3000-Word Essays about Business & Management

A 3000-word essay about business, management, or marketing is more like a research or term paper. To prepare a solid assignment of such a length, you’ll have to conduct research and make an extensive “works cited” list. That’s why you’ll have to spend much more than one evening writing your 3000 words essay.

You can write a 3000-word essay about business and management in many subdisciplines. For example, strategic marketing, company analysis, business communication, employee management, or marketing. We wish you good luck with your assignment! Take a look at 3000 words essay examples on this page to get inspired.

Strategic Management

Tata’s Corporate Culture and Acquisitions Analysis

This paper analyzes Tata’s corporate culture and how it influences the mission, objectives and goals. It also examines Tata’s diversifications strategy and the motive behind the acquisition of Corus and Jaguar-Land Rover.

Employee Management

High-Performance Work Practices at Jaguar Land Rover

Introduction Over the past decades, high-performance work practices (HPWP) have become important for most organizations. HPWP is a method of organizing work in which employees have a say in making decisions that affect their jobs and the organization (Blackman et al., 2019). These techniques require a lot of investment in...

Company Analysis

Corporate Misuse of Tax Loopholes in America

Introduction Over the years, the United States government has enacted tax laws and regulations that govern the way businesses, individuals, and companies are taxed. Furthermore, these laws are not fixed, as they have been adjusted to suit the prevailing conditions over the years. Despite this, various loopholes still surface and...

Company Analysis

The Apple Company’s Analysis in China

Executive Summary Apple is a US-based company operating in various states across the globe. One of the main markets for Apple’s products is China. The micro-environment of Apple shows that it has the financial strength, effective leadership, a powerful brand, and strong research and development team. The macro-environment shows that...

3000 Word Essay FAQ

A 3000-word essay about business and management can be written on many topics. The exact format depends on the requirements. You should consult with your teacher to understand what is required in your particular case.

The first thing you should do to write a 3000-word essay is to choose a topic. You’ll have to spend some time researching, writing, and editing. That’s why it is worth choosing a topic that inspires you. A good 3000-word essay about business, management, or marketing should feature a solid outline, a clear thesis statement, and a bibliography. Please pay special attention to your sources’ relevance: they must be up-to-date.

Business, management, and marketing are inspiring topics to write about. However, working on a 3000-word essay on business will require some effort from your side. You’ll also have to spend time formatting and editing your paper, as well as preparing graphic materials. You’ll need about 10 hours to write 3000 words.

A 3000-word assignment, be it about business, management, marketing, or other topic, usually contains 20 to 21 paragraphs. This rough estimate implies that a typical paragraph in academic writing includes 100 to 150 words.

Employee Management

Flexible Working Practices and Their Benefits

Introduction Employment relations are critical in a workplace because it is a binding factor between an employee and the employer. Therefore, organizational efforts and approaches to maintain positive co-existence between employee and their employers may be defined as employee relations. Moreover, employment relations are related to human resource management since...

Strategic Management

Wild Dog Coffee Company: Operations Management Report

Introduction The present report aims at analyzing operations of the current location of Wild Dog Coffee Company to refine the demand management strategy for a new location. First, the report assesses the impact of advertising on demand using a linear regression model. Second, the report evaluates two approaches to inventory...

Business Ethics

Ideology-Oriented Businesses: Market Competition and Ethical Standards

Abstract This research analyzes whether ideology-oriented businesses operating businesses based upon moral standards like those proposed by free trade could survive in the market, especially with increased competition. By correctly examining the growth of the balance of trade over time, I prove that those organizations cannot thrive in full accordance...

Case Studies

Amazon’s Foreign Direct Investment in Finland

Introduction A foreign direct investment (FDI) refers to a sale of an interest in a corporation by another company or an investor normally situated outside its borders. It involves a company’s decision to obtain a substantial stake in a foreign nation and purchase it outright to expand its business to...

Case Studies

Fitbit Firm’s Competitive Advantage, Opportunities and Threats

Competitive Advantage and Marketing Strategies Today’s rapidly developing business world sets a variety of challenges and opportunities for companies that seek to become competitive in the market. A competitive advantage can be defined as an attribute that allows a company to outperform its competitors by providing customers with greater value...

Case Studies

Zara: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Sustainability

Introduction The impact of a company’s operations on the environment and communities has become a topic of discussion in recent years. According to Cui and Fan (2020, p. 1), ‘businesses are taking social responsibility more seriously.’ This is happening because buyers have become more conscious, paying more attention to the...

Case Studies

Environmental Analysis: A Case Study of Apple Inc.

Introduction: Organisation, Sources, and Theoretical Approach Apple is an American-based technology company with its headquarters in Cupertino, California. Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak founded the company in the mid-seventies as a computer electronics business with a vision to change the way people view computers (Hansen, 2019). This focus has since...

Employee Management

Digital Workplace and Its Elements

Summary This chapter will focus on defining a digital workspace, its characteristics, the elements that it comprises, and the issues that obstruct businesses from creating the “ideal” digital workplaces. A digital workplace is a natural evolution of traditional workplaces since technology and the fourth industrial revolution has affected the varied...

Company Analysis

The Process Selection and Design in Airbnb

Introduction Organizational management is an area of ​​management; its primary goal is to form an organization as a system designed to implement its intended purpose. The key figure in this type of management is the manager, who constructs a business system from many disparate elements – personnel, finance, technology. In...

Case Studies

Tesla Inc.: SWOT, Pestle Analysis, and Marketing Plan

Case Study Overview of Organization Tesla, Inc., initially Tesla Motors, frequently referred to as Tesla, is a world-famous American corporation that operates in the sphere of so-called clean energy, that is, eco-friendly and accumulable. According to the company’s official website, its “mission is to accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable...

Employee Management

Google Inc.’s Human Resource Management and Development Practices

Introduction As a large multinational technology company, Google is widely known in the whole world. Founded in 1998, this organization takes appropriate measures in order to analyze different types of information and to make it universally accessible for all people regardless of their gender, age, ethnic background, or personal preferences...

Company Analysis

Johnson & Johnson Company’s Strategic Analysis

Johnson and Johnson are a company based in the United States specializing in developing medical equipment, consumer packaged items, and pharmaceuticals. This corporation has a rich history, having its origin in 1886 when a dispensing chemist, Robert Wood Johnson, and his brothers created it (Bogdan and Dombrowski, 2019, p. 6422)....

Company Analysis

Apple Company’s Organizational Behavior Management During the COVID-19 Crisis

Introduction Apple is an example of a business venture that has been successful from the day of its establishment, which points to the leadership’s exceptional approach to decision-making and organizational behavior management. Organizational behavior management is especially important during a crisis such as COVID-19, and this paper will examine how...


Developing Leadership and Management Skills

Introduction The topic of differentiating leadership and management in the context of achieving productive activities at the personal and organisational level is significant due to the unique approaches and practical methods to apply. Despite the similarity of the individual principles of maintaining performance, the two concepts under consideration are not...

Employee Management

Total Reward Management: Conducive and Preventive Factors to the Application

Introduction Compensating employees is usually the highest cost in any organization. Employee compensation is done either in monetary terms or in the form of non-monetary benefits that they employees receive or demand. The most commonly offered non-monetary benefits include items like medical cover, house allowance, entertainment allowance, and retirement benefits....

Strategic Management

Shell Oman Marketing Company: Strategic Management

Introduction During the past few decades, researchers have shown their considerable interest in the “strategic management”, which encompasses the analysis of organization’s competitive environment, and evaluation strategies’ which helps the organization to achieve the excellent performance. The term “strategic management” itself demonstrates its gist of handling all undertaken efforts tactically....

Leadership Styles

Marie Jackson’s Leadership and Performance in Renfield Farms

Introduction Leading any organization through a change is a challenging process – doubly so if the organization in question is the company going through hard times and steadily losing its share of the market. Renfield Farms, an important player in the natural foods market, began experiencing considerable difficulties in the...


Can the Euro Zone Survive After Financial Crisis?

Introduction History of the European Union The European Union (EU) was established in 1950 after World War II. Its establishment was occasioned by the need to solidify peace within the European region by bringing together rival countries under a universal institutional structure. The idea to establish the EU was borne...


The Reward Management Practices: Kazakhstan’s Hospitality Industry

Introduction In this part of the paper, attention will be paid to the review of recent studies about employee job performance, reward management, and hospitality industry in the Republic of Kazakhstan. A literature review is an integral part of any research project, the goal of which is to create a...


Guidance Center: Community Organizational Impact

The Guidance Center is a holistic organization that aims to enhance the lives of families across southeast Michigan. The paramount goal of this organization is to cooperate with the communities to reinforce them and help in overcoming challenges. This investigational paper examines the current status of the Guidance Center and...


Dubai Emirate’s Community: The Effect of TQM

Background of the Problem Ensuring the high quality of the services provided is among the utmost concerns in the contemporary world. One of the most notable and evident ways to make services both more accessible and productive is adopting the systems of electronic services or, shortly put, e-services. The concept...


Changes of Gambling and Betting Sector

Introduction Macau is an area that covers approximately 29.2 sq. km; this is close to sixth of Washington D.C. this area consists of Coloane, Taipa and Macau Peninsula. The city has 550,000 residents, and collects more revenue from gaming than that of Atlantic City and Las Vegas is combined (Braunlich,...

Organizational Planning

Financial Assessment and Resource Planning

Husk Power System’s portable power source is a new line of product that is meant to increase revenues for the company. As discussed in the previous section of the report, the initial market research had identified a gap both in the local and international markets that can be filled with...


Life Cycle Costing Practices in the UAE Construction Industry

Introduction The history of construction in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) reveals that contractors and design teams put a significant emphasis on the establishment of buildings at the lowest initial capital costs. However, designers, contractors, and policymakers have gradually realised that it is highly unfavourable to determine the project choices...


Mena Political Unrest: Case Study on Gcc Cds

Introduction Timeline of Events in MENA In the recent past, the Middle East and the North African States (MENA) have experienced endless periods of socio-political unrest. These unrests have spread to about 12 Arab states. Already, the unrests have claimed respected world leaders such as the former Tunisian president, Zine...

Risk Management

Capital Structure, Shareholder Value and Risk Level

Introduction This paper seeks to determine whether changes in a firm’s capital structure can add shareholder value or they merely change the level of risks. This will discuss the different theories of capital structure using examples from both theory and practice. The different theories of corporate structure The corporate structure...


Weekend Effect on Stock Markets

Background information Empirical evidence singles out weekends as primary factors of trading as the week starts. The weekend after the effect has become one of the most intricate contexts for stocks forecasts with fewer experts managing to have a comprehensive resolve to cap stocks volatility. The markets, according to empirical...


Decision Theory and Real Estate Development

Like any long-term investment, the weighing of return and profit potential must be balanced against the availability and costs of the factors of production, alternative investment opportunities, and numerous risks. In this section, we address decision stages, theory and models in general while justifying and mining the decision model in...


Retirement Plans for Dental Hygienists

Introduction According to State of California (2009), hygienist is a profession and a career that is fast growing. State of California (2009) indicates that hygienist demand is expected to rise due to changes in roles where hygienists are taking the role that used to be played by dentists. EDD (2009)...

Employee Management

Application of HRM Policy in Public Sector

Background and Rationale The examination of the efficiency of the Human Resource Management (HRM) policy designed according to the Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) configurational perspective is an important step in discussing how associated HRM practices can be used to promote employee retention. The discussion of applying the specifically designed...


Husk Power Systems: Product Launch Strategy Planning

Introduction Husk Power Systems is a start-up renewable energy firm that has its headquarters in Bihar State, the eastern part of India. Gynesh Pandey, Ratnesh Yadav, and Manoj Sinha identified a gap in this market, especially in the rural parts of the country. According to Husk Power Systems (2020), about...

Employee Management

SMEs Saudi Arabia Employment Guarantee

SMEs in Saudi Arabia are discussed as guaranteeing employment for the large proportion of employees in the country’s private sector (Mohammad 2015, p. 31). In addition, the development of SMEs contributes to attracting more Saudis to work in the private sector of the country and facilitates its economic progress (Adeyemi...

Business Ethics

Clever Clogs: International Management and Ethics

Introduction This paper offers a cross-cultural briefing report to a new female Muslim manager who was transferred from Lebanon by Clever Clogs International in her mid-thirties to work in Amsterdam, Netherlands. The company, which operates in the finance industry, intends to change its banking system in the Netherlands through the...

Employee Management

Talent Management in Organizations

Executive Summary The research proposal seeks to explore the challenges facing talent management in many organisations that operate globally. Besides, it investigates how human resource management integrates cultural diversity into talent management practices. The study will be based on a qualitative research method where semi-structured interviews will be applied. The...

Leadership Styles

The Role of Communication for a Learning Community and Public Relations Leader

Introduction The field of public relations (PR) has become an important facet of the learning process in school learning communities. According to Wilcox and Cameron (1978), public relations is the art and social science of analyzing trends, predicting their consequences, counseling organizations’ leaders, and implementing planned programs of actions, which...

Case Studies

An Introspective Into the Mechanism of Starbucks’ Clockwork: Leadership Strategy

Abstract Strong leadership strategy and efficient leadership culture are an integral part of any entrepreneurship. Predetermining the course of the company’s actions, the strategies that are going to be chosen in the relationships with the customers, and the specifics of the organizational behavior within the firm, these elements serve as...

Employee Management

Influence of Twelve Hour Shifts on Police Officers’ Job Satisfaction

Introduction Job satisfaction is defined as a positive state originating from the appraisal of individuals’ work or work experiences and, therefore, determines feelings toward their job (Johnson, 2012). Contentment, enjoyment, and fulfillment are other characters of job satisfaction (Adelbayo & Ezanya, 2011). For police officers, job satisfaction correlates with officers’...

Business Critique

Case Study in Organizational Analysis: Student Retention and Employee Turnover

Sadly enough, power abuse is an integral part of everyday reality. Because of the power abuse in PepsiCo, the company has come up with a solution based on whistle-blowing. Opening a company hotline, however, meant facing a serious moral dilemma. Organizational and industrial psychology offers a perfect framework for dealing...


Relationship Between Marketing and Strategic Planning

Relationship between marketing and strategic planning Musibau, Oluyinka, and Long (2011) affirm that strategic planning is an essential factor in the success of both large and small and medium enterprises. Strategic planning enables organizations to ensure that they are progressing in the right direction (Kroon 2005). This assertion emanates from...


The Role of Facebook Advertising Technique on the Young Consumers

Introduction The use of social networking sites (including Facebook) is growing rapidly in the marketing, consumer, and social sectors. The websites have revolutionized the marketing sector tremendously with more emphasis on “consumer behavior” (Van Der Heide, D’Angelo & Schumaker, 2012). This proposal intends to unveil how Facebook advertising techniques influence...

Marketing Communication

Marketing Communications. Ace Grace Care Homes Marketing Communications

Executive Summary This paper holds that marketing communication is one of the most salient aspects that firms should focus on in their quest to maximize profit and increase their customer base. The paper entails a comprehensive analysis of the marketing communication adopted by Ace Grace Care Homes, which operates in...

Corporate Culture

A Team Culture as an Aspect of Cooperative Learning

Introduction This paper will focus on team culture as an aspect of cooperative learning. Team culture is a concept derived from the social definition of culture as a way of doing things. In this particular case, this paper shall refer to how an individual acculturates to the obligations and responsibilities...

Strategic Management

Change Management in Oman’s Telecommunication Sector

Introduction The ultimate aims of Change Management organizations are Successful planning, execution, measurement, and preservation of a change in the initiatives of the organization and improvement of their current ability for managing change (William, 1986). This paper evaluates change management in the Telecommunications sector Omantel in the Sultanate of Oman....

Strategic Management

Global Business Strategy: The Value Chain

Introduction In the last few decades, the world has witnessed increased integration of the global economy which has resulted in new opportunities for economic and income growth (OECD, 2007). For developed nations, it opens new markets for goods and services. For developing countries, it contains the promise of increasing the...

Corporate Culture

Organizational Culture of Greek Small & Medium Enterprises

Abstract SMEs are now becoming increasingly important in almost every economy. It has been noted that the SMEs that employ less than 250 make over 99% of the European companies. Particularly in Greece, SMEs make up to 90% of all businesses. They also account for over 52% of the total...

Company Analysis

Microsoft Corporation’s Corporate Strategy

Introduction Microsoft Corporation is a large multi-national corporation that produces several lines of computers and related products. The company is known for the production of windows and operating systems that help in the normal running of computers. Two engineers, Bill Gates and Paul Allen on April 4, 1975, established Microsoft...

Corporate Culture

Organizational Culture of a Greek Small & Medium Enterprise

Abstract The following paper presents the organizational culture of an SME and its impacts. The analysis majorly surrounds the contextual framework of any organization’s environment that is revealed through the analysis of the Social-cultural, Economic, technological, and political elements of an organization. The analysis of these elements exposes the various...


Marketing Report: Dealfish Nigeria

Introduction The growth of the internet around the globe has led to the emergence of new forms of business, which have drawn their customers from the ever-increasing number of internet users. One example of such an internet-based company is the Dealfish, which is a Nigerian-based online-classified business. The business is...

Case Studies

The Partnership between Jet Airways and Etihad: Case Study

Introduction The case study on the partnership between Jet Airways and Etihad will be analyzed in this paper. The two airlines have agreed to collaborate through joint operations in order to take advantage of their strengths in the aviation industry. Although the partnership presents important opportunities to the two firms,...


Trade Agency Clauses and Guarantees

Preface Trade activities are controlled by regulations that ensure the interests of all stakeholders are put into consideration before making key decisions. This means that there are guidelines that ensure all trade stakeholders are respected and that activities are done according to agreements made by them. The following terms are...


XYZ Company: Organizational Assessment and Strategic Change Management

Abstract Sustainable change management is one of the most challenging yet very important tasks that the management must always deal with appropriately within an organization. XYZ Company has been successful in the past, and this is attributed to adequate leadership of the owners of this company. Its ability to expand...

Organizational Management

Critical Action Learning & Literature Review of a Problematized Case

Introduction Operational efficiency and sustainability are some of the most essential aspects that profit and non-profit oriented firms should consider in their strategic management practices (Pryor, Taneja, Humphreys & Singleton, 2008). The importance of operational efficiency arises from the need to enhance firms’ long-term existence through effective production, sourcing, distribution,...

Organizational Management

Employees Resistance to Change

Introduction Resistance to change is inevitable in the transformation management process within most organisations. The change management process in any organisation is majorly concerned with how employees can be reinvigorated and sanctioned to work with the new systems and resources (Folger & Skarlicki 2010, p.534). Managing change is focused on...

Strategic Management

Change Management as part of Strategic Management

Introduction Strategic administration involves a group of continuous deeds and all-inclusive procedures that businesses deploy to categorize and align possessions in an orderly approach. Actions in strategic management are aligned with the organisation’s mission, vision, and plans (Dess, Lumpkin & Taylor 2005). Such activities change a static plan into an...

Leadership Styles

The Phenomenon of Moral Leadership

Introduction A leader is any individual who influences and guides other people in order to attain certain desired outcomes. A leader acts as a role model and leads by example. Effective leadership is characterized by the ability to persuade others into following certain rules and guidelines. Persuasion is only possible...

Organizational Management

Consultation Process: Complete Consulting Scenario

Introduction Individuals and organizations can seek assistance from different specialized professional services in an effort to deal with certain challenges. One of the specialized professional services is consultation. Consultancy services are provided by different categories of specialists such as human resources and health care professionals. Furthermore, the consultancy process occurs...

Case Studies

Global Value Chain Positioning as a Sustainable Strategy: the Namibian Fishing Industry

Introduction The surfacing of Global Value Chains has delineated the characteristic of the 21st century trade and essentially transformed dealings amid nations. Sustainable development has turned into a catchphrase in preservation and management and denotes an endeavour to reconcile the environment, its resourcefulness, and economic advancement. Namibian fishing industry has...


Against Neoliberalism as a Concept

As of today, there is no universally accepted definition as to what Neoliberalism (which is both an established theory and business philosophy) stands for. Partially, this can be explained by the fact during the recent few decades, the Neoliberal socioeconomic paradigm has undergone a qualitative transformation, which resulted in spawning...

Financial Management

Management Accounting Discipline Significance

Introduction The current management accounting systems have been developed from the ancient managerial bookkeeping concepts. The handling of financial affairs in organizations has been experiencing various changes and issues in domains such as management and accounting. Financial management issues have been exhibited in areas such as the management sectors, leadership,...

Employee Management

ABC Company: Critical Action Learning

Introduction Critical action learning is the process of learning from the experience and thoroughly reflecting upon it (Ram & Trehan, 2010, p. 417). It has been shown that such an approach provides a better understanding of the actions performed and the knowledge gleaned. This paper is devoted to critical action...

Employee Management

Management Training and Development

Introduction When workers grow, a business also develops (Brown & Harvey, 2011). This statement summarizes the centrality of employee development in the success of an organization and its activities. Companies have unique goals and missions, which demand employee skills and knowledge to achieve profitability (Saks, Tamkin, & Lewis, 2011). Consequently,...

Financial Marketing

Financing Start-up Innovative Business

Introduction During the last couple of years, young innovative entrepreneurs have garnered substantial attention from different sectors of the economy. This attention stems from the view that governments have realised that small businesses account for a significant amount of innovation, economic growth, and a source of job creation. Hence, most...


Change in the Oil & Gas Industry: Critical Action Learning

Introduction Organizations encounter different forces that pressurize them to implement intended or unintended change. Numerous studies on managing change have been conducted in an effort to assist organizations in the implementation process. Thus, it suffices to argue that contemporary organizations should be very successful in implementing change. However, the available...

Employee Management

International Human Resource Management: Japan & US

Introduction Expansion into international markets causes organizations to export their cultures to foreign business subsidiaries. Organizational culture includes business models such as human resource management practices. For example, multinational corporations deploy their recruitment, training, and development approaches in foreign nations (Ferner & Quintanilla 1998). This strategy suggests that the country...

Company Analysis

Louis Vuitton Moët Hennessy Group’s Strategic Management

Executive Summary Louis Vuitton Moët Hennessy (LVMH) is one of the leading groups of companies in the world. It produces and markets luxury products. The group has operations in six major segments of the global luxury goods market. Over the last one decade, it has recorded a consistent performance both...

Case Studies

Critical Action Learning in Employee Motivation Case

Introduction In the current competitive business environment, firms are keen to find a working solution to various problems they face. Action learning offers one of the best approaches of finding solutions to challenges that a firm may face in its operational processes. According to Fournier and Grey (2000), it is...

Financial Management

Apple INC.: Strategic Financial Management

Introduction The purpose of this strategy is to discuss financial position of Apple Inc, marketing and human resource management analysis, SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats), PESTEL, Porter’s five forces analysis, and key strategies of the organization in order to recommend future strategies. a) Main Markets of the Organisation: A...


Sustainable Innovation Practices in Dubai Police

Introduction The changes in the Emirati society are significant and important as they contribute to the development of the country in the modern global context. Al Mehrzi and Singh (2016) stress that the public sector is undergoing various transformations as the government is trying to make public services effective, accessible,...


Potential Entrepreneurs: Moral Disengagement Roots

Abstract Potential entrepreneurs encounter challenges, which influence their entrepreneurial behaviors. In the study done on the MBA students (N = 286), the study hypothesized that self-fulfillment, financial gain, career development, and job security are factors that have positive relationships with moral disengagement. T-test analysis of scores of these factors revealed...

Strategic Management

Integration of Business Systems With Business Strategy

Introduction Since the advent of the industrial revolution, business enterprises have been dependent on technology. However, that dependence on technology in the 21st century has reached unprecedented heights. Today, the internet presents a business platform with limitless opportunities for people to carry out business transactions. Online presence is no longer...


A Risk Mitigation and Decision Making in Business

Introduction The modern oil market is facing various challenges associated with low oil prices, intense competition, strict environmental regulations, and so on. The acquisition is regarded as one of the methods to address the issues mentioned and achieve organizational goals. Practitioners employ numerous tools to make sure that the process...

Case Studies

Multinational Company in the Fast Food Industry: McDonald’s

Introduction In strategic management, various analysis and management models are normally applied to determine the position of a business, the prospects and the possible measures a business can take to remain competitive in delivering its mandate (Rollwagen, Hofmann & Schneider 2008). In the business analysis process, Kathuria and Porth (2007)...


Financing Global Climate Change Projects Using Bonds

Many people in the world suffer from the negative effects of climate change and other sustainability- and environment-related issues; however, the situation can be even worse in the future if serious action is not taken today (Schaeffer et al., 2012). The necessary action consists not only in reducing the environmental...


Accounting Education and Practice in Saudi Arabia

Executive Summary This study aims to explore the connection between quality accounting education and high standards of accounting practice in Saudi Arabia. The goal is to find out whether accounting education plays any role in strengthening Saudi Arabia’s economy in line with the country’s Vision 2030. In 2012, Saudi Arabia...

Strategic Management

BHP Billiton: Strategic Human Resource Management

Introduction Strategic Human resource management (SHRM) is a concept that had been advanced more recently by human resource specialist that recognize employee as key factor to the success of the organization (Pinnington and Edwards, 2000). SHRM is different from traditional personnel management in that it recognizes the need to incorporate...

Employee Management

Pay Transparency and Its Shortcomings

Introduction Every organization desires to possess a compensation scheme that allows its employees to earn pay that is commensurate with the level of their dedication and performance. In recent times, the concept of pay transparency has been lauded as one way of eliminating disbursement discrimination. The rationale is that if...


Strategic Audit of a Corporation Analysis

Strategic audit tools can be of major assistance to a company due to their ability to provide comprehensive assessments of strategic decisions (Grant, Macdonald, & Sharifi, 2011; Wheelen, Hunger, Hoffman, & Bamford, 2017). As a result, their study is of interest to any person who is involved in the theory...


Review of Managerial Economics

Economics is a subject that examines the behavior of different economic agents as they try to achieve their objectives in the face of resource constraints. Resources are scarce and therefore economic agents need to make choices. The process of making choices is important because it determines whether or not the...


Intellectual Traditions in Emergency Management

Introduction Disaster research is a relatively new scientific trend in comparison to the studies in the sphere of general emergency management. In terms of funding of this research it was scarce in inconsistent for the most time of its existence. However, for all that time, a large incentive for studying...


Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning in Marketing Strategy

Introduction In any marketing strategy, the processes of segmentation, targeting, and positioning (STP) play a pivotal role. The STP concept is not new, but its importance for successful business operation has not faded within recent decades with their substantial changes in terms of the way the global market works as...

Company Analysis

Cisco Systems Strategic Position Analysis

Introduction Most companies in the industry are multinational, and they often encounter various problems with state regulations. For instance, the controversial issue of political information gathering can put firms at risk (Cisco 2017a). Moreover, antitrust concerns are outlined by various states. The economic conditions for network equipment selling companies are...

Management Theories

Organizational Change Management: Lewin’s Theory

Introduction In the modern competitive business world, organizations need to optimize their operations to increase the return on investment. This has become the basis of organizational change that is supposed to respond to the changes in the market. With a lot of emphasis on organizational change and the need to...


Zara and H&M Case Study

Market analysis Zara, which deals in clothing and footwear retail, is a subsidiary company of The Inditex Group which was founded in Spain way back in 1975 by Ortega. The latter was considered as one of the wealthiest men during that time. Specifically, Zara specialties include low priced clothes for...


Consumer Reaction and Income Level in the Economics

Introduction Consumer Reaction and Income Level Consumer reaction is a standout among assets for enhancing an association’s quality control and customer satisfaction. While it is customary to receive feedback from unhappy customers, every department of an organization creates an opportunity for customer reaction. As a result, weak links within each...

Organizational Management

Advanced Business Studies

Introduction This critique aims at providing me with an opportunity to learn gain knowledge from scholars in order to develop an informed skill in the analysis of concepts and theories related to my field of study. One aspect of this critique assignment is that I am required to link those...

Employee Management

The State of Qatar: Effectiveness and Efficiency of Human Resource Policy

Abstract Human Resource Policy is ostensibly among the most important concepts that have revolutionalized the employment sector. In these modern times, there is greater need drawing the most from personnel than there is need for asset and material capacity of corporations when it comes to productivity. This has ostensibly been...

Strategic Marketing

Drink Manufacturing by Cadbury Plc

Introduction Company Description Unlike imagination of many people around the world, Dr. Pepper/7Up Inc. is a division of Cadbury plc, which again, is the world’s third largest soft drink manufacturing company. Similarly, Cadbury Plc Company is ranked fourth among the confectionary companies with most products selling in over 200 countries...


Decision-Making Strategies and the Uncertainty Avoidance

Introduction The decision-making process is one of the complicated strategical attributes, which defines the capability to reach strategical goals and leads to profit optimization. Nonetheless, the rationale for the decisions tends to be unclear due to the inability to discover the problem from dissimilar viewpoints to determine a novel solution...


Wieden+Kennedy: Marketing Strategy

Executive Summary This report is in two parts. The first part analyses Wieden+Kennedy as an independent advertising and marketing agency that is involved in the marketing of sporting footwear. Since Nike is the biggest brand in the organization’s portfolio, the second part of the report evaluates the marketing strategy that...

Organizational Management

People and Organizational Culture in Health Care

Introduction This critique assignment is designed to give me a chance to use other scholars’ work, and learn from them through the analysis of the concepts presented in their work, and the theories they have brought forth in their journals. In the critique, there is the aspect of linking the...


Where Is Culture in Cross Cultural Research?

General introduction The critique of the two journals, by Fischer and Kittler, aim to provide insight to my PhD thesis which seeks to find “the impact of organizational culture in knowledge sharing behavior in organizations.” My main intention is to use the two journals, “where is culture in cross culture...

Leadership Styles

Differences Between Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods

There are several differences between qualitative and quantitative research methods though there are similarities too. However, this section focuses on the differences between qualitative and quantitative research methods. Generally, during the quantitative research study, the end data is mostly data that is reduced to numbers, which are statistically analyzed. Furthermore,...


Branding Abu Dhabi as a Tourist Destination

Brief Introduction The many effects associated with globalization have led to the existence of the world as a global village. As such, stiff competition has been the order of the day as planners of world economies try to innovate in selected lucrative areas of economy. For instance, the usefulness of...

Case Studies

The Thika Road Construction Project in Kenya Review

Introduction Business management gurus have continued to proclaim that project management is the wave of the future; it entails planning, implementation, and management of various processes to meet particular preset goals and objectives. In course of management, the structured are made in a way that they can reduce negative effects...

Employee Management

Cultural Differences and People Management

Introduction In a contemporary business environment, organizations are recruiting and deploying people from different nationalities, cultural orientations, and ethnic backgrounds. The diversion has created a challenge for management on how to handle cultural differences among their human workforce. Culture affects someone’s behavior, attitude, performance, belief, and understanding; with diverse cultures,...

Employee Management

Shift Work Related Theories

Introduction Shift work refers to a type of employment practice that incorporates the 24-hour system as part of its work structure and design. Shift work refers to how employees within an organization work for two shifts that are usually scheduled to occur in one day. According to statistics released by...

Consumer Science

The Concept of Buyer Behavior Process

Introduction Buyer behavior is the decision-making process and acts that are involved in the purchase and use of products. A firm needs to understand these behaviors to create marketing strategies for the sale of its products. This will help the firm in creating a marketing niche for its products and...