10000-Word Essays about Business & Management

A 10000-word essay about business, management, or marketing is more like a research or term paper. To prepare a solid assignment of such a length, you’ll have to conduct research and make an extensive “works cited” list. That’s why you’ll have to spend much more than one evening writing your 10000 words essay.

You can write a 10000-word essay about business and management in many subdisciplines. For example, strategy, company missions, business ethics, managerial negotiation, or professions. We wish you good luck with your assignment! Take a look at 10000 words essay examples on this page to get inspired.

Case Studies

Project Management Techniques in a Construction Company

Abstract The case study investigated the project management techniques in a construction company focusing on BRJ & Associates LLC. The characteristics depicted by BRJ & Associates LLC are reflected in what construction entails and the need for any construction company to develop management devices. Preliminary information from this study reveals...

Decision Making

Determinants of Payout Policy in the UK

Introduction The financial crisis that started in 2007 on account of consumers failing to clear their subprime mortgages created far-reaching consequences on the US economy and proved to be the harbinger that led to a domino effect, which impacted all economies of the world severely. The global financial crisis of...


Corporate Social Responsibility, Enterprise Development

Introduction Corporate social responsibility (CSR), the notion that organisations should undertake actions that advance social benefits beyond that which is required by law, continues to attract varied interest and reactions from scholars and business practitioners alike (Kang, Germann, & Grewal 2016). The CSR concept obliges organisations to bear responsibility for...

Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance and Internal Control in Manufacturing Industry

Introduction Definition “Corporate Governance is a meadow in economics that investigates how to safe /motivate efficient organization of corporation by the employ of incentive mechanisms such as, contract, organisational plan and legislation. Furthermore, this is frequently limited to the query of improving monetary performance. For instance, how the corporate owners...

10000 Word Essay FAQ

A 10000-word essay about business and management can be written on many topics. The exact format depends on the requirements. You should consult with your teacher to understand what is required in your particular case.

The first thing you should do to write a 10000-word essay is to choose a topic. You’ll have to spend some time researching, writing, and editing. That’s why it is worth choosing a topic that inspires you. A good 10000-word essay about business, management, or marketing should feature a solid outline, a clear thesis statement, and a bibliography. Please pay special attention to your sources’ relevance: they must be up-to-date.

Business, management, and marketing are inspiring topics to write about. However, working on a 10000-word essay on business will require some effort from your side. You’ll also have to spend time formatting and editing your paper, as well as preparing graphic materials. You’ll need about 33 hours and 20 minutes to write 10000 words.

A 10000-word assignment, be it about business, management, marketing, or other topic, usually contains 67 to 68 paragraphs. This rough estimate implies that a typical paragraph in academic writing includes 100 to 150 words.

Risk Management

New Petroleum Companies’ Risk Management Performance

Executive Summary This study strives to find innovative ways to improve risk management performance in new petroleum companies. It focuses on highlighting the role of human resource practices in risk management and explaining how this field could improve risk management performance. The study has three main research objectives. The first...

Employee Management

Human Resource Management Response to Organizational Issues

Abstract This paper focuses on the need for non-biased methods of evaluation as companies expand their overseas operations in order to continue to remain viable and relevant in the face of their constantly evolving business landscape. One of the main issues when it comes to overseas HR evaluations is that...


Cultivation of Customer Loyalty Within the Insurance Industry

Introduction Hong Kong presents an environment that can be described as excellent to the insurers and reinsurers despite the global trends of convergence. Of all the financial markets and economic industry, the capital markets in Hong Kong are sophisticated and managers have concentrated their finances in the country. The country...


Indian Ethnic Food in the UK: The New Product Development

Executive Summary This dissertation aimed to investigate the topic “what are the implications of the new product development on consumer buying behaviour in Indian ethnic food in the UK?” The literature review of this dissertation concern with theoretical aspects of new product development (NPD), stages of the NDP, consumer buying...


The Effects of Earnings Management: A Case Study of Kelong and Worldcom

Problem Statement Introduction This dissertation critically illustrates the perceptions and attitudes of earning management and factors touching their motivation and exploration within the modern organisation where the corporate fraud of Kelong and WorldCom have been passed. The dissertation has been organised and contained the five major episodes designed below Problem...


How Should E-Commerce Be Designed to Enhance Customer Satisfaction & Loyalty?

Introduction Background During the last two decades the information technology industry has focused upon moving in the direction of developing the World Wide Web. Information systems that make use of www technology that is delivered through intranet or the Internet have now become increasingly prevalent across the world. In any...

Employee Management

Effective Recruitment and Selection in IT Industry

Background Recruitment and selection in the human resource of a company is a vital part. A methodical and able recruitment is the fundamental strategy of a company’s future success and sustainability. Thus, it is necessary to find out whether recruitment plays a key role in achieving firm’s objectives. Other objectives...

Strategic Management

The Practice of Strategic Management in Smaller Industrial Organizations

Introduction Strategy in most generic terms can be identified as the long-term direction of the firms and it defines the business scope of the firm specifying the path to be followed by it in the long-term. Strategy enables a firm to consolidate its available resources to gain the capacity to...


Transaction Risk in Internet Banking

Introduction Research Problem As a result of globalization e-commerce has really grown in the past few years. Many business organizations have started offering their products and services through technological (internet) platforms and banks have not been left behind. Banks have started offering internet banking services to their clients. However everything...


Effective Leader in the Contracting Industry of UAE

Introduction The success of any business is often attributed to its leadership style. This is because when the management or the leaders are able to make sound decisions, institute effective policies and develop good communication in their companies, then these companies are bound to have better success. However, because business...

Employee Management

Reducing Staff Turnover in the ABC Sri Lanka

Introduction Background of Study The purpose of undertaking a research is to formulate a recruitment policy to reduce staff turnover. Most of the companies intend to provide better training and job development scopes, service uniformity, discount, increment, and other welfare offers for internal staff, outpatient, leave, and inpatient media exposure,...

Employee Management

Employee Perceptions on Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation and Productivity

Introduction Buckworth, Lee, Regan, Schneider and DiClemente (2007) define “intrinsic motivation as that, which is driven by an interest or enjoyment in the task itself, and exists within the individual rather than relying on any external pressure or source” (P.45). On the other hand, Buckworth et.al., (2007) define extrinsic motivation...


Cultural Diversity and Its Impact on Businesses

Introduction The world is changing with an alarming speed leaving behind the old and familiar convictions and giving rise to the new queries and challenges. Among various key factors responsible for this change is the cultural diversity. The increasing number of urban communities comprises diverse groups in abundance. This movement...


Globalization for Nigerian Politics and Economics

Introduction This chapter is an introductory chapter that delves into issues related to globalization. In other words, it introduces the key concepts and reviews that would be discussed in the entire paper. The chapter presents the background information regarding the effects of globalization in Nigeria. Under the background information, the...

Employee Management

Work Commitment at Jing Jiang Tower Hotel

Introduction Background to the Study The composition of the global workforce, especially in the services sector, has changed significantly over the last few decades. One of the core transformations, it seems, has been the increase in the number of short-term employees working in services-oriented organizations (Jacobsen 2000). A strand of...


Unconventional Advertising Effects on Consumer Behavior

Introduction Since the beginning of trade, people have been looking for methods to make their success among their clientele even bigger, thus, spawning a range of advertising techniques. Although in the XXI century, a number of innovative advertising techniques have been created, the basics for attracting more customers remain the...

Case Studies

Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction in Singapore Airlines

Abstract The following dissertation provides a comprehensive survey based research on the service and quality level of the services provided by the Singapore Airlines in terms of the expectations of the customers and the satisfaction level of the customers. A literature overview of related research on the topic is conducted...

Employee Management

Staff Retention Within Draper Company

Abstract Retaining good workers is not as simple as it used to be. Companies require to be on top when it comes to keeping them, as well as inspiring them. Staff retention is simple to realize, but at the same time it can be complex to attain. Knowing what workers...


Online Marketing Offers: Benefits and Limitations

Executive summary This study specifically aimed at analyzing the benefits and limitations of online marketing from the perspective of customers as well as service providers. Furthermore, the study aimed at evaluating the impact of online marketing on customers’ behaviour towards the products and services offered on line, in addition to...


Branding Effects on the Singapore IT Industry

Abstract Singapore’s Information and Communication (ICT) technology sector contributed S$26 billion in value to the economy in recent times which accounted for nearly 20% of the country’s GDP. Various spheres of product/service export include knowledge-based industries of Internet Service Providers (ISP’s), software development, publishing and IT education services. The objective...


Internal Control and Its Salient Features

Abstract This study attempts to explain the salient features of internal control and the benefits that could accrue to a company adopting a good internal control system. Internal controls are considered as extremely important to perform everyday operations of a company more efficiently. The major components of the internal controls...


Interface of Internal Control for Telecom Company

Introduction US Congress enacted the Sarbanes – Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX) on July 30, 2002, to ensure proper financial reporting and disclosure. The objective of passing this legislation was to rebuild the public trust in corporate business reporting, which was lost due to accounting and other frauds that happened...

Strategic Management

Internationalization of Large Companies

Abstract The research on the internationalization of the large companies explored the relations between the adoption of a global orientation and strategic thinking. However, there was difference in opinion between those arguing that there is a positive relationship between the two variables and others who contended that large companies may...

Business Ethics

Business Ethics in Accounting Field

Introduction Recent years, companies pay more and more attention to business ethics and problems caused by violation of ethical and moral rules. The law is a guarantor of social stability. The law provides for collective safety and security. But it has more than a stabilizing function for society–it also embodies...


An Evaluation of the Application of CRM to E-Commerce

Abstract The purpose of this research project is to investigate theoretical approaches to define the concept of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems and the stages taken for its design and implementation in relation to e-commerce. The customer relationship marketing is often considered as opposite and balancing to traditional forms of...


Marketing in Qatar: Organizational Marketing Models

Introduction Marketing is the most powerful weapon available to a business; however, marketing is often confused with sales and advertising. It is noted that businesses need to understand that marketing is much more than that. Marketing, in fact, has a many roles in a firm or business; firstly, it connects...


Tax System and Tax Reform in Hong Kong

Introduction Overseas investors play a tremendous role in tax planning and also help in developing a booming strategy that provides help in undertaking the business or investment. In Hong Kong, similar to other countries individual’s tax liability is completely based on the chosen business structure. For instance, whether apart from...


Ethical Investing and Islamic Stock Market Indexes

Abstract This thesis examines the emergence, theoretical and practical value of Islamic market indices. The first two goals rely on straightforward secondary research that initially highlights the conceptual simplicity of stock market indexes for investors, the financial press and other stakeholders like government. For the pious individual and institutional investor,...


Derivative Trading and the Global Financial Crisis

Abstract Derivatives are financial instruments traded in capital market. The underlying assets for derivative trading are most commonly bonds, stocks, etc. Derivatives greatly influence movements of debts in an economy which will lead to total economic slowdown. Derivatives have high rating values but in this case have been at the...


Causes of Delay in Abu Dhabi Construction Industry

Abstract The building and construction projects carry on experiencing delays on account of a variety of factors. The impacts of these delays manifest themselves in the form of amplified costs and operating expenses on a project and delay claims are perhaps the most challenging form of construction dispute lawsuits to...


Apple Corporation: Tax Planning

Abstract The existing framework for taxation has enabled companies to transfer profits from high tax systems to low-tax regimes. Patents rights or trademarks calculations may be simply moved from one nation to another with a minor change in actual economic activity or profit accumulation. This thesis analysed the determinants of...

Employee Management

Employee Turnover in the Hospitality Industry

Employee turnover is an essential concern for companies regardless of their size or target industry. High turnover can pose a risk of understaffing, performance losses, and decreased quality of products or services offered to customers (Brown, Thomas and Bosselman, 2015; Hom et al., 2017). Maintaining low turnover rates can also...

Global Scale Management

Innovation in Multinational Enterprises

Introduction Overview This chapter covers the background to the study, problem statement, research objectives, hypotheses, and the significance of the study. Background information During the 1990s, there were massive changes with regard to politics, society, and technology. It is during this time that the entire world came to know about...

Company Analysis

Social Enterprises in Recession

Abstract Globally, the recession has had a negative impact on most businesses and governments. Consequently, the recession has forced many companies to downsize their operations by laying-off workers and reducing the scope of their investment programs. The recession has equally forced governments to reduce “unnecessary” spending and bail out struggling...


Impact of Financial Crisis on M&A

Financial crises, especially those termed as global financial crises, have made businesses of all sizes (small, medium and even larger ones) to enter in to a very undesirable situation. They have formed what can be termed as a new world order in which local and global companies are using a...


Relationship Between Accounting Ratios and Stock Returns: Case Study of Hong Kong

Chapter 1: Introduction Introduction For the past years, studies that examine the efficiency of stock market have been of great interest to researchers (Abdolreza & Mehdi 2013). On one hand, there are researchers who believe that information on stock market is not useful, while on the other hand, some researchers...


Marketing Management of Al-Mazunah Free Zone

Introduction Free economic zones are a group of special geographic territories that provide designated economic trade opportunities for businesses with very light taxation or not at all to encourage the development of prosperous economic activity. Depending on the country where the free zone is located, the taxation rules are determined...


The Financial Sector and UAE’S Economy. Analysis

Abstract The financial sector and UAE’S economy as a whole have experienced a remarkable growth since the global crisis. Banks have embraced technology and have expanded to offer customers easy access to products and services. However, there have been inefficiencies resulting from competition, poor risk management and poor quality of...


RFID in Supply Chain Management

Abstract With an increase in competition in the global marketplace, companies begin to seek new ways in order to gain a competitive edge over their competitors. This was the time when the organizations identified the need for adopting a new approach for supply chain management. The result was the emergence...


Post-global Financial Crisis World: Canadian Banking Model vs. the US

Abstract This paper analyzes the performance of Canada and America in mitigating the effects of the 2008 Global Financial Crisis. There are many reasons advanced for Canada’s better performance throughout the crisis, but this paper mainly focuses on the cultural and lobby forces that distinguish both systems from one another....


DSO and Profit Margin for Schneider Electrics Analysis

Introduction The recent history of the financial crisis faced by businesses, lowering of the banks’ cuts of loan balances, rise of the interest spreads and intensified red tape, firms have realized that the daily finances of the firm and the cash flow has to be strictly regulated and controlled. Further,...


Determinants of Exchange Rate in Nigeria

Abstract Nigeria has witnessed endless periods of volatile exchange rates. To date, the country has still not been able to stabilise its exchange rates, despite the growing importance of the Nigerian economy in Africa’s growth potential. Exchange rate fluctuations remain a very important macroeconomic concern among many economists in Nigeria...


Saudi Accounting Standards and International Standards

Introduction Introduction and Background of the Study Accounting is considered as a very important tool in operation of business in the current society. According to Mourra (2008, p. 82), a business unit cannot run without proper accounting documents in the current society. The need for accounting in organization (both for...


Financial Services Authority in the UK: Case Study

Introduction Financial regulation is a very important aspect in any country. A regulator ensures that banks and other financial institutions carry out financial transactions in a proper way. This encompasses protecting the interests of their customers as well as avoiding financial misconduct. In the UK, Financial Services Authority is the...


Calendar Effect in Hong Kong Stock Market HSI

Introduction Hong Kong Stock Exchange (HKSE) is the second largest stock exchange market in Asia. The HKSE was established in the 19th century (McGuinness 2006). Today the market ranks among top ten in the market capitalisation. The market hit a record market capitalisation of US$1,063.9 trillion in 2010 and was...


Comparing Swiss Banks to European Banks

Introduction The European Union has a developed banking system with approximately 8,000 banks. Within this group, huge international banks have arisen, which have a considerable market stake. The legal, regulatory, and supervisory framework has not been able to keep up with this rapidly growing cross-border presence, notably the centralization of...

Company Analysis

Benchmarking in the Hospitality Industry: A Case Study

Introduction Overview The process of evaluating the performance of an organisation requires the use of a number of parameters. Benchmarking is one of the commonly used performance indicators across the globe today. The main aim of this approach is to help compare the status of a given entity with that...


Emerging Islamic Finance Industry in New Zealand

Introduction Islamic Banking has proven to be one of the best financial solutions. Earlier, Muslims used to avoid placing their funds as term deposits where they could earn good interest as profit. They used to avoid as interest is strictly prohibited in Islam. However, interest can get those a good...

Financial Management

The Emergence of Infrastructure as an Asset Class

Introduction There have been a lot of revolutions and changes in the business environment of the entire world as far as investments are concerned with the goal of engaging in business activities that have the highest returns as well as great value in almost all sectors of the economy (Deloitte,...


The Islamic Banking System

Introduction Islamic banking (ISB) is very unique due to the legal concepts it contains, which are based on the Islamic faith. This banking system adheres to Sharia law and is implemented in many Islamic states across the globe. The three pillars of Islamic banking are Aqeedah (faith), Sharia (laws regulating...


Construction in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: The Causes of Delays and Poor Quality Work

Introduction Over the years, different civilisations have relied on the construction industry to support the human activities prevalent at the time (Ralph 2000). Presently, the global construction industry is experiencing a surge owing to increased human activities like trade and industrialisation. Just like any other sector, the construction industry is...


The Poor Work Quality in Construction in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Abstract This paper has focused on accomplishing two specific objectives, the first was to evaluate the cause of delays in the construction and development projects in Saudi Arabia while the second involved proposing. strategies for improving construction projects in Saudi Arabia. Through the investigation of this study, it was determined...


The Future of the Dollar Standard: Will It Be Replaced by Renminbi

Abstract The main aim of this study was to determine the future of the dollar standards and whether it will be replaced by the Renminbi. The study focused on the capacity of China to strengthen her currency. The study explored various factors that could contribute to strengthening the Renminbi, in...


Recent Economic Crisis and the Caribbean Banking Industry: Impacts and Measures

Introduction The main causes of the present global financial crisis are of structural nature. Firstly, the practices forming the new financial architectures comprise of international systems of big investment banks and hedge funds that are inefficiently regulated or fall short of the required regulations. Secondly, the global financial recession occurred...


The Impact of a Working Capital Management on Firm’s Profitability

Introduction Rationale of the Topic The author’s discussion concerning retail industry and working capital management has been motivated by living amidst members who operated retail business. This, therefore, signals the presence of in-built experience and cohesion as well as eagerness to evaluate the management of various components of working capital...


Islamic Mortgage System a Solution for Current Financial Crisis

Abstract Ever since the Global Financial Stability Report issued in October 2008, perils to worldwide monetary steadiness are greater now than ever before, indicating a narrow-minded turnaround in development made over the precedent three years. The swiftness of the trade and industry recuperation has been a sluggish, halted growth in...


The Capacity Management Dilemma in Hera’a General Hospital

Introduction Quality is rapidly becoming a global issue as well as a concern to both the suppliers of services and the consumers of those services. In healthcare, quality is reaching a new dimension in that, it is being demanded and expected thus providers are judged by it. Health care quality...


Occupational Health Safety in the Construction Industry of Saudi Arabia

Abstract Lessons from the history of accidents in the construction industry have shown the industry as one that has experienced one of the highest rates of accidents ranging from minor injuries to severe injuries and other forms of severe and mild injuries. Research into the cause of accidents in the...

Strategic Marketing

Marketing Strategies in FMCG Industries

Introduction Background FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Goods) needs different marketing strategy from other goods. FMCG markets are extremely competitive as compare to the other markets, as FMCG market moves with much faster pace than others. Over a month, a quarter, or a year, the sales of any brand are determined...


Study on Asset Pricing Model in Chinese Stock Market

Introduction The Asset Pricing Model illustrates the affiliation among risk and anticipated return that is applied in the costing of safety and security. The universal thought following Capital Asset Pricing Model is that shareholders require to be recompensed in two factors. The first one is time value of money and...


Syndicated Loan Market for Developing Countries

Abstract The purpose for this research is to evaluate the financial sector market of the UK and use the same to give light on how developing countries can build strong syndicated loan market in the future based on lessons learned. The study uses comparative approach, descriptive design, and analytical method...

Leadership Styles

Military Leadership Experiences in Information Support Operations

Abstract The following doctoral dissertation outlines the parameters of a study focusing on leadership development experiences of Military Information Support Operations officers who have served in the recent conflicts in Southwest Asia. The purpose of the study is to determine if these officers agree that the current leadership development paradigm...

Employee Management

Factors in Success of Leadership Development Programs

Abstract The present study is dedicated to the examination of success factors of the Regional Development Specialist (RDS) program in the XYZ Telecommunication Company. The program was initiated as a response to the high front-line employee turnover on the background of multiple mergers and acquisitions conducted by XYZ at the...

Strategic Marketing

Customer Engagement as a Strategic Marketing Tool

Introduction The purpose of business is to create and keep a customer. Peter Drucker Customer engagement as a concept has received recent hype in the marketing literature. Both academicians and practitioners have perceived this concept to be a new era in developing and retaining customers. The reason behind this is...

Employee Management

Bullying at the Workplace and Victimology

Introduction In this paper, the review of literature regarding the area of interest to this particular research has been categorized into four sections. To start with, the issue of workplace bullying, along with the associated definitions and theories, are addressed. Next, the relationship between personality and bullying behavior, and personality...


IFRS Adoption in Azerbaijan

Abstract Convergence to the international accounting standards has been driven by the changes in the ways businesses are formed and the way they carry out their activities. Increased complexities in corporate frameworks, the flow of information, sharing of responsibilities all coupled with undue lust for profits by managers and higher...

Decision Making

Real Options Valuation Analysis in the Business

Abstract The real option valuation analysis in the business is the option in the business scenario, which can be selected and analyzed from the various alternatives. The decision-making and the analysis of the real option is the main aim of the study. The real value of the option is the...

Financial Management

Invoice Finance Services: HRM Strategy in Financial Crisis

Outline With the unfolding of the economic crisis the financial services industry has started facing severe challenges. The prevailing crisis has its roots in continuous situations of imbalance that include long periods characterized by low-interest rates, speedy increases in asset prices and large-scale imbalances in credit patterns and savings. These...

Consumer Science

Qatar vs. UK: Consumers’ CSR Awareness

Abstract The main aim of the study is to compare the level of consumers’ CSR Awareness in an Emerging Market (Qatar) versus a Developed Market (UK. The approach among the consumers towards the concept of corporate social responsibility is identified, analyzed and compared with these two countries. Corporate social responsibility...


Methods for Estimation of Profitability From Real Estate Projects

Abstract The purpose of the study is to examine the factors affecting the profitability of real estate investment projects and their impact on the profitability of such projects. The study explores in detail the different methods and techniques available for use by the real estate developers for estimating the profitability...

Decision Making

Online Decision Aids: ODA Use for Online Shopping

Abstract The quick growth of the number of consumer products’ offered on the Internet has exposed modern users to the need of making multiple choices. The most problematic aspect of such a situation is that every single consumer has to make a rational decision in the process of product choice....


CRM: Enterprise Marketing Automation

Introduction The current global market is characterized with intensive competition and strict profit margin. The one and only way for any organization to sustain in the market is to maximize customer satisfaction through better customer service. Any organization requires support from the customers to be successful in the market. Most...


Investment: Real Estate in Turkey

Creation of decision-model for second home real estate development in Turkey by foreign developers Outline This study seeks to examine the techniques by which intended revenues and project results of second home development projects by international property development businesses could be ensured. While it is seen that the investment climate...


Poverty Reduction in Developing Countries

Introduction The causes of poverty in developing countries involve culture, climate, gender, markets, education, public policy among other things. The worst affected areas are the rural settings where majority of the population resides. In this report we are going to look at the causes of poverty in developing countries especially...

Strategic Management

Strategic Management With Enterprise Resource Planning Systems

Introduction SOA – Service Oriented Architecture and ERP – Enterprise Resource Planning are two domains in IT that have changed how organizations interact with applications. SOA provides a means to unify massive business processes by creating structures of large applications into services or smaller modules. Once the application has been...

Risk Management

Insurance Applications in Construction Industry

Introduction The types of risk faced by the present day construction industry have proliferated over the period. These risks range from the liabilities arising out of meeting the environmental obligations to meeting the compensation for injury and death of workmen in the construction sites. The risks also extend to the...


Mergers and Acquisitions with Chinese Related Entities

Abstract This study sought to evaluate the factors that affect the stock performance of listed companies after mergers or acquisitions with Chinese-related entities. It utilized the CAPM analysis, financial method, and regression analysis to achieve its objectives. The study came up with interesting and insightful findings. First, the shares ownership...

Case Studies

Exploring Future of Mobile Payment in United Kingdoms

Abstract With the advent of mobile commerce a wide range of products and services are being offered today which has opened up different avenues in United Kingdom. By the use of Mobile ticketing tickets can be easily issued to clients by directly sending them to their mobile phones by means...

Case Studies

High Speed Packet Access Technology Analysis

Introduction Background of the study Forkel and Klenner (2004) indicate that High Speed Packet Access (HSPA) is a set of mobile phone protocols that is a function of three components namely High Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA), High Speed Uplink Packet Access (HSUPA) and Evolved High Speed Packet access (EHSPA)....


Multi-tier Information Management Systems – Past, Present and the Future

Introduction Today’s business is operating in an increasingly competitive environment which is interdependent on an intense focus on changing customer preferences, enhanced productivity and improved quality to sustain organizational growth and profitability. In order to remain competitive it has become imperative for the company to improve the productivity of not...


E-Commerce Barriers in the UAE

Introduction “Electronic commerce, commonly known as e-commerce, refers to the buying and selling of products and services over electronic systems such as the internet and other computer networks” (Reynolds, 2004). As a matter of fact, a great number of studies mark that there has been an extraordinary growth registered in...


Risk Management in the United Arab Emirates’ Public Sector

Introduction Risk governance strategies are evolving in line with the changing internal and external forces in an organizational setting. According to Bai (2014), the emerging technologies, increasing globalization, and advancements in various sectors of the economy have created a new platform for auditing and managing risks in modern society. The...

Impact of Business Issues

The Relationship Between the Determinants of Risk Governance and Project Success

Introduction Research aim: The aim of the research is to determine and assess the most important risk governance determinants that contribute to the project success. Objectives of the research: To review the existing risk governance frameworks and develop/adopt relevant risk governance framework for Dubai public sector context. To review and...


The Influence of Green Procurement on Supply Chain Management Among the UK

Abstract The following study is aimed at examining the issue of relevance of the green procurement in the context of the UK supply management, focusing on small and medium-sized enterprises. With the help of empirical and theoretical approaches to research, the study was carried out on the basis of secondary...

Business Ethics

Analysis of Sales Staff Behavior and Level of Satisfaction of Customers

List of Figures Figure 1: Problem and Prospect of Outsourcing Sales Staff Figure 2: Hypothetical View on Islamic Ethical Standard in Business Atmosphere Figure 3: Sales Staff’s Critical Role Model Figure 4: Influences of Sales Staff’s Job Satisfaction on Job Performance Figure 5: Product Quality Factors versus COO Dimensions Figure...

Strategic Management

IEJVs: Strategic Management

Introduction According to Bucley (1991), the increasing attention towards research on various structures, control of alliances and cooperation between firms has led to enrichment of international business studies. International Business research shares the view that there is still lack of conceptual integration, as well as empirical support concerning normal operations...


E-Commerce and Business Models

Background of the Problem In the past few decades, the American economy has shifted from a primarily industrial-based economy to one depending largely on technology. The shift has come with new challenges that businesses must deal with. Contemporary American businesses spend much time, energy, and resources keeping up with technological...

Leadership Styles

Transformational Leadership to Drive Breakthrough Results

Abstract This study focuses on transformational leadership and seeks to build a detailed picture of how leadership facilitates achieving organizational goals and motivating employees. Numerous organizations are adopting transformational leadership to boost their performance. The dissertation will use a qualitative approach in correcting and analyzing data to facilitate an understanding...


Supply Chain Management & Triple Bottom Line

Literature Review Introduction The review of the literature for this study focuses on the various approaches for implementing sustainability practices in supply chain operations and how they relate to the triple bottom line concept. The chapter begins with a definition of supply chain management, corporate sustainability and the triple bottom...

Leadership Styles

Servant Leadership: An Analysis of Women’s Basketball Coaches From the Peach Belt Conference

Chapter 1 In Women’s NCAA Division II college basketball, coaches are prominent figures that serve as teachers, mentors, ethical practitioners, role models and leaders, who attempt to articulate and manipulate the mission and systems taught to influence others (Hicks & McCracken, 2010). In the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) successful...


Fiscal Decentralisation and Local Economic Development in Ghana

List of Abbreviations AG = Auditor General BMA = Bayesian Model Averaging BNI = Bureau of National Investigations CAG = Controller and Accountant-General CAGD = Controller and Accountant-General’s Department CBI = Central Bank Independence CIDA = Canadian International Development Agency CPI = Corruption Perceptions Index DACF = District Assemblies Common...

Business Communication

Group Support Systems Significance in Increasing Efficiency in Organizational Meetings

Introduction Efficient organizations are vigilant in finding ways to improve their efficiency as a group. For example, too frequent meetings are considered a major source of conflict and discontent among employees (Crowe, Cresswell, Robertson, Huby, Avery, & Sheikh, 2011). Hosley (2010) discovered that the productivity of a firm largely depends...

Strategic Management

The Enterprise Resource Planning Implementation

Abstract The invention of information technology systems has brought numerous results to organizations; when the right level of technology is implemented, chances of effective and improved business are high. ERP are information systems strategies that aims at integrating business processes for effective business processes however, they have been problematic for...

Strategic Marketing

Entrepreneurial Marketing and Business Sustainability

Structure of the Dissertation This dissertation consists of six chapters. Chapter I is introductory. The chapter presents the background of the study, the problem statement discussing the importance of the study, research questions and objectives of the study; it discusses the scope of the research and its contribution to the...


Diversifying Funds and County Libraries

Introduction to the Study The amount of funding that libraries receive, affects the quality of services they can offer. In the United States of America, federal, state, and local i.e., municipal and government funding are the main sources of money for public libraries (Institute of Museum and Library Services, 2010;...


Talent Management in Culturally Diverse Organisations

Introduction As companies expand into different global and regional markets, this results in a diversified employee demographic creating a company’s transition from a mono-cultural entity into a multicultural enterprise. Such a change is brought about by the necessity of hiring local talent in a new market to expand the company’s...