Analysis

Barclay Company Business Strategy Analysis

Barclay was one of the leaders in the banking sphere. The company mainly provided services to large organizations and wealthy individual investors. It provided complete banking solutions. Barclays provided retail financial services (including retail banking and wealth management) and corporate banking. In 2000, it also entered the market of mortgage....

Company Analysis

Starbucks Company: Strategic Analysis and Solving Problems

In 1982 Howard Schultz recognized an opportunity to develop a chain of retail coffee bars based in Seattle. In 1985 the first Starbucks coffee bar was opened in America serving latte and specially introduces Christmas blend. Today, Starbucks is a world-renowned brand that has 20 000 stores in 63 countries...

Company Analysis

Edmond Market Online Delivery: Business Plan

Executive Summary Planning for a business is critical towards laying the foundation for success. Thus, it is imperative for a proposed business to have a comprehensive plan that captures the busy ideas and its implementation. This explicit business plan will explore the above elements as a prerequisite for the successful...

Company Analysis

JustCookBooks.com Firm’ Market Structure and Strategy

Demand curve Q = 40,000 – 500P Retail price of books (P) Number of cookbooks sold in a month (Q) (40,000 – 50 * Pi) 25 27500 26 27000 27 26500 28 26000 29 25500 30 25000 31 24500 32 24000 33 23500 34 23000 35 22500 The graph above...

Company Analysis

AET Company: Manage Quality Customer Service

Introduction The company aims to ensure that customers expect and get speedy and reliable services. Therefore, it embraces teamwork as part of its organizational culture. AET maintains a large number of trucks and ensures they are all in a good condition. It operates in an agile way, such that it...

Company Analysis

Lush Company Customer Analysis

Introduction Mark Constantine (the managing director) and MO Constantine established Lush Retail Limited in 1994. Currently, the CEO of the company is Andrew Gerrie. It deals with both fresh and hand-made cosmetics such as soaps, which are mostly manufactured using ingredients that include fruits, vegetables, oils, honey, and wax, among...

Company Analysis

Starbucks Company Analysis

Starbucks is known for the provision of quality products and services. The employees are well informed about coffee and the best ways of producing products suitable for human consumption. They have excellent business knowledge, which is evident in the way they deliver services to customers; they are trustworthy and exhibit...

Company Analysis

Apple Company’s Strategy in China

Apple’s Business Strategy Apple Inc. is one of the market leaders that operates internationally in different countries including China. In the first place, it is important to discuss the corporate strategy of the company. Apple Inc. is often associated with expensive and high-quality products with the unique and modern design....

Company Analysis

Apple Inc Product Portfolio Analysis

Problem Identification Apple faces stiff competition from existing and emerging competitors. In addition, the company has been recognized as the success of the founder Steve Jobs. The perception of the consumers has made the company decline in performance after Jobs relinquished the leadership due to personal health and eventual demise....

Company Analysis

Starbucks Company Analysis: Market, Barriers and Plans

Product description The Starbucks Company has penetrated the beverage market for the last twenty years due to its unique coffee brand and other related services. Among the main products, company stocks include coffee and tea. The company’s products have no age limit on the users. Besides, the company has benefited...

Company Analysis

Facebook and Amazon Companies’ Strategic Analysis

Facebook Analysis PESTEL Analysis The popular government support and political stability in the Western market present opportunities for further market penetration. However, the political barrier in developing countries is a threat. The increasing economic growth and stability in the developing countries has increased disposable income of users and advertisers of...

Company Analysis

E-Bay Company’s Marketing Characteristics

Communication technology is a tool that has in the recent past been embraced by many companies in selling their products to a population defined by multicultural diversities and consumer behavior. Counting on the many benefits that accrue from the use of this technology, company executives have had every reason to...

Company Analysis

The Google Company and Its Business Culture

Introduction Two Standford University’s Ph.D. students — Larry Page and Sergey Brin, founded the company in 1998 as a search engine unit (Stross, 2008). Google Inc. is a technology company based in Mountain View, California. It initially took off as an internet search-engine unit but has since emerged as a...

Company Analysis

Emaar Company’s Career Development Program

Introduction This essay examines Emaar Company by examining the company’s Career Development Program. The essay also examines the practices and policies adopted by the company. I will begin by analyzing how the company provides its employees with career support, talent management, and help in achieving its objectives. I will provide...

Company Analysis

The Whole Foods Company Opportunities and Threats

Introduction and Overview The Whole Foods, Inc. is an organization that provides services in the food industry and is currently looking for an option for expansion into the global market. Founded in 1980, the company has been using innovative concepts and approaches as the foundation for its operations ever since....

Company Analysis

The Saatchi & Saatchi Company’s Financial Perspective

Introduction The Saatchi & Saatchi Company is an internationally known advertising agency with more than eighty branches across the globe. It was founded by two brothers, Charles and Lord Maurice Saatchi in London, UK. It started to operate in the early 1970s. With time, the company emerged to be one...


Brand Associations Concept: Mothers’ Drink

Introduction Brand associations are vital for both consumers and marketers. They are the product liabilities and assets linked to memory. This paper analyses brand associations of Mothers’ drink. Analysis of this product is based on research carried out among three customers. Finally, the paper gives the nature and map of...

Marketing Communication

Digital Marketing Challenges in Organisations

Executive Summary This report gives insights into digital marketing. Accordingly, the report highlights the fundamental element formula for digital marketing. In addition to this, the report considers the opportunities and drawbacks associated with digital marketing. The integration of primary and secondary information is used to draw recommendations on the report....

Business Communication

Family Business, Its Issues and Conflicts

Introduction Family businesses face various challenges that have led to their persistent failure in the economy. The success of a family business depends on the consolidation of the family members at large. Most of the family businesses fail because of the family issues and conflicts among the family members. Historically,...

Company Analysis

Uber Technologies Company: SWOT Analysis

Introduction Modern technologies have led to the emergence of many companies that provide a wide range of services to different customers. Uber Technologies Incorporation (commonly known as Uber) is a corporation that provides car transportation and delivery services to customers in over 600 cities (Berger, Chen, & Frey, 2017). This...


Team Management Strategies and Techniques

Introduction Management is a significant element of the business. According to Batenburg and Maur, this explains why many people are systematically studying management skills (902). Despite this, there are numerous management styles, most of which have overlapping features. Even though the efficiency of one management style over the other is...


Cash Flows Statement

The direct and indirect approach A cash flow statement is important in the organization because it shows the movement of cash. It outlines where a company receives money from and how the money is used. That is cash receipts and payments. The statement is divided into three distinct parts. Each...

Company Analysis

Gap Company: International Retail Enterprise

Introduction The gap is an international retail enterprise with over 500 stores launched across the globe. Although the brand is well known among potential consumers, the company failed to achieve the expected success in both domestic and international markets during 1998-2001. The organization encountered significant declines in sales and a...


Enterprise Resource Planning: Journal Analysis

Introduction Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is an integral part of every organization, especially top management. ERP model integrates all separate department functions into a single software. Many project managers and general managers use the ERP model because it makes it easier to track all workflow across all departments. However, ERP...


Management Information Systems in Business Processes

Introduction The nature of the current business world is the result of the development of enormous changes and innovation that started more than 200 years ago (Swanson, 1998). Even though the industrial revolution was an achievement as far as the current markets scenarios are concerned, it is evident that Management...


Information System and Strategic Business Objectives

Introduction Computer systems play an important role in that they offer vital information on effective business operations. The presence of the human workforce is significant to ensure that the management of computer systems is efficient. Business people use computer systems for practical duties such as keeping records of receivable and...


Financial Statements and Accounting Concepts

Introduction There are many users of business information who do not work for companies but are associated with them directly or indirectly. These users are considered as external users, and they do not have access to the financial information generated by different departments of a company. Therefore, they have to...

Managerial Duties

Managerial Role in Employees’ Ethical Behavior

Introduction Employees face a number of diverse and complicated issues when making decisions at the workplace (Stevens 602). The conflict of interest between the parties involved and the issues related to community welfare and colleagues are some of the ethical problems that affect employees’ decision-making. A major issue that affects...

Managerial Duties

Integrity, Self-Awareness, Vision in Leadership

Introduction Leadership is the ability of an organization’s leader to influence others into achieving certain set goals. In most cases, leadership centres on giving directions and guidance to subordinates who are expected to act in accordance with the directions given. Leadership varies from one organization to another depending on the...


Demco Communications’ Mobile Banking Technology

Introduction Demco Communications is a new company that is not more than two years since its inception. The company deals with the manufacture and distribution of electronic software and hardware equipments. It has had problems with the payments system since most of its clients are not in the same geographic...

Decision Making

Decision-Making in Strategic Quality Planning

Introduction Decision-making processes are often lengthy, complex, and involve some type of uncertainty (Office of Quality Improvement, 2016). However, making the right decision is an important quality for managers because it helps them to effectively plan, organize, staff, lead, and control their teams (Rocha-Luna, Garza-Reyes, & Kumar, 2013). The effectiveness...

Product Marketing

The Bottled Mineral Water Product Marketing

Type of Product the Company Will Offer and Its Primary Characteristics The product that will be offered in the market is bottled mineral water. This product falls in the beverage industry. For a long time, water has been considered as a free product that could not be sold like other...

Decision Making

Management Information Systems and Decision Making

The article Management Information Systems and Business Decision Making: Review, Analysis, and Recommendations by Nowduri focuses on the Management Information Systems (MIS) in the context of its influence on the decision-making process (Nowduri 1). Furthermore, the author pays vehement attention to the impact of the decision on the management with...

Corporate Culture

Organizational Culture in UAE: United Front Corporation

Mission To appreciate cultural diversity and meet the varied preferences of our clients. To liaise with different designers to ensure that customers have access to the current fashion and trends. To establish more clothing distribution outlets throughout the UAE. To develop effective delivery systems to cater for clients who do...

Managerial Duties

Manager’s Role in the Functional Business Areas

Abstract Business organizations create different departments and assign them manageable, functional areas. The main functional areas of business include human resources, finance, marketing, and production. The main objective of this paper is to examine the functional roles of managers in functional areas of business organizations. This paper reviews the work...