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Leadership Styles

Groupwork and Leadership Functions and Styles

Generally, a skilled leader is expected to perform the following functions: Understand and interpret the circumstances in which the organization or team wants to operate. Clearly set the objective and prepare a plan to achieve the objectives. Execute the prepared plan in a brilliant manner. Determine the impact of the...

Leadership Styles

Meg Whitman’s Authentic Leadership

An authentic leader is one who modifies their behavior in accordance with the situation such that they can effectively respond to the need of their followers. Authentic leaders demonstrate four main characters: Understand and respond to the core of the organization; Must know who he/she is and how this self-knowledge...

Company Analysis

Tesco’s Benefits from Its Online Business Venture

Tesco Plc is the largest grocery and general retail chain merchandising business in the United Kingdom with International priorities, which has more than 2,318 stores all over the world. Every year its profits rise about £2 billion, it employs more than 450,000 people worldwide across all of its business and...

Company Analysis

Urban Outfitters Inc.’s Investment and Performance

The investment policy of Urban Outfitters Inc. is extensive enough, and in order to update the data of the case, it should be stated that the investment rate has only increased. Thus, in accordance with Wiki Analysis: “Urban Outfitters, Anthropologie, Free People, and Terrain (launched in 2009). 78.9% of its...

Company Analysis

Porter’s Five Forces Model for Kellogg

The micro level examination is generally made in various enterprises by implementing Porter’s five forces. “Porter’s five forces are the: Bargaining power of suppliers; Bargaining power of buyers; Threat of new entrants; Threat of substitutes; Rivalry among competitors. The bargaining from the suppliers comes into picture when Kellogg opts for...


E-Commerce Business: Ensuring the Venture’s Success

Companies involved in e-commerce depend on various internet-based technologies and e-commerce applications and services to accomplish marketing, discovery, transaction process, and product and customer service processes. The scope of e-commerce is so vast that it can include interactive marketing, ordering, payment, and customer support processes at e-commerce catalog and auction...

Company Analysis

Harley Davidson Company’s Geographical Data on Profitability

There was a fall in sales due to the recession. They had to face an overall loss of about 21% of the total sales in the third quarter compared to the second quarter. They also had a loss of revenue of about 84%. Keith Wandell, Chief Executive Officer of Harley-Davidson,...

Company Information

Who Is the Sleeping Partner at U-Brand?

After two years, U-Brand was no longer successful. According to the case study, several malpractices at the company have affected its organizational culture. The first individual to sleep at the company was Siddiq. Zainab and Siddiq were not involved in the operations of the company. This mistake emerged when Siddiq’s...

Employee Management

Xron Corporation’s Employee Discrimination Issues

Discrimination in the recruitment process is the employer’s refusal to hire a specialist because it is subjectively negative for the employer. It may interfere with labor duties performance but does not apply to the applicant’s business qualities. The concern of discriminatory employment tests and selection procedures is reviewed in the...

Employee Management

Structured and Unstructured Interviews in Hiring

A structured interview is used in most cases; an interviewer is provided with a prepared list of all the questions for candidates. The topics asked are usually straightforward and unambiguous, requiring relatively short answers. For instance, HR might ask about the first job after graduation. A structured interview ensures that...

Case Studies

Variety Reduction and Its Examples

The variety reduction model is concentrated on special teams or groups. The whole procedure of the variety reduction process is done by recruiting a team of a few people to study the problem. A simple procedure is depicted below: In the above diagram standardization method is used in two kinds...


“Partnership” and “Adversarial” Relationship Characteristics

The contrast between partnership and adversarial relationship is described below from several views. When the economy scale is not considered an adversarial relationship, it is used. There might be a lower switching cost, or competitiveness is poor. But to gain economy of scale, the partnership is used. This helps to...


E-Purchasing Tools and Supply Positioning Model

The complete list of e-Purchasing tools includes e-auctions, electronic health record system, electronic resource planning, catalogs complex goods and services, content and catalog management, e-marketplace, tender, RFQ, e-invoicing and payment, procurement card. Supply chain positioning model: The diagram above shows the relationship between the organization’s vision and missions is transforming...


How Managing Benefit and Important to Organization

The success of an organization depends on the management of the organization. Several factors are affecting the management of an organization to be successful. Some of these are described below. A healthy environment depends on the manager. Employee satisfaction and work performance depend on it. A healthy environment increases outputs...

Employee Management

YT Ltd’s Functions for Improving Levels of Staff Retention

Improving the level of staff retention is one of the most important functions of YT’s business because failing to retain employees in the firm could increase its overheads, as employee replacement is a more costly affair compared to retaining existing ones. YT’s human resource function is responsible for realizing this...

Company Analysis

The Acquisition of the Sublicense by Nature’s Beverage

The acquisition of the sublicense by Nature’s Beverage to distribute Herbal T does not meet the definition of a business. The given case presents a business transaction between Coffee Co. and Nature’s Beverage to distribute Herbal T through an acquisition of the sublicense by the latter. A new definition of...


Canada’s Policies on Domestic Personal Protective Equipment

There are three possible ways to achieve higher productivity in comparison with free trade equilibrium in a small importing economy. The methods include imposing import tariffs, import quotas, and voluntary export restrictions (VERs).   As for the ranking, it is preferable to use import tariffs, then import quotas, and then VERs....

Employee Management

Motivation’ Explanation to Mid-Level Managers

I would state that managers implement their own management decisions, using in practice the basic principles of motivation. In OB theory, motivation is seen as the process of motivating, stimulating oneself or others (individual or group of people) to purposeful behavior or performing certain actions aimed at achieving their own...

Financial Management

How Numeric Firm’s Investment Process Work

The investment process of Numeric involves various strategies that aim at improving the firm’s performance. One of the methods entails the portfolio managers making buy, sell, sell-short, and buy-to-cover decisions. The process was introduced by Numeric’s traders or through the use of electronic trading services. For instance, some of these...

Risk Management

Which Investment Type Typically Carries the Least Risk?

Any investment transaction, whether it is a passive or an active exchange operation, carries elements of risk. The main proportion of investment theory is that potential return is inversely proportional to the level of risk. Explanation: The risk increases due to the lack of predictable fixed returns, but potential profits...

Product Marketing

What Is an Augmented Product? What Purpose Does It Serve?

It is important to note that there are three levels of a product, which are defined by its role or purpose and intrinsic characteristic value. These levels are categorized as core product, actual product, and augmented or modified product. Core product is an idea, actual product is the one on...


Macroeconomics as the Study of the World’s Economy

Macroeconomics is best described as the study of the world’s economy as it considers and analyzes large-scale financial relations, general process and patterns of economic behaviour. Macroeconomics also studies the mechanisms of activity and interdependence of countries, regions, and large non-state actors in the global economy. Explanation: The entire science...

Leadership Styles

Johnny the Bagger: Transformational Leadership

Johnny the Bagger believes in the transformational kind of leadership. In his three-minute video clip, we learn about how little things that are generally taken for granted can change people’s lives. In business, it is very crucial to create good relations with the customers. However, creating good relations with customers...


Why Might a Town Decide to Issue Bonds?

City bonds are usually called municipal bonds (or munis) and they are issued when a city government needs to finance new projects for public purposes such as schools, highways, or hospitals. Explanation: Before answering the question of why a city would issue bonds, it is necessary to answer the question...


Alternative Ways to Save for Retirement

If an employer at the job does not provide a retirement plan, it forces employees to search for other options to save for retirement. Luckily, an individual has various choices, such as setting a solo 401k plan or choosing one of the types of IRA programs, that are beneficial in...


What Is a Variable Costing Income Statement? What Is Its Purpose?

Variable costing income statement is an income statement, where contribution margin is represented separately. It is done by deducting fixed expenses and removing from the revenue with variable expenses appearing with corresponding contribution margins. Explanation: When withdrawing marginal profit, expenses are divided into fixed and variable categories. Variable expenses are...


What Cases Credit Unions Work On?

Credit unions are not-for-profit organizations that are owned by account holders, members, with the funds invested in the institutions being invested back or paid out to members as dividends. Such unions do not pay federal or state taxes, which allows them to charge lower rates on interests compared to banks...


List Four Factors of Production. Why Are They Important?

Four factors of production are labor, capital, land, and entrepreneurship. The importance of them is founded on their contribution to the production process, economic growth, and competitiveness. Explanation: Economics is an essential power that has been directing people throughout history. Humanity faced a plethora of hardships, crises, and obstacles that...


General Mills’ Corporate-Level Strategies

The creation and implementation of efficient management strategies are challenging issues for multi-business corporations. The effective corporate strategy takes into consideration multiple evaluations of the environment, the situation on the market, costs, and budgets, as well as the organization’s strengths, weaknesses, and knowledge. The value-based management successfully helps in addressing...


Prokesch’s Interview with J. Browne on Knowledge Management

In the article, Unleashing the power of learning: An interview with British Petroleum’s John Browne, the aspects of learning and knowledge management are highlighted as important in sustaining competitive advantage at BP. Basically, learning in an organization focuses on the individual learning context as a model for understanding organizational activities....


Evidence-Based Management Practice

Evidence-based management is the scientific management of the company through effective planning and excellent execution of strategies into measurable results through the use of past, present, and future trends to create actual results. Evidence-based management facilitates rational decision-making among the executive managers since they will be empowered to support their...

Organizational Management

Why Business and IT Alignment Needs to Be Sustained

According to Kotter, “business-IT alignment is a dynamic state in which a business organization is able to use information technology (IT) effectively to achieve business objectives.” The main reasons for achieving and sustaining business-IT alignment are to improve efficiency in production, improve finance use and cost sustainability, and guarantee high...


General Mills’ Strategic Choices and Implementation Controls

The strategy implementation is usually determined as a “sequence of carefully planned consecutive steps.” It is observed that strategies may fail because of unexpected environmental changes in the market or the “inefficient implementation.” The success of the strategy depends on the company’s internal factors to a large extent. The right...

Employee Management

Managerial Criteria for Employee Performance Standards

Many companies use the performance improvement cycle to encourage individuals to improve the quality of their performance and increase their commitment. In the first place, the mentioned cycle consists of multiple stages such as the development of the goals, controlling whether the actions of the employees meet perceived expectations of...

Company Analysis

The Future Internet Company’s Effectiveness

The factors/reasons that explain the effectiveness of the Future Internet include the following. To begin with, the company uses the goal attainment approach to effectiveness to enable each employee to attain his/ her targets. The employees are given clear, measurable, and time-bound goals to avoid misunderstandings. In this case, effectiveness...

Corporate Culture

The Model of Organizational Culture of Future Internet

Future Internet has a market-oriented organizational culture. This means that the company emphasizes the importance of achieving measurable results and overcoming competition. Future Internet’s market-oriented culture is reflected in its vision statement, which clearly indicates that the company’s strategic intent is to exceed the performance expectations of its stakeholders. In...


Mistakes Committed by the Managing Director of U-Brand

Basheer committed many mistakes as the company’s Managing Director (MD). In the beginning, Basheer felt successful because his designers were receiving positive feedback from different customers. The company was getting new contracts, thus making it successful. However, Basheer decided to buy luxury cars. He purchased a Rolls-Royce Phantom for himself....

Company Information

Was the Creation of the U-Brand a Good Idea?

The idea to create U-Brand was necessary. The UAE Media Industry was attracting more investors from different parts of the world. The minds behind the company understood the issues affecting the UAE Media industry. Basheer understood most of the opportunities and strengths that would make U-Brand a leading company in...

Employee Management

Four International Human Resource Management Orientations

Global orientation is the concept in which a corporation recruits internationally while assigning international tasks to the best-performing managers. Ethnocentric orientation entails following all aspects of HRM on the parent organization’s home country’s HRM practices. Regiocentric and polycentric orientations refer to the conditions in which HRM practices are different in...


Management. Circumstances of Conflicts in the Workplace

Nowadays, organizations tend to prioritize the importance of creating trust and support. Being a manager of the company not only implies communicating the mission to the customers but creating favorable conditions for developing a friendly atmosphere and trusting relationships with the employees. Overall, prioritizing friendliness has a positive impact on...

Leadership Styles

Leadership: Different Approaches and Theories

Within the scope of leadership, trait theory has had a significant place among theorists and practitioners. The crucial characteristic of this approach is the recognition that a leader’s traits cannot be gained by training and learning, unlike other theories assume. True leaders are to possess specific features from their birth....


Five E-Purchasing Tools Within Purchasing Processes

This question focuses on the next step of mapping, which means- analyzing the customer’s experience. By doing so, it can obtain an interview of customers by the appreciation through which steps of consumption chain can be unfolded. It is very much important for the company as the customers always interact...

Company Analysis

The Future Internet Company’s External Environment

The key elements of the external business environment that affects the performance of Future Internet and the behavior of its employees include the following. First, the performance of the company is influenced by technological changes in its industry. Access to advanced internet technology is a key determinant of the quality...

Strategic Management

Performance Indicators in European Hotels in Practice

As a manager, I need to work on developing the leadership approach, which will eventually lead the company that I am going to be a part of to the sustainable use of the existing resources. Therefore, the article by Harris and Mongiello has served as a boost for my professional...

Employee Management

Monitoring & Evaluating Employee Performance

Every organization monitors the performance of its employees and ensures their compliance with the corporate goals and objectives. The evaluation process involves several stages such as assessment, which can take place weekly and monthly for individuals and quarterly for teams. During this stage, the assessment can be comparative, and KPIs...

Risk Management

Risk Management Techniques in Real Estate

Introduction Risk management is a critical component of real estate financial risk management and property investment strategy. By understanding and implementing the right risk management techniques, investors can protect their portfolios from potential losses while still achieving their desired returns. This essay explores several different risk management techniques used in...

Risk Management

Risk Management Plan for a Property Management Company

Failing net rent is when the tenant fails in their responsibility to pay the net leases. Net rent refers to the agreed amount of money a tenant would pay in a net lease at the start of the period. This means that they would pay the leaser the set upon...

Organizational Management

Organizational Theory and Organizational Development

Organizational Theory (OT) Organizational theory is an extension of an organization which is defined as a constituted social system comprising of either individuals or groups working together to achieve certain stipulated or agreed on goals; in the same context organizational theory is be defined as a study of either a...

Company Information

Innovation: Definition by Teleflex

In line with the information presented by Daft and Armstrong, it may be concluded that the key definition of innovation at Teleflex is the ability to regain and maintain a strong reputation in the marketplace. Even though the company does not seem to always come with overkill initiatives, their systems...

Company Analysis

Teleflex’s Corporate Success Factors

According to Daft and Armstrong, there are several organizational factors that have to be considered when discussing Teleflex’s market successes. One of the essential contributors to the company’s image was the presence of a loyal workforce that never gave up on the management and ensured that problem-solving and invention are...


The Importance of the Financial Ratios

Financial ratios help businesses to identify various issues, which affect their operations and clarify various financial matters through statements. By evaluating an organization’s financial ratios, a firm can identify its strengths and weaknesses, which impact its performance. The strengths and weaknesses are revealed by analyzing a company’s debt position, profitability,...


The Nature and Rationale for Government Intervention

The role and form of government intervention in international business are subjective because different countries operate their economies successfully with varying levels of government involvement in business affairs. For example, in America and many western countries, government involvement in business is kept at a minimum because of the belief in...

Company Analysis

Late or Early Entry into Foreign Market for MNE?

Some multinational organisations prefer to enter foreign markets late than early. The decision regarding which strategy to choose draws attention to the need to understand first-mover and second-mover advantages in developing international market entry strategies. This discussion provides a case for early and late entry market strategies as described below....

Company Analysis

Nordstrom Firm’s Measuring Web-based Inventory Integration

In order to evaluate the effectiveness of Nordstrom’s Web-based inventory integration system, the company can undertake several steps. One of the strategies to utilize is benchmarking, which will help in identifying the success of the use of its inventory integration approachs. The company can compare its current sales and the...


Nordstrom Firm’s Growth Strategies

The use of software to forecast demand has become common, but Nordstrom’s strategy to plan discounts for diverse items is winning. Facilitating software decision-making can improve the organization’s performance in diverse ways. The focus on the most effective discounts can become a considerable competitive advantage as companies often have to...


When Is Monetary Union Desirable?

According to Optimal Currency Area Theory, a range of criteria exists intended to determine the conditions under which monetary union is desirable and highly likely to have a positive effect. The theory was established by Canadian economist Robert Mundell, who published his reflections in this regard in 1961. He proposed...

Employee Relationships

A New Employee’s Relationships and Source of Power

Power is an essential element in the workplace, mainly because it fosters the control of processes and activities based on the critical objective. As an employee, it is necessary, to begin with building strong relationships and networks in an organization. It is important to establish a firm association with the...


MMB Plc’s Issues and Financial Information

The five main issues regarding the interpretation of financial data by MMB Plc include legislative framework, historical data, type of profit, costing technique, and industry performance. To know the type of profit highlighted in the financial statement, it is important for the company to provide its profit and loss statement...


BWL Plc’s Credit Rating Upgrade and Implications

A firm’s credit rating is an important determinant of how it will relate to its creditors, lenders, and other third parties that support the business. BWL plc has received a credit rating upgrade meaning that it can leverage this position to improve its overall relationship with its partners. One significant...


RRB Plc’s Challenges in Maintaining Its Future Profitability

The highly competitive nature of the insurance business has forced companies to look for new ways of maintaining their profitability. Developing an accurate pricing strategy is one challenge that could affect the future profitability of RRB plc’s profitability. Particularly, the company’s revenues could be affected if it has difficulties developing...


JN Plc’s Income Statement and Its Negative Features

Many people often find it difficult to use financial information documented in a company’s income statement unless they understand how to interpret the data on it. Relative to this statement, three negative features may emerge from the interpretation of JN plc’s income statement, and the first one is that the...


JN Plc’s Income Statement Features and Recommended Actions

A lack of change in JN plc’s income can be addressed by reallocating the firm’s resources to its marketing and sales divisions to expand the outreach that the business has on the market. Doing so will increase income revenue streams for the business by expanding the volume of sales made...


The Global Economy Since the Seventeenth Century

The development of the global economy since the seventeenth century has passed several stages. It includes the growth of international trade, the emergence of the capitalist system, and the split of the economy into socialism and capitalism. The relation of the global economy to political and social struggles is manifested...

Company Structure

Organisational Disciplinary and Grievance Procedures

Disciplinary and grievance procedures have a vital impact on the quality of interactions and organizational structure of the company. Overall, they supply the firm with a set of rules to be followed, and their existence assists in minimizing the presence of various conflicts. In this case, it could be said...

Employee Management

Composing a Training & Development Plan for a Team

Managerial responsibilities encompass the development of human capital, which includes training (job-related skill and knowledge building), personal and professional development (for example, attending conferences and workshops related to the profession), and education (the learning that is aimed at enabling the employee to perform more complex tasks). In the discussed case,...

Employee Management

Managing the Underperformance of an Employee

The underperformance of an employee is an issue that a manager is supposed to resolve; Kettner describes a corrective action process that can be used for it. In particular, I will need to prepare for the “we’ve got a problem” interview by gathering information about the situation. Here, the factual...


The Causes of Conflict and Strategies to Minimize It

In spite of having a well-developed corporate culture and recognition of the employees’ rights, conflicts still tend to arise. I’m sure a clash of interests concerning personal beliefs and opinions is one of the causes. To resolve this interpersonal conflict, I can have a direct conversation with the opposing parties...

Employee Management

Indicators of Poor Performance in Employees

Despite the active use of various improvement systems, poor performance should not be overlooked in the operation and evaluation, and it is necessary to design criteria that can be used to indicate the employees’ inability to meet organizational goals and objectives. Three methods of identifying poor performance can be discussed:...

Managerial Duties

Manager Implementing Disciplinary and Grievance Procedures

To ensure effective decision-making in the case of grievance and disciplinary procedures, one cannot underestimate the significance of a manager. In the first place, the manager has to ensure that the actions and employees comply with the company’s Code of Conduct and legislation. Alternatively, in the case of grievance, the...


Four Main Steps in the Control Process in Calls Management

The control process is crucial for any company because it helps to stay confident that certain progress towards their goals is observed. Control includes appropriate planning, organizing, and leading. There are also four important stages that cannot be neglected including the establishment of the standards, the measurement of actual performance,...

Financial Management

Management: Woolworth Group’s Annual Report 2016

To understand the working principles of the cash flows and their significance, it is vital to refer to the managerial discussion and explanation of this financial statement. In the first place, one of the major aspects is increasing the investment of “$45 million into the meat category.” This matter is...


Cash Flows as the Most Important Statement

There are several reasons that depict that the cash flow statement is highly important for the investors and company, as it is “a crucial factor that enhances its operations.” In the first place, it offers detailed information about cash inflows and outflows. For example, the section on operating activities reflects...


Organizations’ Issues Regarding Corporate Responsibility

Organizations are faced with a number of themes and issues, which they need to be compliant with for survival and augmented profitability. The themes and issues majorly surround corporate social responsibility (CSR) and globalization. Environmental conservation as a CSR Environmental conservation as a corporate responsibility has influenced organizations for quite...

Leadership Styles

How Leadership Styles Could Be Adopted to Influence Others

An organization can influence leaders to adopt different leadership styles. Some of the common leadership styles include autocratic, bureaucratic, charismatic, consultative/inclusive/participative, laissez-faire, and transactional leadership styles. The directive leadership style gives the leaders absolute power over the followers where the follower’s impacts in decision-making are absent or minimal. Therefore, decisions...

Managerial Duties

How Managers Establish a Culture of Professionalism

Professionalism, mutual, trust, respect, and support among employees/followers are some of the key factors that affect progress in organizations. The lack of professionalism, mutual trust, respect, and support in a team will create disappointments, ineffective communication and lack of sharing information, battles over rights, and lack of corporation. Therefore, as...


Why Accountants Must Conduct Risk Assessments

It is important for the accountant to understand risk and conduct risk assessments since the accounting field is often dynamic and multifaceted. Specifically, it is essential to understand the risk in order to have a clear knowledge of the effective evaluation of the internal and external control systems to prevent...


Gross Domestic Product as Measure of Economic Health

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is a key government statistic, which measures the total economic activity of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) as a country. It refers to the sum of all products and services the country produces within a single financial year. An increase in GDP indicates significant improvements in...


Tools of Economic Statecraft Useful for the UAE

I believe that the best tool for the UAE is economic diversification because of various reasons. Firstly, despite making significant steps towards a diversified economy, the UAE has used a largely conservative approach in the past two years. As a result, the nation has not seen the best diversification yet....


Key Performance Indicators in European Hotel Properties

The ideas that Harris and Mongiello are trying to get across in their article are rather adequate and provide a lot of food for thought. Indeed, in the realm of the global economy, it is essential to take a variety of factors apart from the financial ones into account when...

Financial Management

Personal Financial Planning Process in Five Steps

Data gathering This involves collecting information on your tax returns, income statements, balance sheets, retirement plan documents, insurance policies, bank statements, trusts, wills, and investment policies. During data gathering, your planner will also want to obtain subjective information from you, such as our lifestyle goals, your desired age of retirement,...


International Firms, Mercantilism and Industrial Capitalism

The concept of an international firm has evolved considerably in the course of history. For instance, one can speak about the era of mercantilism that spanned from the sixteenth to the eighteenth century. In this case, much attention should be paid to the role played by chartered trading companies. In...


How International Trade Views Explain the Leontief Paradox

Leontief’s paradox can be explained by the skills-based approach. In particular, in the early fifties, the United States exported labour-intensive goods because the productivity of American workers could be much higher than in other regions of the world, even in Europe. Therefore, American labour-intensive products were more competitive in terms...

Case Studies

Multinational Enterprises in Terms of Geographical Scope

In terms of geographical scope, multinational enterprises can be divided into three major groups in particular, local, regional, and global businesses. It should be noted that this classification is based on the premise that enterprises can focus on different markets that are critical for their sustainability. For instance, local multinational...

Company Analysis

Why eBay Compensates Employees With Stock Options

Stock option plan has become a very important aspect of many organizations, especially in the 21st century, where businesses are faced with numerous challenges in coping with difficult economic situations, which minimizes the company’s ability to meet its short-term financial obligations. eBay, therefore, decided to come up with a unique...

Financial Management

Nick Scali Limited Company’s Dividend Policy

The selected company is Nick Scali Limited (NCK), have an active dividend policy before 2011 as its management regularly paid semi-annual dividends to ordinary shareholders. Table 1 indicates dividends paid by the company in the last five years. 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Dividend Per Share 0.23 0.34 0.40 0.45...

Company Structure

Nick Scali Limited Company’s Capital Structure

The capital structure of Nick Scali Limited (NCL) is a mix of debt and equity. It implies that the company used both debt and equity to finance its business activities. Table 1 provides values of three key ratios related to the capital structure of Nick Scali Limited. 2015 2016 2017...


Michael Page Company’s Management & Organisational Culture

The company’s leadership and management at the time of the case focus mostly on functional areas of HR, such as training, development, and performance appraisals. All new employees of the company receive training from their superiors, and, over time, they have an opportunity to move to leadership positions if their...

Company Analysis

Michael Page Company’s Psychological Contract & Motivation

Motivation is a major concern for Michel Page because its consultants have significant autonomy. In order to perform their duties efficiently and without supervision, they need to have high levels of motivation, which would make them more organised and committed to the organisation. The motivation strategy applied in Michael Page...

Company Analysis

The Michael Page Company’s External Environment

Table 1 presents an overview of macroenvironmental factors that affect the company now that were obtained through PESTLE analysis. The most important factor in the external environment that Michael Page needs to take into account at the time of the case is diversity. Over the past decades, various human rights...


The Michael Page Company’s Human Resource Strategy

The HR strategy of Michael Page has some significant gaps that should be addressed. First of all, the company does not have an HR department, and the functions of human resource management are performed on the local level by Country Directors and various departments, including legal and training. This is...

Case Studies

Absolute Advantage and Comparative Advantage Trade Theories

Absolute advantage and comparative advantage trade theories help countries make decisions concerning the production of goods, imports and exports, specialization, and resource allocation. Absolute advantage shows which country can produce a given good more effectively, ceteris paribus. In turn, comparative advantage indicates the country’s ability to produce a given good...


How Regional Trading Groups Influence Organizations

The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) refers to a trade agreement between the U.S. and the European Union. It aims at promoting trade and international economic growth, strengthening the relationship between the U.S. and the EU, and increase jobs. However, the negotiations on the TTIP have entered a complicated...

Financial Management

Numeric Company’s Capacity to Manage Money

Numeric can focus on its capacity during its various procedures that involve the use of funds. Resource management can be exercised by analyzing the expenses of the firm and the output. For instance, the stock can be used as one factor that can be analyzed to guarantee that funds are...

Company Analysis

Stocks Included in the Various Funds of Numeric

Every organization is encouraged to monitor various aspects that can determine its productivity. For instance, analyzing the firm’s stocks allows companies to learn about the sales trends and production levels. In this case, the exhibit is vital to the Numeric firm since it can be analyzed to determine the characteristics...


Total Fertility Rate and Gross National Income

The distribution of total fertility rate and gross national income in both countries with the highest TFR and lowest TFR appear to have a negative relationship. The scatter plot and trend line confirm that the total fertility rate and gross national income per capita have a significant negative relationship in...

Employee Management

Why Should a Leader Be Concerned About Employee Engagement?

Employee engagement is a central factor affecting the results of any organization. High engagement levels mean that a person is more motivated to work hard and is ready to put more effort, hoping to help the firm to evolve and acquire benefits. For this reason, any leader should be concerned...

Case Studies

A Joint Venture: Advantages and Disadvantages

There are advantages and disadvantages of joint venture partnerships. However, we will highlight the benefits and challenges using three focal points, which include multinational organizations, joint businesses, and the host nation. To the multinational firm, a joint venture incorporates nearby wellsprings of capital, access to neighborhood financing, comprehension of the...


Flexible Budget: Is It Always Better Than Static One?

A flexible budget refers to a summary of intended expenditures along with proposals for meeting them. It allows room for changes to be made depending on the amount of work done. Flexible budgets are very effective compared to static budgets, which maintain the same monetary allocation regardless of whether the...


Financial Risks in Terms of Liquidity, Credit, Currency

Financial risk is the existence of a probability of losing money by shareholders who invest in a corporation that does not have adequate cash flows to finance all its obligations. In a case in which a corporation relies on debt financing when the company becomes insolvent, the creditors will be...


Interest Rate and Its Impact on Borrowers

An interest rate, usually expressed as a percentage, is an amount charged to the borrower on the principal by the lender for the usage of the lender’s assets. The rates are usually computed annually, bringing the term annual percentage rate (APR). The assets could be large assets like a building,...


Importance of Manufacturing Overhead Cost Allocation

Manufacturing overheads are the indirect cost of production. Examples of these costs are depreciation of plant and machinery, electricity bills, and purchase of factory equipment, among others. It is difficult to trace the production overheads to the units of output produced. However, it is important that they be allocated to...


Elements of Finance and Examples

Financial statements are built on ten key elements. They form the classes that exist in the financial statements. They are used in measuring the performance of an organization and reporting its financial position. The components include comprehensive income, loss, gain, expenditure, revenue, proprietors’ distribution, proprietor’s investment, equity, liability, and asset....