800-Word Essays about Business & Management

Company Analysis

Etisalat’s Marketing Mix and Environmental Analysis

The marketing approach embraced by an entrepreneurial company dictates its performance and success. Etisalat is one of the leading telecommunication operators in the United Arab Emirates (Etisalat: Company Profile 2016). The firm has ‘deployed numerous fixed and innovative mobile technologies thus making the UAE a leading global ICT economy’ (Etisalat:...

Company Analysis

Apple Company’s Innovation Process Stages

Introduction The Apple Company engages in designing, manufacturing and marketing mobile phones and other media services, portable digital music players and personal computers. It also sells a range of related software, services, networking solutions, peripherals and third party digital content and applications. Services and products of the company range from...


Management Information System and Corporate Performance

Content The research sought to provide beneficial information that explains why the mere investment in information systems and new management tools does not always lead to improved business results. The study gets its importance from the continued increase in global competition, which intensifies the challenges that managers face. It relates...


The Dynamics of Performance Management

Introduction Performance management is an integrated approach aimed at improving the performance of individuals, as well as developing capabilities of teams and individual contributors. The performance management framework constitutes of planning, coaching, and appraisal where desired results are compared to the actual results realized. The ultimate goal of the organizational...


Information Systems Types in an Organization

Introduction Information systems are designed by business organizations to enable employees perform their tasks effectively and improve general organizational performance. Most business organizations have different information requirements. For instance, senior managers require information to conduct business planning while middle managers require comprehensive information to assist them in controlling and monitoring...


Management and Leadership Principles

Some of the leadership principles that Pacetta talks about include developing trust in the team; creating loyalty; generation of enthusiasm and excitement in the team and the organization at large. Other leadership principles highlighted include the development of positive attitude by the leaders and members of his team, an exhibition...

Company Analysis

American Express Company’s Marketing Analysis

American Express and the Competition Hoover’s and Morningstar define MasterCard Inc., Discover Financial Services, Western Union Co, PayPal Holdings Inc., and VISA Inc. as the primary competitors of American Express (AE). It should be pointed out that these companies are not exactly identical in their preferred field of work (take,...

Company Analysis

The Penang Mutiara Restaurant Operations Management

Introduction In a business environment, sustainability is affected by forces in the market, decision science, corporate structure, and real financial management in the short and long term. Therefore, a business organization must put in place stringent measures and strategies aimed and monitoring expansionary modules within feasible levels. Specifically, this paper...


Business Process Management: Successful Approaches

Ideas from the Article The article “The Keys to BPM Project Success” has increased my knowledge about project management and success. I have understood how Business Process Management (BPM) improves the level of business performance. Some of the contemporary strategies such as SCM, CRM, TQM, and Six-Sigma have not been...

Company Analysis

Vodafone Group: Enterprise Resource Planning

Introduction Vodafone Group PLC is one of the largest telecommunication services providers in the world and the largest mobile operator by revenue (Vodafone, 2016). According to the information provided on the company’s website, it has more than 470 million mobile customers, almost 10 million TV customers, and approximately 14 million...

Employee Management

Recruitment and Selection of Employees

Introduction The human resource administrators focus on managing and providing guidelines on overall human resource services. They have to synchronize the performance of people-related services, guidelines and program through Human Resource Staff. These managers report to the CEO and inform the company’s managers about issues relating to the personnel. Moreover,...

Employee Management

Human Resource Management in Mergers and Acquisitions

Introduction Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) involve the joining of companies and their assets such as sharing expertise, acquisition of technology, and diversification of products to increase their competitive position, market dominance, and growth. Avinadav, Chernonog, and Perlman (2018) argue that the main objective of the M&A strategy is to exploit...

Employee Management

Management Terms: Team and Group

Introduction Some people consider the terms ‘group’ and ‘team’ synonyms; however, this is not really correct. These two notions have something in common, but they have more differences. To understand the nature of the differences between these notions, we are going to define the words ‘team’ and ‘group.’ The understanding...

Employee Management

Boston Consulting Group’s Motivation Management

Employees’ attitudes to job directly influence their working behavior and performance. As a result, the main task of an effective manager is to create conditions for employees that contribute to their satisfaction, commitment to the organization, and motivation because these aspects lead to the perfect performance (Vaiman, Scullion, & Collings,...

Employee Management

Human Resources Management and Culture

Introduction Human Resources (HR) departments around the world have been substantially transformed under the influence of globalization. The expanding scope of business presupposes global staffing, which necessitates the development of new approaches to HR activities and management practices. Multinational organizations that are willing to operate successfully in the international market...


Organizational Change, Its Nature and Implementation

Nature of Organizational Change An organization is a group of people who work together with coordinated efforts to achieve certain objectives or goals. Organizational goals and objectives are of various categories and it is this variation of goals and objectives which classify organizations into three main categories namely profit making,...


High Performance Work Teams

The survey questionnaire can help unveil important trends existing in a team. As regards our team, it is possible to identify quite interesting features. The segment concerning procedures is the weakest point in our team. We hardly have any procedures that would encourage team members to participate more actively. Although...

Employee Management

Human Resources Scorecard and Assets

With the help of an HR scorecard, the organization can ensure that its performance measurement is more to the point and accurate than previously. This happens because the HR scorecard ensures that goals in various areas (such as finance, customers, learning, operations, etc.) are well-defined and easy to follow and...

Employee Management

Human Resource Frame: Strengths and Limitations

Introduction The performance of an organization greatly depends on the people it employs. In fact, employees are the heart of any organization. However, a company can count on the loyalty and commitment of its staff only in case it is attentive to the needs of workers. Thus, care of human...

Company Analysis

IKEA Company: Mission, SWOT Analysis and Strategy

IKEA is a Swedish furniture producing company that has taken Europe by storm in the business. The company has embraced the concept of globalisation and opened stores in different nations across the world, including in the U.K., Japan, and the U.S. among many other nations. The main business activity in...


Total Quality Management Principles

Introduction Total quality management is a collection of management practices within the organization meant to ensure consistent achievement of organizations goals (Pekar, 1995). It emphasizes on the control of resources including personnel and competitive activities aimed at promoting the company as a way of acquiring and retaining customers and achieving...


Leadership and Management Differences

The terms leadership and management are sometimes used interchangeably regardless of the fact that they bear different meanings. Some individuals posit that there is no difference between leadership and management. However, academics like Henry Mintzberg stress that the aspect of leadership is indeed a subset of management. On the other...


Steve Jobs’ Leadership Style

Introduction The main functions of leadership are establishing a vision, communicating the vision, motivating, and being an agent of change. Leaders should be charismatic in whatever they do. They ought to be visionary in whatever they undertake to do. Some other theories that can be used to foster effective leadership...

Company Analysis

Samsung Company in the Industry Competition

Provisional topic My topic is “How competitors affect Samsung’s leadership.” With the recent competitive nature of the technology world, Samsung has been on the lead for quite some time now. The factors that are leading to the company’s global dominance include competition in the industry (Dong, 2014). Samsung has become...

Employee Management

New Employee Orientation and Onboarding

Definition The new orientation is a process through which new employees are introduced and welcomed in an organization. This process is mainly under the human resource department, and its main purpose is to avail information on general procedures such as safety procedures as well as also to help the task...

Employee Management

Employee Performance Appraisal Systems and Methods

Performance appraisal is a process of evaluating employees’ performance in line with the organization’s mission and vision statement. Individual performance should be evaluated to enable both employees and their managers to understand what they need to do and what they are able to achieve (Varma, Badhwar and DeNisi, 2008). Therefore,...

Employee Management

Human Resources Metrics and Measurement

Introduction Organizations achieve their objectives, aims, and goals through people. Therefore, they need to get the best out of employees. This concern underlines the need for having a mechanism such as HR metrics that can enable them to measure various human resource aspects. HR metrics are critical for any organization...

Employee Management

Ethical Human Resource Management and Its Benefits

The significance of Human Resource Management (HRM) can hardly be overrated; it allows companies to locate the means to reinforce the staff’s performance by identifying the tools or enhancing employees’ motivation. However, the change of behavioral patterns encouraged by the company managers may come at a price of the staff...


Organizational Change Process: Recruitment and Selection

Introduction Constant organizational change is a prerequisite for organizations to meet shareholders’ objectives. Organizational change requires resources, which include finances and qualified human resource. Organizations need to recruit various individuals to perform roles in the organizational change process. This essay defines organizational change and shows how recruitment and selection contribute...


British Airways Company Change Management

Achievements of Culture Change Program From the case study, it is clear that the senior management of British Airways (BA) wished to develop an organizational culture that was customer-oriented and market-focused to enable employees to respond to shifting customer demands. Additionally, the senior management wanted to change the culture of...

Company Analysis

Yahoo Incorporation: Capabilities and Strategies

Introduction to Yahoo Incorporation Yahoo Incorporation is a leading multinational company. The “firm is famous for Yahoo search engine, mail services, news, video sharing, and social networking” (Palepu, Srinivasan, Lane, & Cornell, 2011, p. 3). The company’s products support the needs of many consumers in every part of the globe....

Employee Management

Retirees Recruitment in Strategic Management

Integrating the recruitment of retirees to return to the organization with an organizational SHRM strategy Many business organizations continue to face the challenge of the ever-changing state of affairs in the employment and selection of qualified personnel. As such, strategic human resource management plays a critical role in the provision...


The Transitioning Role of Human Resource Management

Introduction The human resource management is one of the vital departments in organizations. Its role has undergone various changes in the past decades, and it is still going through transformation to date. This is due to the changing patterns of business practices and the need to embrace new and upcoming...

Employee Management

Human Resource Manager’s Competencies and Risks

Introduction and Purpose of Paper Human Resources (HR) are extremely vital for any organization, as they give it an opportunity to maintain efficient operations. In this way, the performance of the company depends on its workforce, which means that individuals who recruit employees are to be rather diligent. The competencies...

Employee Management

McDonald’s Corporation: Workplace Diversity Management

Because of increased globalization, the interaction between people of various ages, backgrounds, and ethnicities is essential. Every person participates in the global framework that is based on diversity and cross-cultural relations. This is why any organization is striving to have a diverse employee background to sustain its competitive advantage. Putting...

Employee Management

Emotional Intelligence in Apple Incorporation

Even though someone may say that demonstration of emotions is unprofessional, those still drive people’s behavior, including their behavior in the workplace. That is why proficient leaders should always take into account a human factor and be able to recognize, understand and manage emotions, both their own and those of...

Employee Management

Google Company’s Effective Employee Programs

Employee satisfaction plays a critical role in the overall productivity of the company. When employees are motivated and satisfied, they record improved performance. However, there are enormous factors that affect the overall satisfaction of employees. The purpose of this essay is to explore the employee programs employed by Google and...

Employee Management

The Importance of Training Needs Analysis

Introduction Training needs analysis can be described as a process of collecting and processing data to analyze if there is a need for training. Its goal is to verify if there is a knowledge gap between the workers in the company, and how this issue can be solved. Denby (2010)...


Audit and Scoring Processes in Quality Management

Introduction Effective quality management processes depend on the ability of organizations to design and monitor quality processes at different points of service delivery or manufacturing (Rocha-Luna, Garza-Reyes, & Kumar, 2013). However, it is difficult to achieve the best results in quality management without acknowledging the importance of the audit and...


MaMarket Entry Strategies

Introduction While considering entering into a new market, prior planning should be done in order to understand how the company would deliver the goods and services to the target market and distribute them there. When one needs to enter into new markets in foreign countries, importation and exportation would need...


Performance Appraisal System Developing

Performance appraisal systems are perhaps the most important tool in ensuring organizational performance. Their benefits to organizations are numerous touching every facet of the organization. Although they are sometimes misused, performance appraisal remains among the most valuable management tools in determining if the organization is achieving its objectives in the...


Comparison: “Up Against Wal-Mart” and “Progressive Wal-Mart. Really”

Wal-Mart is perceived as the world’s largest and most prosperous retailer. It deals with virtually everything one would want to purchase from a retail shop. It is a chain of stores found in practically all the states in the USA and several other nations across the globe. Recent researches indicate...

Company Analysis

National Hockey League Enterprises Canada Brand Store

Identification of the Problem The National Hockey League Enterprises Canada (NHLEC) is interested in developing a store that will sell its merchandise exclusively There are three possible approaches when furthering this agenda, but only the most effective solution is required to satisfy the needs of the NHLEC Implementing this managerial...


Quality Management Tools and Techniques

X-bar and R-chart The main difference between X-bar and R-chart is that an X-bar is used to evaluate if the sample mean is in statistical control. That is, it focuses on analyzing the process mean. On the hand, R-chart indicates if the sample variability is in statistical control. R-chart focuses...

Company Analysis

Pepsi Company Strategic Management

Pepsi Company products Pepsi Company sells a wide portfolio of products ranging from beverages to snacks in their markets across the globe. These products fall under the main categories, namely fun-for-you, good-for-you, better-for-you, and 22 mega brands (Good-for-you products, n.d.). Fun-for-you products are at the centre of the company’s food...

Employee Management

The Evaluation of HR Performance

Abstract Human resources management is essential to the success of every organization. Efficient functioning of the HR department allows to reduce turnover, improve motivation, and increase workers’ profitability, while at the same time decreasing some of the business costs and retaining talents. The roles of the HR department include a...

Employee Management

Human Resource Managers Activities

HR Manager’s Core Duties Being an HR manager is never easy as it involves working with individuals having their own problems in order to make the company more successful. If we speak about the peculiarities of their work, there is a plenty of practices that are helpful when it comes...

Employee Management

Training Plan for Employees

Introduction Employees are the most significant asset of a business since they are the determining force of the overall business success. Considering the significance of the workforce in a business, it is important for organizations to invest heavily in their workers through consistent employee development. This significant intervention will not...

Employee Management

Motivation in Organizational Behavior

The motivation of employees plays a crucial role in organizational behavior; probably, it is one of the most difficult parts of it. If an employee lacks skills, he or she can be trained, if working conditions are not sufficient, those can be improved, but motivation is an indicator that is...

Company Analysis

Apple Inc.’s Strategy, Business Model, and Future

Introduction Apple Inc. has been outstanding over the years in the development of a distinct strategy of innovation in the industry. The strategy utilized by the company has presented it with the opportunity to become a leader in introducing new products that disrupt the market. Additionally, the company continuously improves...

Company Analysis

Whirlpool Company Management Strategies

Why did Whirlpool decide to adopt the Brand-Focused Value Creation (BFVC) strategy? Several reasons explain why whirlpool decided to adopt the Brand-Focused Value Creation (BFVC) strategy. They were motivated by desire to focus on needs of their customers in an effort to improve service delivery. In addition, they wanted to...

Employee Management

Human Resource Activities and Competitive Advantage

Introduction Competitive advantage is a critical element of present-day organisations. The competitive advantage can either be in services, goods, employee management or internal and external procedures. According to Del Valle and Castillo, “The employees are the assets of the organisation. Competitive advantage in human resources policies can generate an enormous...


Quality Management and Continuous Improvement

Success in quality management can be achieved when managers are focused on certain objectives to accomplish and improve their professional performance. Since quality management can be viewed as a continuous process in an organization, the improvement of managers’ skills and qualities should also be continual and associated with an organization’s...


Leadership Styles Variety

Introduction Motivation can be defined as a process which pushes an individual to take action, be controlled and consistent or change certain behavior based on the same. In leadership styles, one is either a relationship-motivated leader or a task motivated leader among other leadership styles. Relationship motivated leadership A relationship-motivated...


Education and Training in Total Quality Management

People require specific skills to perform various functions. Research has depicted that productivity increases with the level of education or training of an employee. In this regard, continuous training and education are very vital not only for managers, but also for other employees. Total quality management requires implementation of efficient...


Management Functions in the Organization

Introduction All organizations strive to increase their performance and levels of efficiency. In order to achieve this, organizations have to have good management. Good management is achieved through managers who are the people taxed with marshaling the human resource in the organization to ensure its growth and expansion. Mintzberg (2009)...


Business Process Management Transformation

The Definition of Business Process Management For the purpose of this paper, it is essential to provide a definition of business process management (BPM) along with the explanation of its key components. It is possible to characterize BPM in the following way: it is a branch of management that is...


Organizational Change Management: Survey Results

Introduction Despite the common need of all organizations to stay up-to-date by introducing changes, there is no universal set of recommendations on methods and strategies that can be implemented in order to improve change management and overcome resistance. However, surveys involving interviews and questionnaires of the employees allow making conclusions...


Management and Organizational Behavior

Introduction Admittedly, the one who says he/she knows everything about management knows almost nothing about it. I understand that it is simply impossible to get to know all secrets of management. However, it is possible to learn about major principles which will help me acquire experience properly. I can boast...


Organisational Change in Dynamic Business World

Change encompasses one of the inevitable experiences for any organization that operates in the current dynamic globalized business environment. Thus, it is not a new phenomenon or even a simple fact. Indeed, organizations operate under the constant force of change, failure to which they may be rendered obsolete. This claim...

Employee Management

Human Resource Management Outsourcing Decision

Introduction Human resource outsourcing is a situation where a company enlists the services of a third party to perform some of its tasks related to human resources. In big corporate organizations, outsourcing is mainly done for highly specialized tasks or functions (Adler 53). The main points The article primarily addresses...


Knowledge Organization and Management

Introduction Knowledge management begins with an understanding of what people are doing and why they are doing it. Thus, the idea of managing knowledge presents the question of whether an organization knows what its members are doing and whether there is the collective knowledge of why they do what they...

Company Analysis

Wal-Mart’s Successfully Integrated Supply Chain

Introduction Walmart is the largest chain of retail and wholesale stores in the world. The company has gone through periods of growth and recession, but it continues to expand nationally and globally. Walmart is currently managing more than eleven thousand stores worldwide and implementing strategies for developing online shopping websites...


Leadership in a Team-Based Organization

Introduction Many organizations in the world are “using teams as a powerful business strategy” (Kricher, 2008, p. 1). Such teams have the potential to improve productivity, increase customer service, and reduce operational costs. The presence of teams in an organization increases the level of morale and fulfillment. Such teams encourage...

Company Analysis

Singapore International Airline Business Strategy

Evidently, the four strategic components at Singapore International Airline (SIA) have accomplished customer care provisions. According to the article provided, this incorporates core strategies, strategic resources, customer interface, and value networks. As a customer care strategy, Singapore International Airline has several competitive advantages compared to its rivals in the aviation...

Employee Management

Infosys Group: Human Resources Management

Case Analysis Question Strategic Human Resources Management (SHRM) is one of the best practices in every business organization. This practice is what differentiates success from failure (Mello, 2014). SHRM is a powerful approach whereby “organizational leaders manage different human resources in order to produce a strategic framework that can support...

Employee Management

Career Path in Human Resources Management

Introduction Organizing the recruitment and selection process and managing the needs of the company’s employees are vital parts of the human resources (HR) management. In order to select future employees, HR professionals need to determine the level of skills and abilities of the candidates. The stages of the procedure include...


Quality Management in Healthcare

Which organization model best describes your organization or an organization with which you are familiar? A functional organizational model is used at my place of work. Since the company is quite small, a functional model suits the operations of the firm. In most cases, organizations that deal with one or...

Employee Management

Google’s Human Resource Management Practices: Strategies and Impact

Introduction Human resource management is an important aspect of an organization’s success. Effective HRM practices help companies to ensure that their staff is motivated to contribute to the company and to support long-term goals. HRM can also improve retention and assist a company in building a healthy, highly qualified workforce,...

Company Analysis

Southwest Airlines: Aviation Growth Prospects

Aviation industry The airline industry remains one of the largest industries which is constantly growing from different perspectives. More and more people feel the necessity to appear in another country faster. Moreover, the development of innovative technologies makes the airline industry available for different layers of the world population. For...

Employee Management

WIPRO Company: Human Resource Strategy

WIPRO is a multinational company that was established in India; it provides IT services such as IT consulting, IT outsourcing, R&D services, and others. It works across six continents and in more than 175 cities. The company’s revenues made 7.7$ billion in the year 2016. The company plans to open...

Company Analysis

Starbucks Company Strategic Marketing in the USA

Starbucks is one of the most popular coffee chains in the USA as well as many other countries. However, it still has a number of competitors that pose certain threats to the brand. The major competitors of Starbucks are Dunkin Donuts, local coffee chains and McDonalds (Lopez par. 4). It...


Teams and Team Working: Organizational Behavior

A team refers to a group of individual who come together with the sole purpose of achieving a common goal(s). Members of a team go about their activities in a manner that integrates their individual abilities and skills. The formation of a good teamwork depends on the proper matching of...

Employee Management

Communication and Team-Building in Human Resource

Introduction The current business environment is experiencing massive competition as many firms struggle to expand their operations to the global market. The only way through which firms can manage this competition is through effective leadership. There are various aspects of leadership and management that need to be given proper consideration...


Effective Team Development

Teams have become an increasing feature of modern workplace and social arena. The widespread use of teams arises from the contention that teams create an environment where synergy is achieved thus enhancing outcomes more than the outcomes achieved from individual efforts (Wienclaw 1). Teams differ from other types of groups...

Employee Management

Managers and Human Capital

In the contemporary business arena, organizations are deploying personnel from different nationalities, ethnic backgrounds, cultural beliefs, intellectual capacities, and age. In order to manage the diverse human capital, business leaders need to adopt an international human resources management strategy (IHRM). IHRM entails enacting policies that address diverse human resource issues...


Pepsi Versus Coca-Cola in USA Market

Introduction Coca-cola Company and PepsiCo are observed to be carbonated soft drinks manufacturing companies that have expanded and spread its distribution to many countries due to their quality products and marketing strategies that they use. Coca-cola Company and PepsiCo are two of the largest and recognized companies which make remarkable...

Employee Management

The HR Professional’ Operational and Strategic Roles

Introduction: Operational roles Operational roles of the Human Resource (HR) professional are routine in nature that may include employee’s advocate, reduction of costs and risks, and provision of functional services amongst other functions. Employee advocate Employee advocate or employee champion is one of the four core roles of a Human...

Employee Management

Human Resource Services and Its Users Needs

The human resources department is an essential element in the successful functioning of any organization. To get a deeper understanding of the issue, it is important to highlight the users of the HR services and their key needs. The main purpose of the paper is to explain how HR can...

Employee Management

Management: Employee Motivation in Organizations

Introduction Many American companies embrace the best qualities in order to succeed. Some of these qualities include “extra training, teamwork, diversity, equality, and motivation” (Lumley, Coetzee, Tladinyane, & Ferreira, 2011, p. 103). Managers should use the best behaviors in order to support their employees. The level of motivation is proportional...


Wal-Mart Company Impacts

Wal-Mart is a business which has been in existence since 1962. Its founder is a gentleman by the name Sam Walton. The company, which has such a massive control in the United States, was founded in Bentonville, Arkansas. Since it was founded, it has not been overpowered by the opposition...

Employee Management

Human Resource Management as a Strategic Partner

Introduction Human resource management, abbreviated at HRM, entails a function within an organization, which is charged with management, recruitment, and provision of directions to people working for a given organization. The HRM, in addition, deals with tasks such as compensation, development, organization hiring, performance management, benefits, wellness, communication, training, safety,...

Company Analysis

Mobile Phone Industry: Apple, Samsung and Blackberry

Introduction As part of my business and economic class, I am required to produce a report that focuses on an analysis of my chosen industry, a profile of the companies that operate in the industry, and a justification for my selection of companies. The industry I focused on is the...

Company Analysis

Apple Inc. Company Business Analysis

Many students globally have found the story of Apple an interesting topic of discussion in the business circles. With the encouraging storyline of Steve Jobs, many academicians now rely on it to grow their business empire. Technological experts are also taking advantage of apple innovations to make their own inventions...

Company Analysis

ABLE Company Strategic Management Process

This report outlines the strategic process I would undertake towards developing a business plan for ABLE. The main aim of working on a strategic plan or business plan is to identify ways and means through which an organization can guarantee good results, a competitive edge or a competitive advantage in...

Company Analysis

Apple Inc.’s Markets, Industry, Major Competitors

Apple Incorporated Apple Inc was founded by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak in 1976. Steve Jobs would go on to design the Macintosh, a personal computer that could be operated without a mouse. Jobs left Apple and founded NeXT before returning to Apple in 1997 after his company (NeXT) was...

Company Analysis

Walt Disney Company: Marketing Issue in New Strategies

Marketing strategies are tools used by a firm to deliver goods and services to its targeted customers. Walt Disney’s current marketing strategy involves advertisement through movies, televisions and radios. Walt Disney also uses a powerful brand name to attract and retain market share. This brand name has created a competitive...

Company Analysis

Nokia Company Analysis

Analysis Introduction Nokia is the biggest manufacturer in the telecommunication sector. Nokia is the leading supplier of cell phone gadgets, cell phone content services, and telecom paraphernalia just to mention but a few (Jones, 2001, p. 1). Its recognition extends internationally because of its dependable and excellent quality products. This...

Company Analysis

Walt Disney Company’s Attractiveness & Performance

Walt Disney Company’s Strategy The company plans to become the leading player in the business market. Walt Disney Company expanded its market in cable networks, music publishing, product retail, book publishing, and media distribution to mention a few (La Monica, 2006). The company’s corporate strategy is based on three objectives....

Company Analysis

BJB Manufacturing Company Quality Management

Introduction Total quality management (TQM) is a management style in which the management disciplines are coordinated to provide customers with high-quality goods and services that are beyond their expectations. It is a comprehensive process that involves all the management levels of an organization. BJB Manufacturing Quality Management Initiative Proposal BJB...

Company Analysis

The Coca-Cola Company’s Success Factors

Coca Cola Company Limited The Coca-Cola Company is the largest manufacturer, retailer, and marketer of non-alcoholic beverages around the world. It was established in 1886 in Columbus, Georgia, but it is currently headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia. The success of the company is attributed to the mode of operation where it...

Management Priorities

Investments in Quality Systems

The article Investigating process management in firms with quality systems: a multi-case study is written by Jon Iden. It includes discussions about investments in quality systems. The interviews were taken, and demonstrations were made to design a multi-case study, which proved that investments in quality systems are of no advantage...

Organizational Planning

Business Planning Process and Strategic Goals

Introduction At the beginning of this course, I created a learning target of having a full understanding of the business planning process, as this is a very important section of the business development process. Although I had seen a business plan in various books, I had limited knowledge on how...


Growth Strategy

What are the Differences between a Cost Leadership Strategy and a Differentiation Strategy? Provide an example of each Cost leadership strategy refers to a company that is a producer of economic value in an industry at a low cost up to a certain level of specification. In effect, this means...


Professional Business Manager: Organizational Behavior

Introduction My future goal is to become a professional business manager. This position will support my skills and competencies. The class readings and discussions have equipped me with various concepts that can make me a successful entrepreneur. I will always use my new concepts in order to support the needs...


Strategy Choice Factors and Company Objectives

Continuous improvement of operational performance and sustainable growth are the major objectives for every company, regardless of the sector of operation. Since an emphasis is made on growth and development, a company’s function or industry does not have a robust influence on making decisions related to the company’s future, as...


Oil and Gas Industry

What have you learned about your chosen industry? The oil and gas industry is among the key industries in any economy in the contemporary world. This industry involves the exploration, mining, refining, distribution, and marketing of oil and gas products (Hilyard 2012). Even though oil and gas exploration and extraction...


Nordstrom Company: Brand Management

How can Nordstrom continue providing quality customer service and increase its brand loyalty? Nordstrom has been portraying the best practice in consumer loyalty and service delivery. This case study describes how “Nordstrom accepted a set of tires purchased by a customer at Northern Commercial Company” (Kotler & Keller, 2012, p....


Cisco Company: Brand Management

Building Brands in the Business-to-Business Context Cisco is a global leader in supplying networking equipment. Cisco’s vision is to connect more people using modern networking technologies. The company uses different strategies to communicate with its customers. Cisco builds its brands depending on the changing expectations of its consumers. The company...


Cell Phone Manufacturing Industry’s Porter’s Analysis

Michael Porter is famed for his competitive force model that has been used to analyze the competitive environment with the sole aim of crafting an effective competitive strategy. Porter identified five variables that can be used to evaluate a firm’s competitive force. These variables are; The bargaining power of the...


Ideas and Strategies in Starting a New Business

Describe Leonsis’ concept of “idea generation” and explain the approach you would take as an entrepreneur in this kind of business Ted Leonsis’ concept of idea generation entails first the envisioning of an original idea through interdisciplinary thinking where two ideas from two sources are linked form a workable idea....

Company Structure

Hybrid Organizational Structure and Its Factors

Explain the function of the hybrid structure A hybrid structure is one that is often used in large organizations (Penick 200, p 148). These organizations normally have several divisions that use different organizational structures (Schmdt 2011, p. 3). This form of organizational structure is also referred to as matrix departmentalization....