10000-Word Essays about Business & Management

Case Studies

World Vision Mozambique Organization Review

Introduction Human resource management (HRM) is a relatively new concept that has enabled organizations to control their performance through the effective management of employees. Organizations have globally adopted this concept as a central part of their operations with the aim being to influence staffing and performance at their respective institutions....


Evolving of World Economic Geography Concept

Abstract Chapter one of this study seeks to address how the world economic geography concept evolved. Additionally, evidence of a correlation between manufacturing wages and proximity to demand will be analyzed for a specific duration of time, in this case for 23 years. The study utilized trade gravity equations data...

Employee Management

The Influence of Non-Work-Related Factors on the Work Commitment

Abstract Generational changes in society have considerable impacts on employees due to the evolution of values, attitudes, practices, and experiences. Some 45% of employees in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) labour market are Generation Y, making this dominant age group. Individuals born in the period between 1980 and 1999 belong...

Case Studies

The Application of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)

Introduction Of the number of issues that have had an impact on the global oil industry in the latter part of the last century and over the last decade, few have ravaged both ecological and social communities to the same extent as the many conflicts that characterise oil exploration activities....


Sales Staff Behavior of Credit Card Sales in Penang

Dissertation Proposal The purpose of this dissertation proposal is to present coordination of changing dynamics of the sales staff behavior along with the factors affecting the Customer’s motivation to respond to the credit card sales in Penang, Malaysia. The marketing practice and sales of credit card in Penang Malaysia are...


The Analysis of the Environmental Impacts of the Proposed Third Runway at London Heathrow Airport and Why It Will Make Aviation Management Easier

Abstract Background The proposed expansion of Heathrow Airport through constructing a third runway has been faced with significant challenges over the years. Environmentalists, among other opponents, believe that the project is not environmentally friendly. Arguably, Greenhouse gas emissions (GHE) would increase if the project were to be implemented. On the...


Homeopathy: An Economic Analysis

Introduction Few of us would disagree that there is an urgent need to reform our health-care systems. The ever soaring health care costs indicate that the current health-care plan is unsustainable. Having seen the need to reform their health sector, multiple governments are now incorporating alternative and complementary medicine into...

Risk Management

Dwelling Fires: Risk Factors in Saudi Arabia

Introduction Comprehensive Fire Safety Effectiveness Model is composed of several components; one of such components is evaluating the risk associated with fire in the dwelling areas. Fire risk assessment is a process that entails scrutinizing and evaluating the various conditions that expose the community to be susceptible to fire hazards....

Employee Management

Work-Place Stress and Absenteeism, Turnover, and Employee Performance: A Case Study

Introduction Occupational stress goes hand in hand with work and interactions within a work environment. There is a great variety of causes leading to work-related stress; among the primary causes are excessive competitiveness, a strenuous team atmosphere with conflicts and ineffective communication practices, dense working conditions, pressure from senior management,...


Reward Management in International Organizations Compared to Google Inc.

Abstract As explained by Taylor (2002), “strategic HR management involves more than just the administration of human resource programs or activities”. Effective human resource management involves applying these strategies to employees’ management. Among these strategies today is reward management. “Reward management involves the analysis and effective control of employee remuneration...


Male and Female Branches of Saudi American Bank Performance Comparative Study

Introduction Saudi American Bank, currently referred to as Samba Financial Group, is a leading financial institution in Saudi Arabia. Started in February 12, 1980, this bank has grown and currently has branches in United Kingdom, Pakistan, Dubai, and many other regions in Asia. In Saudi Arabia alone, the bank has...

Management Theories

Initial Public Offering Underpricing in the Saudi Arabian Market

Introduction Initial public offering (IPO) underpricing is a global puzzle consisting of a mechanism characterised by significant price differences that firms use to optimise and increase their equity bases. Alzomaia (2014) examined the theory of IPO underpricing and used empirical evidence to explain it as a result of information anomalies...

Financial Marketing

The Emergence of Rules That Govern Financial Reporting in Kuwait

Abstract The purpose of this dissertation is to analyze the materialization and the progress of governing rules of financial reporting in Kuwait experience by observing the real scenario of Kuwaiti Stock Market to evaluate to what extent the existing rules of financial reporting are effectual to retain investors by increasing...


The Global Market of Mergers and Acquisitions

Abstract The present study is dedicated to the investigation of the global market of mergers and acquisitions as a new form of corporate finance and restructuring of companies in the attempt to gain financial leverage and to enter new markets. Upon the review of global tendencies in M&A from the...


Use of Facebook for Brand Building in Confectionary Companies in the UAE

Abstract This research takes up the matter of using Facebook for online social networking, in the matter of confectionary companies in UAE. This market is very competitive among locals, since the products of a lot of large companies like Nestle, Mars, Bounty and many Swiss, French and Italian confectionary companies...

Employee Management

HRM Practices and Job Satisfaction

Introduction This chapter is structured to reflect the theoretical framework adopted for this research (Figure 1). The chapter provides the review of the previous research on the SHRM perspectives. The critical discussion of universalistic, contingency, configurational, and contextual perspectives provides the background for selecting the specific perspective for implementing HRM...

Company Analysis

Toyota Motor Company’s Strategic Evaluation

Executive summary This report encompasses the strategic evaluation of a leading company of the world automotive market – Toyota. The initial analysiwill commence with a short historical background of Toyota followed by an analysis of the company in terms of relevant managerial theories including SWOT, PEST, and competitive model analysis....


Personal Computer Manufacturers’ Critical Success Factors

Synopsis The presence of intense competition among Personal Computer (PC) manufacturers operating in both business to consumer and business to business market as well as challenges arising out of extended customers’ knowledge and demand in products and services offered has made it essential for the manufacturers to be competitive in...

Business Communication

Crisis Management: The Importance of Crisis Communication

Introduction Communication during a crisis is an important aspect that organizations must be prepared for in order to maintain the corporate image to the stakeholders. Top management communication during a crisis is vital in order to mitigate fury, censure, aggravation, and misery that characterize public dialogue right after the crisis....


Customer Buyer Behavior in Sri Lanka’s Banking Industry

Abstract Commercial banking in Sri Lanka has entered a new era, thanks to the formation of perceptible good governance, a strife-free business environment and hopefully, a progressive minded civilian Government at the helm of affairs. This being said, it is necessary to consider the aims and objectives of a research...

Strategic Management

Technological Change and Evolving Firm Boundaries

Abstract Recently there has been enhanced interest in the belief that in complying with the demand of technological changes, firms will perform much better if they vertically integrate new technologies. Theorists also claim that firms that continue to vertically integrate into the old technologies will not perform well and lag...

Employee Management

Qatar Telecom’s Human Resource Management Policies

Abstract Managing employer-employee relationship has remained a challenging task for companies. With changing dynamics of businesses and emphasis on acquiring intellectual property as a source of survival companies rely heavily upon their employees to generate new ideas that could help businesses not only to sustain but also flourish. Competitive market...


Diageo Company’s Supply Chain Benchmarking

Abstract The present research is dedicated to the investigation of the concept of benchmarking in the UK manufacturing sector on the example of Diageo plc, a beverage producing company occupying an outstanding, stable place in the UK beverage manufacturing market. The hypothesis of the work includes the assumption that the...


The Effect of Leverage in a Competitive Market

Abstract This research paper dwells on the effects of leverage in a competitive market. As such, the paper seeks to establish whether or not the practice of leverage impacts on the level of competitiveness of a firm relative to its competitors in the market. Besides, this research paper explores the...

Employee Management

Relationships Between Aspects of Employee Satisfaction, Current Motivation, and Reward System

Abstract Purpose – This primary goal of the paper was to determine current status of employee motivation, job satisfaction and reward system of Qatar Petroleum. The paper sought to determine mechanism through which Qatar Petroleum employee motivation, job satisfaction and reward system could be structured to contribute into increased employee...

Risk Management

Changes and Risks for SMEs in China

Abstract Although China is an emerging economic nation in the world, there has been the increasing collapse of small and medium-sized firms despite their contribution to social and economic stability. The study investigated the risks that affect small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in China with the objective interest of determining changes...

Employee Management

Royal Mail: Team Learning and Productivity of Staff

Abstract Team learning is essential to enabling for an active Business lives. ‘Has team learning increased productivity of the staff of Royal Mail’ depends on the causal motivation of the transaction learning method. The management theories demonstrate that the risk of both public companies and their stockholders are well diversified...


Customer Relationship Management of BMW in UK

Executive Summary Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is an essential means to enable the active business lives to impress absolutely its customers with its individualised, situational, and perceptual customer service. ‘Customer Relationship Management of BMW in UK’ depends on the causal motivation of modern CRM system and it will investigate to...


Franchising in Kuwait Business

Introduction Background information According to Al-Wugayan and Turki (2009, p.1), the global business environment has undergone rampant growth over the past few years. This has resulted from the fact that the society is increasingly embracing the concept of entrepreneurship. This has been witnessed by both the developed and developing economies....

Employee Management

Worker Safety Incentive Programs in Construction Job Sites

Introduction The functioning of the construction industry in the United States of America is known to have tremendously impacted the country’s economy. The U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis has found that the construction industry that deals with constructed related businesses that involve materials manufacturing equipment, supply, and designing, provides for...

Case Studies

Lenovo’s Acquisition of IBM: Cross-Cultural Leadership

Introduction Chinese culture and civilization is one of the particularly elder culture followed in the earth. At the same time, Chinese civilization and customs expresses a challenge amid at a multiplicity of towns and regions. Culture is a fundamental part of conflict and conflict Management. Also cultures are one of...


Leadership and Innovation in the UAE, the Middle East, and the World

Abstract This dissertation investigates how leadership styles can effect innovation in Work organizations. The findings of this paper show that there is more than one factor vital for innovative leadership; however, key features are found to be teamwork and collaboration between team players also individual support, which would result in...

Consumer Science

The Brand Selection and Factors Affecting Consumer Choices

Abstract The consumer purchase decision is not made in a vacuum. There are a number of factors, which determine whether a person will purchase or not purchase a product or a brand. This paper gives an in-depth description of these factors, which can be cultural, social, personal, or psychological. Cultural...


Strategic Reorganization of Incoming Call Center

Abstract This research project was undertaken in order to resolve problems at the call center, Customer Hotline, at ABC Newspaper in Hong Kong. Customers were waiting too long for calls to be answered and they were complaining of lack of follow-up, poor attitudes of agents, and incorrect information being recorded...

Strategic Management

Open Innovation: New Business Models

Introduction Open innovation can be defined as the “use of purposive inflows and outflows of knowledge do accelerate internal innovation, and expand the markets for external use of innovation, respectively” (Chesbrough, 2006b). The provided definition suggests that open innovation is simpler than it actually is after digging a bit deeper...


UAE Construction Workforce and Skills Shortages

Introduction The Construction Industry is one of the largest employers within UAE with growing demand for a new requirement. In recent times, the construction industry in the UAE has been facing the risk of rising labor cost and labor shortages, which in turn is squeezing up the smaller contractors. It...

Consumer Science

Investigating Customer Opinions on Loyalty Programmes: A Study of Malaysian Credit Cards

Introduction Credit cards are increasingly being made more attractive for consumers by providing them with offers of attractive customer loyalty programs. Loyalty programs help improve product revenues for the card issuer through increased use of the cards and enhanced value perceptions for the cards by customers. While loyalty programs have...


Defining the Critical Factors in Developing a New Product

Abstract Establishing positioning of new products is an extremely challenging issue while developing marketing strategies. Whether the new product is a novel entity or one that adds value to existing products, a vital aspect of such functions is the prevalence of a hypercompetitive environment. As this paper has proposed and...

International Marketing

Use of Relationship Marketing as a Strategy for the Success of Investment Banks

Abstract An intensely competitive environment characterizes the present day investment banking. This is due to the proliferation of Internet and advancement of information and communication technologies, which have not only widened the range of financial products and services, but also provided an extensive knowledge to the customer about the products...

Employee Management

Employee Turnover Problem That the Firms in UAE Face

Abstract Employee turnover has become foremost problem with companies today. Employee turnover causes a high cost to the company. In the UAE employee turnover is very high. This paper is an investigation into the employee turnover problem that the firms in UAE face. The paper tries to determine the reasons,...


Risk Management Application to the Islamic Banking

Abstract There are indications that Islamic banking is tremendously gaining popularity and expanding fast when compared with the other mainstream banks. Research indicates that even as a majority of the other banks were hardest hit by the ongoing global economic crisis, none of the Islamic banks closed down. There are...

Case Studies

Entrepreneurial Challenges in the Highly Specialised Wedding Cake Industry

Abstract The purpose of this research study was to explore the entrepreneurial challenges in the highly specialised wedding cake industry. Accordingly, the unique constraints that the entrepreneurs in the sector are faced with were examined. The specialised wedding cake Industry is both artistic and intricate in nature. In addition, the...


Implementation of E-Procurement in Business

Abstract/ Executive Summary In this present IT era, E-procurement in business is essential to enabling us for an active live as an integral part of e-commerce and e-supply chain. To be a welfare state, government is extremely loyal to achieving e-procurement as a part of e-governess. However, nowadays e-procurement in...


Dividends and Stock Prices

Introduction The interactions between dividends payouts and the effect this has on the stock prices is an issue that elicited mixed reactions amongst academicians and scholars alike. This is mainly because dividend impacts on stock valuation, in addition to tax policy, as they apply to the stockholders of a firm...


Debenhams, UK: Key Factor of Corporate Success

Abstract Companies place brands and their strategies high on their priorities as they contribute to overall corporate success. They are integral part of corporate strategy which is reflected in the marketing plans. Corporate success driven from higher sales and reduced customer churn is the prime objective of businesses in the...

Risk Management

Construction Project Manager and Risk Management

Abstract Management of risk constitutes one of the most critical managerial activities in a project, and project managers often are required to design and implement a risk management strategy meticulously. The fundamental principle underlying each business venture is to generate value for all stakeholders. The rationale underlying the design and...

Product Marketing

Effects of PR on Improving Quality Levels

In the present day global business environment lot of emphasis has to be given on establishing a company’s reputation and strongly holding on to in order that the company succeeds on a consistent basis. The status of the present corporate credibility is at an extremely low level and the mistrust...


Behavioural Supply Chain Management Models

Abstract Supply chain management has traditionally been concerned with companies as theoretical constructs that always take the most rational route of action. However, this view is becoming insufficient as it becomes apparent that the human factor plays a significant role in company decision-making. The sub-discipline of behavioral supply chain management...


Differences in Attitudes and Values Between Urban or Rural Entrepreneurs

Introduction Takeda (2007) investigated personal value and personality differences between entrepreneurs and their employees using the Rokeach Value Survey (RVS) and the Big Five Inventory (BFI). The RVS was developed by Rokeach (1999) who identified 18 terminal values and 18 instrumental values that govern behavior and deemed valid and reliable...


E-Commerce in Dubai

Abstract The Middle East is one of the fastest growing economic regions in the world. Trade commissions from ‘first world’ countries are encouraging their nation’s businesses to seize the opportunities that exist in the Middle East’s low penetration rates and immature, but cash-rich, market. It can be argued, therefore, that...

Organizational Management

Knowledge Management in the Information Technology Industry: An Analytical Perspective

Introduction The challenge of managing knowledge in an organizational context lies in effectively harnessing multiple knowledge sources into coherent business intelligence and embedding the intelligence into the organization’s memory. As the notion of Knowledge Management (KM) matures, it is increasingly clear that KM is not just about technology, and cannot...

Consumer Science

Consumers and Their Behaviors

Abstract The purpose of this report is to examine how do customer make a choice on instant noodle and perceive the buying behavior. The aim of this project is to examine how customer makes a choice on instant noodle and how the buying behavior influences the product. No doubt, food...

Strategic Management

UTC Plc Nigeria: Marketing Strategy as a Means of Competing in Retail Business

Abstract The following dissertation focuses on the development of a viable and suitable positioning strategy that is supported through the branding and the marketing initiatives taken by the UTC Plc Nigeria. The research undertaken in the dissertation conducts a qualitative analysis of the literature review as well as the primary...


Global Energy Developments and Opportunities in Africa

Introduction The world is poised on the next phase of development and the coming decades hold promise of vast advances and development in technology that would make life more comfortable. But development needs power and energy, energy to run the industries, automobiles, to power homes and cities and the unfortunate...

Employee Management

Non- and Family Business Human Resource Practices

Literature Review Since the early beginnings of capitalism, the family has constituted a primary vehicle of economic production. In spite of the many significant technological changes that have taken place since those early times, recent literature shows that the family remains a critical force behind many modem work organizations. In...


The Impact of Effectiveness Advertising on Consumer Decision Making and Buying Intention

Acknowledgments This study may not be achievable without the cooperation, guidance, support and without the assistance of a few person and organisation. University adopted Supervisor PQR1 Lecturer, Department of —–, University of —-, was the source of the inspiration and motivation for making this dissertation effort on this particular topic...

Marketing Communication

Integrated Marketing Communication and Brand Loyalty

Abstract Academicians and organizational executives regard integrated marketing communication to be an indispensable tool in the modern marketing environment as it draws on the synergy of multiple communication channels regard integrated marketing research. Integrated marketing communication (IMC) provides marketing communication managers with the tools to achieve higher financial organizational performance...


Alternative Energy Sources and Technology in Africa

Abstract With fossil fuels becoming more expensive and scarce with each passing day, the world is looking with renewed interests at renewable and alternative fuel sources both for the cost advantage and also since these fuels are green fuels and do not cause pollution. While the previous century was driven...

Leadership Styles

Formal Leaders Perceptions of Informal Leaders in Their Workgroups

Introduction This chapter aims to describe the main theme of the research study. It contains complete information about the topic, background and significance of the research study topic. The background of the problem is also briefly explained to show the nature of the problem. Moreover, the research methodology employed for...

Employee Management

Human Resources Policy and Procedures in Business

Introduction The relevance of the object of study is determined by the role the Human Recourse Management plays in the organization of sound business strategies. The urgency of the topic in its turn is based on the importance of human recourses in the modern labor market and the need to...


Internet Revenue and Consumers’ Purchasing Decisions

Abstract The dissertation is aimed at identifying the factors that affect the internet advertisement revenue and the consumer’s purchasing decision. The dissertation is intended to study two major issues that are the Companies’ Internet advertisement revenue and Consumers’ Purchasing Decisions. In this regard the research work is focused on studying...

Strategic Marketing

Breaking Free of Service Commoditization in the Premium Finance Industry

Introduction Statement of objective: Research Question The principal question considered in this project is: Can a strategic move be undertaken which will increase the opportunity for sustained high performance in the insurance brokerage industry related to premium financing? The objective is to apply a formal framework to facilitate strategy development...

Marketing Communication

Automobile Companies’ Advertising Strategy in the UK

Abstract One of the key factors in successfully marketing of any product requires a through and careful understanding of the motivation, learning beliefs and decision making process of the consumers. This becomes especially important in the case of automobiles since the decision to purchase an automobile involves a huge financial...

Employee Management

Culture in Project Management

Introduction This chapter will elaborate on the importance of culture in project management in all of its aspects. The research will investigate various practices and situations that involve cultural considerations. This introductory chapter will define the background, problem, gap, aim, scope and justification of the study. Background of the Study...

Employee Management

E-Learning as a Tool for Human Resource Management

Abstract The application of electronic learning (e-learning) at the organisation level has been on the rise. This is because organisations have realised that the ensuing benefits of e-learning, relative to the conventional employees training techniques are enormous. E-learning has been seen to result in a massive reduction in terms of...

Company Analysis

Virgin Group’s E-Commerce Strategies and Competitiveness

Introduction Today, we are moving at a faster speed through technology at every aspect of the business, while e-commerce has been recognised as the most modern aspect of that technology. It influences organisations for discovering newer customs for expanding the competitive marketplace; draw the attention of customers through customisation of...

Marketing Communication

Customer Engagement with Brands via Facebook

Abstract Company executives have realized the importance of conducting marketing campaigns via social media with special focus on Facebook. The importance of Facebook as a platform to reach a wider segment of online communities relates to the benefits associated with reaching the customer in real time, gathering information about consumer...


Becoming a Federal Contractor: Developing and Choosing the Best Course of Action

Entry Vignette Should not doing business with the federal government follow the same paradigm as applying for a job position? The need is identified, advertised and those interested apply. The company that best meets the criteria gets the contract, provides the supplies or services and the government pays the bill....


Currency Risk Management: Simulating the Canadian Dollar

This study has been primarily conducted to assess the best Statistical Model that could be used for interpretation of Currency Returns under the Three required Models: Sharpe Model, Random walk model and VAR (α= 0.01). Risk and returns have complimentary influences in the context of investments and tend to be...

Strategic Management

Change Management Programs and Public Relations

Introduction Change is an organisation is a fundamental reality. In most firms, change is described as the process of shifting to a better position. Since change is a common event in organisations, companies are expected to provide concrete plans to anticipate such occurrences. The vitally of change is evident in...

Strategic Management

Mergers & Acquisitions and Organisation Fit

Abstract There is no more dramatic or controversial activity in corporate finance than the acquisition of one firm by another or the merger of two firms. The acquisition of one firm by another occurs as a matter of investment made under uncertainty. The normal and basic ideology behind any scheme...

Employee Management

Reasons for Employees Leaving Saudi Aramco Prematurely

Abstract A growing concern among the senior leaders of organizations is to ensure the maintenance of a competent workforce capable of meeting the organizational objectives effectively and efficiently. This has led to the continuous search for talented employees and to ascertain the ways of retaining the best talents. Theory reiterates...

Decision Making

Outsourcing Decision and Critical Steps Affecting It

Introduction The Microsoft Corporation has subcontracted its customer support function. Mambo Graphics has outsourced its entire manufacturing process. After profiting from this outsourcing decision, Mambo Graphics later subcontracted the distribution of its products also. Marks & Spencer’s competent suppliers are its competitive edge (Domberger, 2002). All of these are top...

Financial Management

The Impact of Agency Conflicts on the Post-Merger Performances of German Corporations

Abstract Germany’s economic landscape is based on a business environment fundamentally different from that of Anglo-Saxon economies like the US and the UK. Merger and Acquisition activities (M&A) offer an interesting academic study in understanding a country’s unique corporate culture. In this dissertation, I have conducted empirical research to understand...


Impact of Core Competence and Sustainability of Business

Introduction This dissertation is about the core competencies and the sustainable business strategies which should be applied to the environment of all the organizations in the world to enhance the overall performance and boost up their revenue generation. This chapter is the starting statement or point for this dissertation and...


Foreign Direct Investment in Indian Retail Industry

Introduction “India is poised as the most favourite FDI destination in South East Asia, outpacing China” (IGRM 2006). FDI is the short form of Foreign Direct Investment. Direct investment means the involvement in direct ownership of foreign based assembly or manufacturing facilities. When the market is big enough, then the...


Irish Start-Ups: Entrepreneurial Opportunities

Abstract Opportunity recognition process is to be considered as important one among the different aspects in the path to entrepreneurship. This process follows a definitive flow of events starting from generation of ideas, shaping them into workable opportunities and developing them into profitable business ventures. There is the need to...

Risk Management

Rolls-Royce Company’s Information System in Risk Management

Abstract Risks are prevalent in all types of economic activities. If appropriate remedial measures are not adopted, these risks could result in substantial losses and render a business organization ineffective. The main aim of this study is to investigate how information systems can benefit the process of risk management. Risk...

Financial Management

The Dividend Controversy

Introduction The dividend policy is an essential concern for today’s enterprises. Firms exercise dividends as a mechanism for pecuniary indications for the recluses concerning the strength and growth scenario of the organization. At the same time dividends engage in exercise with an imperative role on capital structure of a firm....


Electronic Commerce for European Small Enterprises

Executive Summary The main objective of this work is to provide readers with three-dimensional insight on operational essence of eCommerce, as such that is closely interrelated with economics, politics and technology, because we believe that it is only when the practitioners of eCommerce understand the full scale of implications, related...


Saudi Arabia: Linear and Non-Linear Techniques for Estimating the Money Demand Function

Abstract The main objective of this research study is to estimate and analyze the money demand function in Saudi Arabia applying two different approaches. The conventional way is based on non-oil GDP measures for income. The second, the consumer demand theory, is based on microeconomic and aggregation theory which involves...

Management Theories

Supply Chain Management: Theories and Implementation

Introduction Supply chain management – SCM “is the art and science of network management in which multiple business entities and actors are interconnected so that services and products are delivered at the required time and quantity” (Gattorna, 1998). Cox (1995) defined SCM as “the processes from the initial raw materials...


Consumer Brand Loyalty on Electronics Products

Abstract The concept of consumer brand loyalty has been widely studied by marketers with the intent to generate advertising strategies to attract and retain customers by influencing their purchase intentions. There are several factors like price, innovativeness of product, and service quality, which have a large influence on consumer behavior,...

Organizational Planning

Design and Implementation of a Participative Strategic Planning Process for Company

Introduction Strategic decision making has been a favored topic in organizational as well as strategic management. Even though many studies have demonstrated the role strategic decision making (Quinn), but very limited study has been conducted which studied the strategic decision making process and its effective implementation. This implies the studies...

Strategic Marketing

Life and MTS: Marketing Strategies

Executive Summary This dissertation effort with ‘Comparison of marketing strategies of two mobile operators Life and Mobile TeleSystems (MTS) to becoming the Market Leader of Belarus’ has dealt with the marketing strategies of two mobile operators working in the same geographical area of Belarus and their drives to becoming the...

Risk Management

Enterprises Risk Management – ERM

Preface All business entities encounter uncertainty and the main issue for management is to determine how much improbability to accept as it struggles to enhance investor value. Vagueness offers both opportunity and risk, with the probable to enhance or erode value. Enterprise risk management (ERM) facilitates management to efficiently deal...


The Competitiveness of the Hungarian Economy From the Viewpoint of Foreign Investors

Abstract The work ‘The Competitiveness of the Hungarian Economy from the viewpoint of Foreign Investors in Business Consulting Services’ is devoted to the peculiarities of the Hungarian economy. This issue id of current importance today, because I political and social situations in the countries of Eastern Europe. According to a...


The Integration of Cloud Computing Into Supply Chain Management

Abstract The present study considers cloud computing and its integration into the supply chain. The history of supply chain management demonstrates the discipline’s interest in innovation, computerisation and automation of key supply chain processes has led to increased efficiency and profit. Currently, the idea of using cloud technologies is at...


Diversity Management Across the Company

Abstract Research Question: How does Shell manage diversity in its workforce and how that management is useful for sustainable business and accelerating the growth of the company? The discussion and analysis in this paper are regarding diversity management activities and their effect on the activities of Shell. As the diversity...

Strategic Management

Strategies of Multi-Product Firms in a Global Environment

Abstract Multi product strategy is the private disclosure of the companies with differentiated product line’s attributes. The discriminated multi-product implies multiple attributes to gaining consumer’s satisfaction and achieving the market share. The consumers’ response for each discriminated product should lead the firm to initiate different strategies. Extra diverse strategy would...

Employee Management

Strategic Practices of ASDA-UK Super Market

Introduction Along with technology, Human resources have been identified as one of the key factors for the success of any business. As Human resources have a major impact on organizations by playing a decisive role, strategic implementation of HR makes the difference. And in the ever increasing competitive world, the...

Organizational Management

Learning to Improve the Business

Abstract This research investigates the impact of organizational learning and continuous improvement on service through UK enterprises. It looks at the current literature on these and related topics and then examines the attitudes and perceptions of a selected group of managers to see how they match up, and to ascertain...


Air Transport Development and Economic Growth

The Middle East is becoming an international aviation hub, with Dubai and Doha emerging as the most robust cities in terms of growth of air transport. In this study, the focus was to investigate the relationship between air transport development and economic growth, with special reference to the aviation sector...


Fast Food Industry: Service Quality and Customer Retention

Abstract The principle point of this study was to evaluate the relationship between service quality and client maintenance in fast food outlets. The paper checked in the past and current writing to introduce the hypotheses. This study utilized both essential and optional information. Essential information is whereby the analyst gathers...

Consumer Science

Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty

Abstract Aim of the Research The main aim of the research is to determine the relationship between customer satisfaction and price, product as well as service quality as well as a reflection by market share. This venture is achieved by using Pearson’s Correlation Model. Participants The study involves people sampled...


Nigerian Economy: Agriculture and Trade Relations

Abstract The dissertation is based on a mixed methodology research approach to analyze and discuss the Role of Agriculture and FDI in the economic development of Nigeria. It also discusses the ways through which the Nigerian agriculture, FDI and Trade sector can play effective role in the economic development of...

Global Scale Management

Multinational Corporations in China: A Strategic Approach

Introduction This chapter deals with the background of the study and the background of China Market and Strategies used by Multinationals Operating in the China or China Market. Then the statement of the problem, the purpose of the study, research questions, and research hypothesis are made. The contribution of this...

Strategic Management

Multinational Corporations’ Strategy in China Market

Introduction Strategising is the one key component of management and organisational leadership. This aspect of management is critical for the growth, survival, competitiveness of business entities. The component is even more critical for Multinational corporations that face stern challenges that come with plying volatile and characteristically different global business markets...

Employee Relationships

Communication and Relationships at Workplaces

Abstract Communication is one of the elemental aspects of management and operation in any organization and projects. The significance of communication can never be exaggerated. Communication eliminates misunderstandings, confusion and misrepresentation thus establishing harmonization among all the subordinates and departments. Communication is necessary to handle business operations at all levels....

Strategic Management

Enterprise Resource Planning Systems Management

Abstract Billions of dollars are spent each year, by firms of varying size and across different industrial verticals, on a software system class popularly labeled Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). All the evidence points to the software class being solidly in the expansion phase of the product life cycle; that the...