1900-Word Essays about Business & Management

A 1900-word essay about business, management, or marketing will usually require a lot of effort. You’ll have to conduct research and study reliable sources on the topic. A text of such a length is more like a research or term paper than just an essay. That’s why the key to success when you’re writing a 1900 words paper is an original thesis statement and a well-thought-out structure.

You can write a 1900-word essay about business and management in many subdisciplines. For example, leadership styles, management theories, product marketing, business controversies, or global scale management. We wish you good luck with your assignment! Take a look at 1900 words essay examples on this page to get inspired.

Employee Management

Impact of Employees Hire in Short Notice on Business

Introduction The field of hotel services has grown rapidly in recent years. More and more hotels are opening around the world, expanding the sphere of influence of various giants in this area. The Covid pandemic, which in some ways slowed down the development of the hotel business, played a significant...

Strategic Management

HSBC Holdings Plc’s Strategic Management

Analysis Bowman’s Strategic Clock Bowman’s Strategic Clock demonstrates how a business can structure its commodities or services in the market using two dimensions. The first is concerned with the pricing, and the second is the perceived worth of the item, service, and organization. Additionally, this approach assesses a company’s competitiveness...


Apple Entrepreneurial Marketing Orientation

Summary Apple Inc. is a prominent technological company headquartered in Cupertino, California. Initially started by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, the corporation is now recognized worldwide for its emphasis on innovation and its wide variety of unique products, such as the iPhone, Mac, and iPad. The company’s market value has...

Employee Management

Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Organizational Cultures

Introduction The COVID-19 pandemic has been characterized by restrictions on movement, lockdowns, closure of borders, and the adoption of social distancing policies by governments, worldwide. The adoption of these measures has limited operating hours for businesses and disrupted supply chain activities for companies and industries globally (Meegaswatta, 2021). Governments developed...

1900 Word Essay FAQ

A 1900-word essay about business and management can be written on many topics. The exact format depends on the requirements. You should consult with your teacher to understand what is required in your particular case.

The first thing you should do to write a 1900-word essay is to choose a topic. You’ll have to spend some time researching, writing, and editing. That’s why it is worth choosing a topic that inspires you. A good 1900-word essay about business, management, or marketing should feature a solid outline, a clear thesis statement, and a bibliography. Please pay special attention to your sources’ relevance: they must be up-to-date.

Business, management, and marketing are inspiring topics to write about. However, working on a 1900-word essay on business will require some effort from your side. You’ll also have to spend time formatting and editing your paper, as well as preparing graphic materials. You’ll need about 6 hours and 20 minutes to write 1900 words.

A 1900-word assignment, be it about business, management, marketing, or other topic, usually contains 13 to 14 paragraphs. This rough estimate implies that a typical paragraph in academic writing includes 100 to 150 words.

Business Ethics

Law and Ethics in Business

Introduction Business law and ethics are concepts used to address legal and moral concerns related to business. Business law encompasses all rules and regulations that protect liberties and rights, resolve issues, maintain order, and establishes standards for corporate matters and their transactions with individuals and government agencies. Moreover, business ethics...

Company Missions

Target Store: Mission and Vision Statement Analysis

Introduction Nowadays, Target is rightfully considered one of the largest and most profitable retail corporations in the world. Although the first Target store opened in 1962, the predecessors of this venture came long before (Cain, 2020). George Dayton founded the Dayton Company in 1903 (Cain, 2020). The department store flourished...

Business Ethics

Utilitarianism for Making Ethical Business Judgments

Making ethical business decisions regarding right and wrong actions permeate daily life. Ethics considers all stages of businesses from acting appropriately as individuals, establishing responsible governments and organizations, and ensuring that the entire society becomes more principled. Therefore, ethics present a scope of standards for behavior that assists people to...


The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Trend Providing Trade Opportunities

The newly published preliminary estimation of fourth quarter GDP growth rate seems to consumer confidence in the stock market. The GDP is estimated to have grown at an annual rate of 5.7% since the third quarter. This is the fastest growth rate since the third quarter of 2003. This highlights...


Network and Alliances in Biotechnology

Introduction Human beings have for centuries exploited science to their benefit. By increasing their knowledge in various scientific fields, they have been able to come up with innovations that have greatly benefited man and led to the advancement of human civilization. Biotechnology has emerged as the youngest of the sciences...


Impacts of Management Practices on Economic Performance of Saudi Arabia Firms

Introduction The city of Riyadh has attracted many local and foreign investors who come to tap on the lucrative economy that has been consistently expanding over the decades. With an open market economy, this city has witnessed a massive increase in the number of firms over the years. According to...


Manage for Stakeholder Interests

Introduction Management is a practice that has evolved for so many years, with each evolution bringing out advancement in management practices. This outcome has been the strive of the management fraternity to bring the best out of management by coming out with management styles that are deemed to be superior...


Cultural and Global Influence: Evaluating Organizational Effectiveness in Lg

There is no secret that, for a successful operation, it is not enough to have diligent employees and efficient leadership; for a company to achieve considerable success in a certain sphere, the company’s organizational environment must be in chord with not only the rest of the affiliates and its headquarters...

Business Ethics

Ethical Issues Surrounding Hospitality Industry

Problem Statement The hospitality industry that consists of restaurants, lodging, transportation, parks and events planning is facing a variety of challenges including intense competition, reduction in the business travel, and the current economic recession. These challenges have encouraged unethical and unquestionable behavior in management of services in the industry. Kohlberg...

Employee Management

Human Resource Management in Saudi Tourism Sector

Training and education The aspect of staff training is very imperative in yield management as it affects productivity. The focus of this discussion is on the tourism industry in Saudi Arabia and specifically the hotel industry. Almost one-third of the Saudi Arabia population is an expatriate population wherein 27.4 million...


Sports and Big Business Relationship

Problem statement For a long time in history, sports have been taken as a social event. Sports have been in existence for many years. As it is today, the magnitude and scale of sport in society are growing. This has been characterized by growth in the number of sports and...

Business Communication

Effective Communication for International Business

Introduction In this modern era of globalization, the world is becoming intertwined economically, socially, and politically. There are business operations that cut across diverse cultures and borders; communicating across borders and cultures is a multifaceted and complex issue. During the mercantilism era, trade and investment were limited by communication difficulties;...

Marketing Communication

Communication Campaign: Collina D’Oro Hotel and Its Surrounding

Introduction A communication campaign is a large and complex exercise that involves the cooperation of all decision makers in an organization. The communication campaign aims at attaining the set objectives of an organization. It employs an Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) technique that focuses on Public Relations and Social Media Optimization....

Organizational Management

Principles of Complex Adaptive Systems Theory in Clayton Country Library System

Introduction This paper is aimed at showing how the principles of complex adaptive systems theory can be applied to the transformation of the Clayton Country Library System (CCLS). Furthermore, it is important to discuss how the method of appreciative inquiry can be used in this organizational setting. These findings are...

Employee Management

Generational Differences in Workforce on Organizational Performance in Canada

The paper provides the results of the descriptive research on the generational differences in the workforce of Canada. The aspects of the work with Millennials and its effects on the organizational performance were studied with the focus on the data provided by Statistics Canada and other agencies. It was found...


Phenomenon of the Kite: IT Metrics Metamodel (KMM)

Summary The article in question dwells upon the use of the KITE.IT Metrics Metamodel (KMM) in the sphere of Italian aerospace industry. It has been acknowledged that Business Process Management (BPM) concentrates on the process changes as regards such aspects as, design, execution, monitoring of processes and information systems (Azzini...

Strategic Management

Competency Modeling and Assessment Strategy for the Weston Family Practice Clinic

Abstract While developing the hiring process, it is necessary to select persons whose values, skills, knowledge, and abilities can be discussed as congruent not only with the certain position but also with the organization’s objectives. Dr. Eric Weston and Dr. Emily Weston-Green, the founders of the Weston Family Practice Clinic,...

Organizational Management

Researching Workplace Psychology

Today’s workplace has a diverse environment (as compared to earlier times). Global technological developments have influenced various changes in the business world. Globalization is one such change that has necessitated organizations to adopt different strategies depending on their specific requirements. In order to keep pace with the incessant changes, it...


Entrepreneurial Services Company Internationalization

Introduction The purpose of this paper is to develop a comprehensive analysis of the internationalization strategy for local companies in the gulf region. In particular, the paper analyzes the case study of Renaissance Services SAOG, an Omani corporation that specializes in a wide range of services to companies operating in...


The Rise of the Corporate University

Three Case Examples One of the prominent examples of a corporate university is Mars University (Rademakers 2014). The most remarkable characteristic of this educational institution is that it is not a facility with a certain building or campus; instead, it is a network of learning present wherever the company itself...

Employee Management

Employee Motivation: Addressing the Current Literature

Introduction Today, most parties to a dispute prefer legal suits in which they are involved to be heard and determined in a court that is likely to come up with a judgment that best suits their interests. The practice is commonly referred to as forum shopping (Wild, Weinstein & Riefa...

Case Studies

Windmill Apps Firm’s Cross-Cultural Management

Introduction Globalisation is “reshaping our modes of thinking, ways of behaving and fostering cultural change in societies” (Aguinis, Joo & Gottfredson 2012, p. 385). Some pundits argue that there exists cultural conflict between the various cultures. Nevertheless, it is imperative to note that different cultures may learn from one another...

Leadership Styles

Indra Nooyi’s Leadership at PepsiCo

Introduction All organizations aim at enhancing their financial performance with time. Their goal is to undergo a transition from being average organizations to great companies. Collins (2001) describes the mechanisms through which organizations transform from normal into great businesses in his book Good to Great. The author defines greatness as...

Employee Management

Impact of High-Performance Work Environments on Employee Satisfaction

Introduction Managers often focus on creating high-performance work environments that can motivate employees, promote their involvement in decision-making, and stimulate them to achieve higher performance results (Giannikis & Nikandrou 2013). High-performance environments are specific settings and conditions with the help of which employers stimulate workers to improve their performance and...


Values of Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Economic Development

Introduction Since the advent of the industrial revolution, technology has played an important role in the human society. The post industrial society has become very technology-based and highly depends on innovation and creativity for long-term economic and social stability. The 21st century has been marked by globalization principles and there...


Petrobras of Brazil and the Cost of Capital

The oil industry of the world is largely privatized and uses the US dollar as its exchange currency. Since oil companies require large capital to function, they are reliant on credit, debt balance and management, investors, and banking transactions to remain in profit. American, European, and even Asian companies such...


Production and Cost in the Short-Term and Long-Term

Introduction In economics, firms are known to produce their output to make profits. However, the costs of production normally affect this objective by reducing the profit margin a firm expects to enjoy. The relationship between production and costs is therefore an important relationship for firms because it virtually determines the...


Case Study “Mason’s Management Training Problem”

Introduction Staff training and development is an important aspect in any organization’s continuous improvement. For that matter, Noe (2010) believed that there is need to have a sound training programme in the organization that seeks to improve skills and knowledge of the workforce in order to promote their output. However,...

Decision Making

Managerial Decision-Making

Introduction Managerial decision-making plays a critical role in the functioning of the organization while the simplicity is the core definer of the actualization of the presented actions. It is essential for the bias-avoidance and determines the assortment of the relevant facts to the decision making. This aspect is vehemently significant...

Company Analysis

Samsung Electronics Company

Introduction The purpose of this report is to provide strategic consultancy to the South Korea-based Samsung Electronics Company (which is a wing of the giant conglomerate Samsung Group, established in 1969) by focusing on one of its business units in a particular industry. According to Samsung (2014), geographically the company...


American Management Style in Bangladeshi Firms

Introduction Background A significant number of research studies have recently been carried out to examine the dynamics of globalization of businesses across the continents (Thanopoulos & Leonard, 1996; Trompenaars, 1994; Van Maanen, 1992). Amusingly, the normal standard for analyzing globalization of business is to examine how Corporate America has influenced...

Employee Management

Causes of Stress in the Work Environment and How to Deal With It

Introduction Occupational stress is hard to avoid in the work environment. Primary causes of work-related stress are dense working conditions, severe competitiveness, experiencing differences in finding the balance between personal life and work, conflict with other members of a team, excess pressure from senior management, etc. (Dwamena, 2012; Trivellas, Reklitis,...

Business Ethics

Corporate Social Responsibility: Evaluating Its Impact and Ethical Considerations

Introduction Organizations all over the world have a new common objective of meeting the needs of the contemporary world without compromising the capability of future generations to sort out their needs. Corporations are being urged to be accountable for their effect on the society and the natural environment (Berkhout, 2005)....

Decision Making

Experience Role in Choosing an Acquisition as a Business Decision

Introduction Business decisions are usually influenced by changes in the economic environment, specific trends in the industry, and fluctuations in the market. As a result, companies face a necessity of making difficult corporate decisions and choosing strategies that can be effective to address the identified problems (Ionescu, 2015). In this...

Leadership Styles

Contemporary School Leadership Theories

More recent theories on leadership take from the established theories from the past and enhance them to fit the present context. Many leadership models have been formulated, and are still being fine-tuned. Kouzes and Posner (2007) are examples of theorists who are vigilant in enhancing their constructs of leadership and...


Balancing Boards and Committees of UK Corporations

The board and its committees should have the appropriate balance of skills, experience, independence, and knowledge of the company to enable them to discharge their respective duties and responsibilities effectively. Introduction Many leaders would agree that the success of future Corporations lies with the board of directors. They have a...

Employee Relationships

Concepts of Interpersonal Skills and Management

Abstract Although most managers appreciate the significance of good interpersonal skills in the present competitive business world, still in some societies, this concept has received very minimal recognition, because it is a skill that some managers do not possess, or if they possess it, they do not put it into...


Sri Lanka Rural Indebtedness Vs Urban Indebtedness

Research topic: How effectively does the establishment of indebtedness law deal with rural and urban indebtedness in Sri Lanka? Introduction Sri Lanka gained independence in 1948 from Britain. In the post-independence period, the country has witnessed growth and transformation of its main economic aspects especially in the rural areas (Lea...


The First Globalization and Its Outcomes

Throughout history humankind has progressively evolved from one epoch to the other, in terms of technology and activities. Of all living beings, humankind is the only rational being. This aspect has seen humankind desire to dominate and subjugate the world. Wars of conquest have existed since humankind surfaced on the...

Business Ethics

Marketing and Consumer Interests: Ehical Issues

Introduction Marketing entails all those activities that precipitate the knowledge on the availability of certain products and services so that appropriate levels of production can be attained in accordance to the movements in demand and supply. It also features the strategic movement of finished goods and services to various points...


Managing Different Perspectives

While carrying out qualitative research, one is likely to come across different or even conflicting points of view concerning the subject at hand. It is therefore very important for research to look into the different points of view before coming up with the most appropriate conclusion. It might not be...

Company Analysis

H&T International Transportation Company Review

Logistics plays a very important role in the world today. Logistics ensures that both goods and services get where they are needed at the exact time they are needed (Bowersox, Cooper & Closs, 2009, p. 21). Accomplishment of manufacturing, marketing, or even international commerce is next to impossible without logistics....


International NGOs, IMF and World Bank

Amnesty International As an international movement, Amnesty International (AI) has close to 3 million supporters and other active affiliates located in over 140 countries. The main objective of the organization is to crusade against gross maltreatment of human rights. In addition, Amnesty International is dedicated in making sure that the...

Managerial Negotiation

Cross-Cultural Negotiation and Conflict Management

Abstract One of the most significant markets for western firms in China; however, it is such a challenging task to negotiate with China. This study is meant to demonstrate how the Chinese deal with conflicts as well as how it affects their behavior as they negotiate in business, this will...

Corporate Culture

Managing a Change Focused Culture

Introduction Culture in an organization is not static but it changes over time to adapt to the changing situations or circumstances. Organizational culture can be changed, managed, and controlled within a short time to overcome the challenges facing a company. Each organization should adopt a good culture that will influence...

Employee Management

Employee Privacy, Discrimination, and Governance

The incidence of workplace violence is increasing globally. In the United States (US) violence has emerged as an important safety issue in today’s workplace. It’s most extreme form, homicide, is the second leading cause of death resulting from job-related injuries, accounting for 1,063 of the 6,271 fatal injuries at work...

Leadership Styles

Leadership and Power: Main Principles

Outline Strong and powerful leadership is one of the most important key to success. Any organization can climb the ladder of success with strong leadership. The paper sheds light on leadership and power, its importance for an organization. Few sections of the paper highlight power of position and exercise of...

Leadership Styles

Women-Leaders in Government Organizations

Introduction An interesting side topic to a discussion of women’s expanding role as organizational leaders is the 2001 doctrine issued by the Southern Baptist Church emphatically prohibiting women members from serving as pastors. The Southern Baptist Church of which I am a member is the largest Protestant denomination in the...

Company Analysis

Apple Company Viability

Executive Summary Apple Company has been in the PC market for more than two decades. The company is known for its innovative products and technological excellence. The company has products which perform well, such as the iTunes and the iPhone brands. Since the Tech Shield Company has excess funds to...

Employee Management

Employee Training and Development Strategies

Continuous Learning It is paramount to say that the role of lifelong learning has been actively discussed over the last few years. The fact that some professionals always need to improve their skills and knowledge to stay competent should not be overlooked. It is imperative to have an understanding of...

Company Analysis

Dior Company’s Marketing Strategy

Introduction Essentially, product marketing is critical for all business with profit making goals and expansion targets. Dior Company has applied various strategies to facilitate and maintain a continuous flow of goods from its premises to the consumers. Marketing efforts determine the number of customers attained and the profit achieved. Therefore,...

Employee Management

Employee Rewards and Recognition Programs

It is recognized that an engaged workforce produces better business results than that working with no substantial motivation. As scholars highlight, for an average business owner, it usually costs less to retain an existing employee rather than hire a new one (Kwenin, Muathe, & Nzulwa, 2013). The lack of knowledge,...

Company Analysis

Business Strategies and Cost Leadership

Blue Ocean Strategy The primary purpose of the Blue Ocean strategy established by Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne is to allow a company of any size, whether small or large, is focused on creating a valuable space on the market, putting an emphasis on the bigger picture, reaching beyond the...

Company Analysis

Toyota Motor’s Leadership and Growth Strategies

Founded in 1927, nowadays Toyota Motor is a giant in the worldwide automotive industry. The success of the company lies in an implementation of general strategies that entail cost leadership with intensive growth strategies. The general strategy implemented by the company shows an overall approach Toyota uses to compete with...

Company Analysis

Sports Nutrition Company’s Strategic Management

Introduction The objective of the company is to launch vitamin-enriched bottled water as a new product in the market. The target market segment is athletes who are between ten and thirty years old. Thus, the purpose of this paper will be to provide a strategic analysis of the company’s internal...


International Trade Theories – Global Business Management

Introduction The following essay discusses the theories of international trade. The essay first identifies two international organizations that help countries trade, which include the World Bank and the World Trade Organization. The essay looks into the application of the theory of absolute advantage between Japan and Saudi Arabia. Two regional...

Employee Management

Cross Cultural Factors in Human Resource Management

Bibliographic Citation Society for Human Resource Management. “Selected Cross-Cultural Factors in Human Resource Management.” Research Quarterly, vol. 1, no. 1, 2008, pp. 1-9. Introduction The 21st century has been characterized by numerous changes and developments. Many workplaces are currently characterized by diversity. This is the case because there are many...

Employee Management

Developing Professional Practice in Business

Introduction A number of organisations have established a specialised human resource (HR) department to handle the issue of recruitment and retention of talent. The HR function in such firms is referred to as People/Performance Partnership (PPP). It is an integral part of the organisation. The PPP is made up of...

Company Analysis

The Coca-Cola Company’s Differentiation Strategy

Executive summary The Coca Cola Company remains one of the most profitable firms in the carbonated and non-alcoholic beverage industry. The firm uses a powerful differentiation strategy in order to deal with competition and attract more customers. Coca Cola also embraces new strategic choices in an attempt to produce the...

Company Analysis

McDonald’s Company Business and Corporate Strategies

Introduction The main goal of organizations is to have a long-term presence in the competitive business environment. This goal makes them pursue both corporate level and business level strategies. In the context of operation of a business establishment, a strategy refers to “A plan of action or policy designed to...

Company Analysis

Coca-Cola Company: Staff Performance Effective Management

Introduction This report is based on Coca Cola Corporation and it responds to how the company can manage staff performance effectively. The corporation is a manufacturing multinational enterprise that deals with soft drink and it has approximately 700,000 employees working for the different subsidiaries across the world. I chose to...

Employee Management

Human Resource Devolution and Evolution

Executive Summary Devolution in human resources has become more popular as a vital component of organizational practices and culture in many companies. Companies are increasingly embracing the concept of delegating work responsibilities and duties to subordinates to ensure they achieve positive results in the end. The changing external business environment...


Importance of Social Media in Human Resource Management

Historical Perspective One of the most important functions of the human resource department is hiring employees. Hiring is a process that goes through a number of stages. The stages include advertising the job vacancy, screening, selecting the right candidates, and bringing the selected candidates on board. Recruiting the right candidates...

Employee Management

Middle Manager Recruitment and Hiring Strategy

Introduction Human resources are crucial for the success of practically any type of business. For a company to be effective, it is essential to make sure that the workers hired have the necessary skills and qualifications and are able to do their job properly. Therefore, the process of hiring new...

Employee Management

Recruitment and Selection at Midsized Organization

Recruitment and selection are the most important processes of HRM, in addition to the training of workers. The two processes ensure that positive qualities in people manifest to support a favorable atmosphere for improving organizational culture. For a medium-sized organization, the processes will often overlap and its repeatability may not...

Employee Management

Lenovo Company: Effective Management of Staff Performance

Introduction The management of employee performance is one of the most important factors that determine organizational success (Markos & Sridevi 2010). In the current competitive business environment, organizations have adopted the resource-centered approach to management. Organizations should strive to integrate the human resource practices with the company’s goals and strategy...

Employee Management

Compensation and Workforce Diversity Issues

Introduction and Thesis Statement In the modern business world, human resources management is becoming an important part of strategic management (Wright & McMahan, 2011). It is no longer about the normal practices of recruiting and employee welfare. Strategic human resource management is majorly concerned with how to best manage the...


Richard Branson Leadership

Introduction Richard Branson is a renowned entrepreneur and investor from the United Kingdom. He is the owner of the Virgin Group, a conglomerate that comprises over 400 distinct companies (Dearlove, 2007). His entrepreneurial ventures began at the age of 16 when he founded and successfully operated a magazine known as...


Human Resource Management: Challenges and Strategies

Introduction The objective of the paper is to highlight the extensive practice of assessing stress risk and managing it within the organisation context. Employers and employees must work together to bring out psychological risks and solutions for minimizing the risks in the workplace. Stress at the organisation refers to the...


Change Management Strategy Concept in Business

Introduction Generally, a Change Management Strategy consists of a plan on how to make things work differently. However, in business, a change management strategy addresses definite ways in which organizations address its project scope (Aladwani, 2001). According to Nickols (2010), the objectives of formulating a formal strategy in rescheduling a...


Management: Power Distance Effects on Team Performance

Introduction Power distance refers to the difference in the distribution of power in the society or organizations, specifically involving the gap between those who are powerful and those who have little power. Indeed, organizations or cultures will have either low power distance or high power distance, and this status difference...


Apple’s Inc. Quality Management Tools

Introduction The pressure towards globalization has compelled many organizations to put a greater focus on quality, responsiveness and, cost as competitive strategies. In order to remain operational and also realize customer satisfaction, organizations are expected to monitor their processes frequently and work towards producing high-quality products. Organizations that use quality...

Company Analysis

Emirate Airline’s Business Excellence and Quality Management

Emirates’ industry and key competitors The auditing of a company’s quality management strategy plays a significant role in enhancing its efficiency and cost effectiveness in the business processes being undertaken. Emirates Airline’s business excellence is built on a number of vital and strategic business pillars. Diversification of business services and...

Employee Management

Professional Work Values in Islam

Executive summary Work ethics is critical to the success of the organization. Work ethics is defined differently in relation to organization and the larger environmental factors. In countries such as Kuwait, religious work ethics plays a critical role in the general functioning of the organization. According to the general operations...

Company Analysis

Coca-Cola Company Quality Management and Supply Chain

Coca-Cola’s global supply chain and its vulnerabilities In order to identify the weaknesses of Coca-Cola’s supply chain one should first briefly discuss its structure. This company incorporates more 500 hundreds brands, and its plants are located in different countries and continents. Additionally, many divisions of this corporation were previously separate...


Customer Relationship Management: Castle Bingo

Executive summary A data management system is software that is used in retrieving, cataloging, and running data queries. The database manager can create, edit, and update customer data in the database. Therefore, the information can be edited, searched, added, or changed using all the data management systems. Several data management...

Company Analysis

Harley Davidson, Inc.: Strategic Analysis

Brief Background Information Harley Davidson, Inc. is an American manufacturer and distributer of motorcycle and related products. Headquartered in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, this firm has been successful in the motorcycle industry, expanding its operations to other regions in Europe, Asia, and parts of Africa. It is one of the few firms...

Company Analysis

Total Company’s Business and Corporate Strategies

Introduction Strategies can be grouped into three different levels. These include corporate level, business level and functional or departmental level strategies. Strategies help firms to compete and survive in the competitive and sometime volatile markets. It is often argued that corporations do not compete, but it is products that compete....

Company Analysis

Coca-Cola Company: Business Environment Challenges

The Coca-Cola Company Code of Ethics Coca-Cola is one of the American companies producing and distributing non-alcoholic beverages and syrups, generally known as the soft drinks. The firm is based in Atlanta, Georgia. Currently, the firm is selling over nine brands of soft drink beverages not only in the US...

Company Analysis

IKEA Company Business-Level and Corporate-Level Strategies

Abstract IKEA International Group is the largest furniture retailer in the world. Ingvar Kamprad founded the company in 1943. Since that time, the company opened many stores throughout the world and became tremendously popular. IKEA aims at making the lives of its customers better with the help of high-quality and...

Company Analysis

Amazon Company Strategies: Business and Corporate Levels

Amazon was the first virtual bookstore ever opened (Kargar, 2003). It was focused on selling books. However, to generate higher revenues, the company started to offer other products the customers such as electronics and DVDs (Kargar, 2003). According to the Guardian, “Amazon is the biggest online business” (Cadwalladr, 2013, para....

Company Analysis

Etihad Airways Company: Business Intelligence

Executive Summary Etihad Airways is a national airline company in the United Arab Emirates that was established by a royal decree as the national carrier of UAE and first started commercial operations in 2003. Etihad Airways is considered one of the most rapidly growing airlines around the world, with a...

Company Analysis

The Coca-Cola Company Quality Control

Introduction Quality has been defined as fitness for use or conformance to the set standards (Garvin, 1988). The present day business management has increased an emphasis on quality of the products that are supplied to the market. This is because quality has become an area of key concern among many...

Global Scale Management

Innovation in International Business and Its Aspects

Introduction Innovation is an important factor in the modern business world. Innovations push businesses forward, and every business should adopt some innovative practices in order to stay in the competition. International business is not an exception. Moreover, both international corporations and national companies that are involved in international trade are...

International Marketing

Cross-Cultural Marketing: American Firm in Japan

Introduction Company A that produces engine components for heavy-duty trucks can try to enter the Japanese market because this country has a great industrial capacity. Moreover, various companies may be interested in purchasing spare parts that improve the work of truck engines. By establishing its reputation in this country, Company...

Employee Management

Human Resource Evaluation and Outcomes

Introduction Human resource management is an integral aspect of any organization today. The concept of HR management roots back to the 1890s when industrial welfare work was emerging. It was stimulated by a complex of humanitarian, religious, and business factors that made organizations introduce such workplace amenities as medical care,...

Employee Management

Amtrak Corporation’s Diversity Management

Introduction Globalization and its impacts are very evident in the modern era. Organizations are operating at the international level in order to reach more customers, as well as resources. Among these resources are the human resources, which are critical for the success of any organization. Organizations are in search for...

Company Analysis

Car Manufacturing: Mercedes-Benz Company’s Strategy

Introduction Mercedes-Benz is one of the most revered brand names in the global automobile industry. Owned by Germany’s Daimler AG Corporation, Mercedes-Benz manufactures a wide range of classic vehicles ‘ranging from coaches, buses, trucks, and luxury cars’ (Mercedes-Benz 2016, para. 3). The automobile manufacturer has its headquarters in Stuttgart, Germany....

Corporate Culture

Employee Training on Social Perception and Culture

Introduction The aspect of organization behaviour as part of the human management process is very dynamic and ideal in an organization that offers proactive training to employees to understand the social perception as part of the symbolic elements of organization culture. Several literatures suggest that training on social perception might...

Risk Management

Risk Perception, Management, and Regulation

It is definite that most empirical studies on risk perception usually scrutinize the various perspectives which individuals express when they have been requested to offer their own judgments regarding technologies as well as natural and man-made activities that may be hazardous at their disposal. As a matter of fact, what...

Decision Making

Information Searches and Product Involvement

Information Searches Consumers are involved in the process of seeking information that relates to the product they intend to purchase. The process of seeking information is on an ongoing basis prior to the purchase of the product and after. The information search determines the recognition of the products available and...

Product Marketing

SurgeArrest Essential Product’s Detailed Marketing Plan

Executive Summary American Power Conversion Corporation has been in the electronics market for more than two decades. The company is known for its innovative products and technological excellence. The company has well-performing products such as the SurgeArrest Essential. The research will present a comprehensive marketing plan for the SurgeArrest Essential...

Management Theories

Motivation Theories in Business

Introduction This paper is based on the topic of theories of motivation. It seeks to explore the most powerful and helpful theory in explaining how motivation works. It is argued that the human relations theory of motivation is the most powerful and helpful because it is based on an experiment...

Marketing Project

Jeep Company’s Marketing Management and Planning

Introduction The findings of the situational report carried on JEEP revealed significant situational factors that the company faces. The results will consequently demonstrate the significance of marketing management and plan to ensure that the company remains competitive and profitable in the Australian market. JEEP is an automobile subsidiary and a...


Personal Data Privacy in E-Commerce

Introduction E-commerce has emerged as one of the most important new method of carrying out business in the modern world. Through e-commerce, businesses are able to exploit the efficiency and power of the internet and computing devices to carry out business transactions. This observation is confirmed by Parayitam, Kiran and...

Product Marketing

Apple’s iPad Product: Marketing Analysis

Introduction The iPad product is one of the products that are produced and sold by the Apple Company. The Apple iPad is a tablet that comes with an interesting range of features, which include the ease of accessibility to the web, email, photos, and videos; all merged within the same...

Marketing Project

KirkEL Company’s Marketing Plan

Introduction Since it’s established in mid 2005, KirkEL Company popularity has become immense especially in health and cosmetic products. Its full potential was realized when it shifted its focus from marketing and promotion of health products to development of innovative natural, gentle and effective skin care products. It provides customers...